Sentences with phrase «effective global movement»

About Blog Highly effective global movement of pastors and leaders dedicated to training men toward their roles as servant - leaders in their families, church, and culture.
About Blog Highly effective global movement of pastors and leaders dedicated to training men toward their roles as servant - leaders in their families, church, and culture.
About Blog Highly effective global movement of pastors and leaders dedicated to training men toward their roles as servant - leaders in their families, church, and culture.

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He contends, first, that liberation theology should free its social analysis from a preoccupation with global «dependent capitalism» and move toward more specific analyses of land reform and of other pressing needs which would help popular Christian movements be «more politically effective at a national level.»
It is a campaign to bring coherence to the global movement by fostering a shared vision, an effective strategy, and a «politics of trust» that seeks to balance unity and pluralism on the road to our common future.
This results in much EEF research into effective approaches to learning being ignored by our government because it does not conform to the ideology of the Global Education Reform movement (GERM) that is the source of the degradation of your school system that Nancy writes about.
EA Global is all about effective altruism, the movement upon which Animal Charity Evaluators was originally founded.
Role: With its aggressive muckraking style and demonstrably lower standards for accuracy and fact - checking, the British press has become one of the most effective conduits for the global - warming denying movement.
These three in particular provide a balance and maturity in public discussion that puts many players in the global warming movement to shame, and as a consequence their out - reach to the scientifically - inclined general public is highly effective.
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