Sentences with phrase «effective lawyers within»

Our efforts have earned us a reputation as reliable and effective lawyers within our community.

Not exact matches is an online rich people dating site, the most effective platform for you to find rich guys within minutes, including millionaires, CEOs, doctors, lawyers and other well - educated elite singles.
The inclusion of a number of almost ridiculous coincidences within the storyline (ie Dwight's ex-wife is Ethan's daughter's teacher, Ethan eventually hires Dwight as his lawyer, etc) certainly doesn't help matters, although it does remain fairly easy to overlook such concerns thanks to the uniformly effective performances (Phoenix is especially good here).
The most effective systems should eliminate the need to use IT specialists to automate legal templates by allowing lawyers to automate their own forms directly within Microsoft Word.
For the smaller firms in which 90 per cent of Canadian lawyers practise, there is a propensity to accumulate capital within their own private corporation, which is generally good planning, but they often ignore RRSPs as an effective additional tool.
Effective representation requires respect within the legal community, within the insurance industry and their lawyers, and the judges whom we deal with on a daily basis.
Counsel not admitted to the practice of law in this jurisdiction but admitted in any other U.S. jurisdiction or foreign jurisdiction, who is employed as a lawyer in Wisconsin on a continuing basis and employed exclusively by a corporation, association, or other nongovernmental entity, the business of which is lawful and consists of activities other than the practice of law or the provision of legal services, shall register as in - house counsel within 60 days after the commencement of employment as a lawyer or if currently so employed then within 90 days of the effective date of this rule, by submitting to the Board of Bar Examiners the following:
Hayes thinks it's difficult for lawyers to tell clients that they provide cost - effective representation when they do so within opulent offices.
In an effective merger, bringing all of the lawyers together under one roof, or at least within one city, is preferable.
Lawyers can advocate within the legal realm, and then be just as effective in advocating on the web.
While conceding in - house lawyers are not always popular within the media industry, Hannigan says effective communication has always been key to his success.
NTRBs may not be able to develop effective regional strategies within their areas because many native title claims are being handled by private lawyers.
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