Sentences with phrase «effective method at»

Networking was the most effective method at 34 % and applying online was second with a 26 % success rate.
Some technologies have come out with the promise of providing a cost effective method at switching these out, but none has been very successful.
Purchasing only all organic, chemical free products is another way that we can go green, and is considered a very effective method at trying to save our environment and all of its resources making it healthier.
The UK public should object to Trump's divisiveness and they should challenge his vulgarism, but they should do so through the most effective methods at our disposal.

Not exact matches

When customers are paying for goods at the cash register, ask how they heard about your business and keep track of what seems to be the most effective method for promoting the company.
This new method «should surface trending topics quicker, be more effective at capturing a broader range of news and events from around the world and also help ensure that trending topics reflect real world events being covered by multiple news outlets,» Cathcart wrote.
«At the most basic level, this pipeline increases prices realized by Canadian producers, allows more crude to flow by pipeline out of Western Canada, and consequently lowers the amount of crude by rail which is a much less cost - effective and more polluting method of transport,» he said.
The most effective forms of contraception, ranked by «Perfect use»: --(Abstinence, 0 % failure rate)--(Masturbation, mono or mutual, 0 % failure rate) Followed by: One - month injectable and Implant (both at 0.05 percent) Vasectomy and IUD (Mirena)(both at 0.1 percent) The Pill, Three - month injectable, and the Patch (all at 0.3 percent) Tubal sterilization (at 0.5 percent) IUD (Copper - T)(0.6 percent) Periodic abstinence (Post-ovulation)(1.0 percent) Periodic abstinence (Symptothermal) and Male condom (both at 2.0 percent) Periodic abstinence (Ovulation method)(3.0 percent)
The method has proved effective at times, though it can also show, in hindsight, how much cultural perceptions have changed.
We as a nation might (at least in principle) face dwindling common resources by creating rational and fair modes of common control, of mutual sharing and of gradually effective methods of redistribution — or we can react to the same trend by trying to commandeer those scant resources, by fighting with our rivals and by imposing an authoritarian discipline.
As far back at l978 a study by the Institute for American Church Growth indicated that mass evangelism is not an effective method of increasing church membership.
Look at the methods that have been solidly proven to work in a very effective manner, and then ask yourself why this should work this way without any regards to moral values of anyone involved.
From this standpoint it is at once apparent that, to unify the living forces of humanity, at present so painfully at odds, the direct and effective method is simply to sound the call - to - arms and form a solid block of all those, whether of the right or the left, who believe that the principal business of present - day Mankind is to achieve a breakthrough straight ahead by forcing its way over the threshold of some higher level of consciousness.
While we have our own personal recommendation (namely, Quick Steaming) here are some additional options that you may want to consider: Boiling: In several studies looking at the bioavailability of beta - carotene from sweet potatoes, boiling has been shown to be an effective cooking method.
The owner of a small family business that grows and wholesales 100 per cent certified organic fruit and vegetables agrees prepacking her products is the only effective and viable method available at the moment.
A more effective method of growing coffee, used in Brazil, is to raise seedlings in nurseries that are then planted outside at six to twelve months.
Both methods are far more effective than just soaking and sprouting at deactivating antinutrients and improving digestibility.
Once again, a safe and effective way to know what Team Totals should look like is the same method recommended for runlines; Look at the Team Totals in other games and they should look similar in this one.
My mission is to help you rely on your core values while at the same time learning effective methods of parenting so you can really learn to love and experience the joy of parenting.
This method suppresses ovulation, and with perfect use (meaning you return to your caregiver at the right time for shots) it's more than 99 percent effective in women who aren't breastfeeding.
Various studies support regularly spaced intervals of pump stimulation as a very effective method in increasing milk supply, particularly in the cases of women with premature infants who may not be able to feed at the same rates as a full term infant.
If you're OK with breastfeeding your daughter at the doctor's office (to fulfill the sucking recommendation), this alone can be an effective method of distracting your baby and calming her down.
This book will walk you through a one - time effective method which is less costly at the same time effective.
They must be soaked for at least an hour for this method to be effective.
Robert Larzelere, associate professor of human development and family science at Oklahoma State University, conducted a meta - analysis of 26 studies on the subject, and found that, overall, spanking seemed more effective than 10 of 13 alternative disciplinary methods for getting a child to behave or do as asked.
This method is virtually 100 % effective, which is why it is the protocol we use at our Virginia fertility center.
With this method, you'll need to abstain or use condoms for at least the first seven days because the ring won't be effective immediately.
Parents today need new methods that are both respectful and effective at correcting children's misbehaviour.
Not only would the new method, tested only in mice, be more convenient but also more effective than the flu shot or nasal spray, according to a study at the International Vaccine Institute in Seoul.
Different methods of breastmilk expression may vary in effectiveness; therefore, the woman should be advised that LAM may be less effective if expression takes the place of the baby at the breast.
While online petitions can at times be an effective means of gathering support for some issues, Mass Audubon's experience is that emailing and calling legislators and the Governor's office is a more personal, timely, and direct method of requesting action.
An in - depth look at treatment for positional plagiocephaly, brachycepahly, and scaphocephaly When is treatment most effective The effectiveness of treatment methods for flat head syndromes such as plagiocephaly, brachycephaly and scaphocephaly vary based on the age of the baby and the severity of the deformity.
These methods work by blocking sperm from reaching the egg, and, should you ovulate, are effective at preventing pregnancy and most importantly, they cause no change in your ability to breastfeed your baby.
I would like to find out from you if the method will be effective with such a fussy baby, I can't even imagine how we can put him down in his cot awake at night and expect him to calm himself without rocking him.
Fortunately, the sun bleaching method is very effective at removing milk stains.
All contributions by corporations to any political committee or for any political purpose should be forbidden by law; directors should not be permitted to use stockholders» money for such purposes; and, moreover, a prohibition of this kind would be, as far as it went, an effective method of stopping the evils aimed at in corrupt practices acts.
Also at 6 p.m., IDC Leader Jeff Klein, Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz and City Councilman Andrew Cohen sponsor a special city Department of Health workshop that offers safe and effective methods for rat prevention, Van Cortlandt Jewish Senior Center, 3880 Sedgwick Ave., Bronx.
Also at 6 p.m., NYC Councilman Corey Johnson and the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene host a «Rat Academy» training to teach New Yorkers about safe and effective methods for rat prevention, LGBT Community Center, 208 West 13th St., Manhattan.
For shooting themselves in the collective foot, Albany's leaders could not have chosen a more effective method than their failure Wednesday night to extend Mayor Bill de Blasio's control over New York City schools for at least another year.
The idea of a sieve for sorting numbers dates back at least 2,200 years to the Greek mathematician Eratosthenes, who developed a simple but effective method for picking out primes: Start, for example, with a list of numbers from 1 to 100.
«Here we have indications, at least for some types of autism risk, that a dietary carnitine prevention method might be effective,» Xie said.
Scientists at Freie Universität Berlin and the University of Strasbourg (France) have developed a new method for studying the function of ribonucleic acid (RNA) that provides more detailed results, is more cost - effective, as well as easier to work with than previous methods.
As director of the Center for Invasive Species Research at the University of California, Riverside, he has overseen some of the most effective methods ever documented for suppressing invasive pests with their natural enemies.
«This recombinant method has a good shot at making HSA more abundantly and more safely than human plasma, and it will at least have a shot at being as cost - effective,» says William Velander, an expert in genetically engineered therapeutics at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln.
No - till systems simultaneously reduce the erosive force of runoff and increase the ability of the ground to hold onto soil, making these methods remarkably effective at curbing erosion.
And no reliable methods exist to detect the cancer at early stages, when treatments are most effective.
The same method can be used to determine what kind of probiotic skin wash might be most effective at bolstering the frog's defenses without actually exposing the frog to disease, according to a journal article published today in the journal PLOS ONE.
«There is simply no cost - effective way of removing radioactive iodine from water, but current methods of letting the ocean or rivers dilute the dangerous contaminant are just too risky,» said Chenfeng Ke, assistant professor in the Department of Chemistry at Dartmouth College.
The method must now be tested on larger animals before it can be tried in humans, but the hope is that tissue - engineered repairs for congenital diaphragm malformations will be at least as effective as current surgical options with the added benefit of growing with children throughout their lives.
New research from the University of Alabama at Birmingham examined the prevalence of high - risk HPV in Nepal, and finds that one method of screening for it can be effective.
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