Sentences with phrase «effective instrument»

Such groups can be highly effective instruments for stimulating and coordinating community mental health activities.
He stated that it was the largest and most effective instrument of charitable giving in existence.
In terms of tax saving, insurance plans are one of the most effective instruments.
For general use, the most cost effective instruments are our handheld units.
With reforms in the insurance sector, term insurance plans have become a very cost - effective instrument of getting large insurance coverage.
We think so, but we need convincing to believe that simply going to a labour based approach as proposed in the Jenkins report, along with decreasing the refundable portion of the credit over time are all that is needed to free up the monies and make the SR&ED incentives a truly effective instrument.
But SAPs have proved an extremely effective instrument in accomplishing the basic purpose of the Washington consensus — movement toward a single global market.
I'd rather have a sharp effective instrument that can be incisive when it counts than a blunt instrument that can't hit a barn door!
What all this means is that there is not a single effective instrument for containing manmade global warming anywhere on earth.
Most people agree that leniency is a very effective instrument to uncover cartels.
They seem to be the most outspoken, however, perhaps because they command more effective instruments of communication and control numerous colleges and universities in this country and elsewhere.
Most economists consider a carbon tax a more effective instrument for reducing greenhouse gas emissions than the other major policy alternative, a cap - and - trade system that would require plant - by - plant emission measurements and could prompt companies to cheat.
«I am honored to assume the role of secretary for a governor who is deeply committed to making schools more effective instruments of building equity, excellence, and opportunity for all students in the Commonwealth,» Reville said.
Both sides share the conviction of American churchmen and politicians that the mass media are their most effective instruments for control, for «winning minds and hearts.»
This would lead to an historic compromise involving the state (not only as is often presented in caricature style as a gang of technocrats and stupid autocratic bureaucrats) but as an effective instrument to implement a transparent and democratic social contract.
Simplicity is the effective instrument of its power.
It is an effective instrument only in the hands of a well - trained group therapist.
It can account for, and indeed deepen, the thinking of traditionalist and liberal alike, and can also be an effective instrument of translating between their different interpretations of their experience of reality.
In addition there are countless others who continue to preach not because they regard it as an effective instrument of the church, but because of the combined force of professional momentum and congregational demand.
It is brutally frank assessment of the deplorable conditions in the Indian Church and the urgent, indispensable need for it to re-orient itself to the challenges of the day if it is to continue to be an effective instrument for individual liberation and the ushering in of a happier tomorrow and a better society.
I wonder whether the church as an institution will survive in our day as an effective instrument of God.
It has become an effective instrument of Homosexualism, the ideology that developed during the civil rights struggles of Gay Liberation in the «60's.
The local associations appeared to exert the greatest power and threat to congregational autonomy, so the Baptists gradually nullified the power of these groups, and thereby eliminated the most effective instrument for balancing the powers of the state and national conventions in their relations with the congregations.
Word was viewed as a creative and effective instrument of God's will.
The treaty language must be adapted, Moodie said, if it is to remain «an effective instrument in a world that has evolved.»
Modest, cost - effective instruments can be shared to serve a variety of multidisciplinary purposes.
In his essay Fassbinder noted: «After Douglas Sirk's film, love seems to me even more to be the best, most sneaky and effective instrument of social oppression.»
I was reminded of Fassbinder's statement about love after watching Douglas Sirk's films for the first time: that «love seems to me even more to be the best, most sneaky and effective instrument of social oppression.»
The claim that universal cultural literacy would have the effect of preserving the political and social status quo is paradoxical because in fact the traditional forms of literate culture are precisely the most effective instruments for political and social change.
Vouchers would make «merit pay» an effective instrument for improving the quality of schooling — without requiring either special legislation or additional funds.
ELSS serves as one of the best options for your goal of wealth creation and also acts as an effective instrument for tax saving.
Because funds are available across a broad range of asset classes, they may be an effective instrument to use in implementing an asset allocation strategy.
The life annuity is indeed an effective instrument for distributing retirement assets to produce lifetime income; it functions generally somewhat better than the withdrawal rules in widespread use.
Sailing the untainted waters of Raja Ampat for more than 20 years, this liveaboard proved itself to be an effective instrument in allowing divers from all over the world to experience an astonishing underwater exploration.
Fear of the unknown is an effective instrument when it comes to creating a good horror experience, however in Little Nightmares case it's the complete opposite which is in fact a scarier tool.
And the only way to achieve it without putting an «undue burden» on businesses and consumers and to ensure long - term acceptance of the transition is to prioritize «technology - neutral, market - oriented, and cost - effective instruments
First, one factor has surely been increased pollution control costs, which have led to greater demand for cost - effective instruments.
Broad - based charges on greenhouse gases, such as a carbon tax, are the most effective instruments for encouraging cleaner fuels and less energy use.
Among the most cost ‐ effective instruments have been building codes and labels, appliance standards and labels, supplier obligations, public procurement and leadership programs.
Ministers need to ensure that the Review will be effective, and limiting the scope will help it get off the ground as an effective instrument.
The difference is obvious: the IPCC has declared CO2 emissions trading to be an effective instrument that makes subsidies for renewable energy unnecessary.
Side on that, we desperately need Anti — corruption law with prosecution authority given to Anti-corruption commission or special anticorruption prosecutors and special criminal and civil code / law as an effective instrument to recover stolen assets from political criminals.
These plans are effective instruments that help you to get desirable objectives.
If you need a job using social media is a must as it is an effective instrument of both creating your professional image and discovering new opportunities.
Hence, a bank executive resume objective should be so constructed that it serves as an effective instrument for the candidate while fetching a job on this field.
• Deeply committed to become an effective instrument in providing better health care services through a position of a Nursing Intern at Parkview Medical Center.
Hence, a bank executive resume objective should be so constructed that it serves as an effective instrument for the candidate while fetching -LSB-...]
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