Sentences with phrase «effective participation of»

Further, the report identifies four aspects towards ensuring the effective participation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples:
In the following section I discuss how the system can be reformed to strengthen the effective participation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Design, negotiation, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation — whereby frameworks for engagement should allow for the full and effective participation of indigenous peoples in the design, negotiation, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and assessment of outcomes; and where indigenous peoples and communities should be invited to participate in identifying and prioritizing objectives, as well as in establishing targets and benchmarks (in the short and long term).
For negotiations by the Government with Aboriginal communities regarding the administration and resourcing of community justice mechanisms and the effective participation of Aboriginal people in justice mechanisms.
That governments and churches ensure the effective participation of stolen generations members in all decision making that affects them.
Promote the meaningful and effective participation of young people in recognition of their status as a majority in our communities and to ensure long - term succession planning;
that the Commonwealth Government increase its funding of NTRBs so they have the capacity to conduct their functions addressing the recognition and protection of native title, the effective participation of traditional owners in decisions affecting them, and the efficient and effective operation of the native title system.
Action 8: Ensure the effective participation of Indigenous peoples in all aspects of the intervention — Developing Community Partnership Agreements
One way of ensuring that development is at the forefront of the native title process is through the effective participation of Indigenous people in the formulation of native title policy.
Promoting full and effective participation of indigenous peoples in decisions which directly or indirectly affect their lifestyles, traditional lands and territories, their cultural integrity as indigenous peoples with collective rights or any other aspect of their lives, considering the principle of free, prior and informed consent;
Applying these rights Indigenous peoples are entitled to development that is non-discriminatory in its impact and in its distribution of benefits; involves the effective participation of Indigenous peoples in defining its objectives and the methods used to achieve these objectives; facilitates the enjoyment of Indigenous peoples» cultural identity, and respects the economic, social and political systems through which Indigenous decision - making occurs.
In particular, General Comment 23 states, at paragraph 7: «The enjoyment of [cultural] rights may require positive legal measures of protection and measures to ensure the effective participation of members of minority communities in decisions which affect them».
In its General Comment on article 27 of the ICCPR, the Human Rights Committee stated «With regard to the exercise of the cultural rights protected under article 27... The enjoyment of those rights may require positive legal measures of protection and measures to ensure the effective participation of members of minority communities in decisions which affect them», General Comment 23 The rights of minorities, 8 April 1994, para 7.
Development that involves the effective participation of Indigenous people in defining its objectives and the methods used to achieve these objectives,
One way of ensuring that development is at the forefront of the native title agreement is through the effective participation of Indigenous people in the formulation of native title policy.
UN Doc CERD / C / 54 / Misc.40 / Rev. 2; Concluding Observations by the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination: Australia, 19 April 2000, UN Doc CERD / C / 304 / Add.101]; The Human Rights Committee also criticised the NTA for limiting the effective participation of Indigenous people»... in all matters affecting land ownership and use, and affect [ing] their interests in native title lands, particularly pastoral lands.»
Effective participation of Indigenous people is also required for the formulation of policies which affects the human rights of Indigenous people.
Governments have avoided the right to negotiate through the blanket application of expedited procedure statement to section 29 notices, combined with the absence of other processes allowing effective participation of native title holders in administration of mining future acts.
The Human Rights Committee (the United Nations committee monitoring the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights) also criticised the NTA for limiting the effective participation of Indigenous people»... in all matters affecting land ownership and use, and affect [ing] their interests in native title lands, particularly pastoral lands.»
This principle is consistent with the generally accepted practical consideration that unless Indigenous development policies are designed and implemented with the effective participation of the Indigenous people for whom they are intended to benefit they are unlikely to succeed.
So, what does effective participation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in decision making look like?
the effective participation of Indigenous peoples in the development of policies that affect Indigenous peoples» lands and waters
The remainder of the chapter considers the impact of the new arrangements in relation to four elements of the effective participation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
by being based on local level negotiation and consultation, they could ensure the effective participation of Indigenous peoples in decision making that affects them;
The Social Justice Report 2005 examines the implementation of the new arrangements for the administration of Indigenous affairs, in a post-ATSIC environment, and considers whether they ensure the effective participation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in decision making that affects their daily lives.
In considering these developments, this chapter focuses on whether the new arrangements enable the effective participation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples at all levels of decision - making and service delivery that affect their lives.
The report calls for a commitment to overcoming indigenous disadvantage as an urgent national priority and makes 14 recommendations including negotiation of a national framework agreement (or treaty), an entrenched guarantee against racial discrimination, better accountability and transparency of Governments and processes to ensure more effective participation of Indigenous peoples in the decision - making process.
In considering developments over the past twelve months, this chapter focuses on whether the new arrangements enable the effective participation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples at all levels of decision - making and service delivery that affect their lives.
Social Justice Report 2005: Chapter 3: Progress in implementing the new arrangements for the administration of Indigenous affairs - Ensuring the effective participation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in decision - making processes
Promotes the effective participation of Indigenous people in caring for country, but more specifically in the development of national policy approaches to land and resource management.
ensure effective participation of Indigenous peoples in the development of policies that affect our lands and waters
The principle of free, prior and informed consent is integral to the human rights standard of effective participation of Indigenous peoples in decisions which affect them or their lands.
b) The importance of self - determination for the full and effective participation of Indigenous peoplein Australian society
Achieving this match relies on the effective participation of Indigenous people in policy design and implementation.
This requires the establishment of a process for the effective participation of Indigenous people as part of the broader reform process.
It is about achieving the full and effective participation of Indigenous peoples in Australian society on equal terms - not on the basis of «sameness», but through the recognition of the cultural distinctiveness and diversity of Indigenous peoples.
In the case of the Australian context, the added dangers we face relate to adopting measures that fail to protect and respect human rights or fail to encourage the effective participation of Indigenous peoples.
Frameworks for engagement should allow for the full and effective participation of indigenous peoples in the design, negotiation, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and assessment of outcomes.
b) The importance of self - determination for the full and effective participation of Indigenous peoples in Australian society.
Also declared was the importance of Indigenous peoples in the process of sustainable development and the requirement that the cultural interests and effective participation of Indigenous peoples be recognised:
the lack of effective participation of Indigenous peoples in policy development and agreement making
An essential component of this empowerment is assuring the effective participation of Indigenous people in decisions that affect them.
In the Social Justice Report 2006 I argued that the Commonwealth government's «new arrangements» in Indigenous affairs did not enable the effective participation of Indigenous peoples in decision making and in fact constitute the fundamental flaw of those arrangements.
The third principle identified by the Commission in our submission is that of ensuring the effective participation of Indigenous people, especially those affected by removal policies, in the development of responses to the report.
These recommendations specifically aim to increase the accountability and transparency of governments in relation to Indigenous specific policies; facilitate the effective participation of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders in service delivery and policy development; and ensure adequate protection of the human rights of Indigenous Australians.
The criteria that claimants must satisfy in the connection report for establishing who has traditional connection to an area of land should be determined with the effective participation of Indigenous people.
Chapter 3 of the report considers these new arrangements from the perspective of whether they ensure the effective participation of Indigenous peoples in decision making that affects their daily lives.
The government should, as a matter of urgency, reform the national framework of legislation so that it complies with Australia's international obligations to provide protection to Indigenous culture and ensure the effective participation of Indigenous people in the decision around their heritage.
The effective participation of the peak body of Indigenous land councils during the development of the Model ILUA ensured human rights standards were satisfied and that the outcome addressed the concerns of both the Government and Indigenous interests - leading to a more workable result.
These Pro forma deeds offer another example of negotiated agreements that have proceeded with the effective participation of Indigenous groups and have successfully negotiated outcomes that allow for the expeditious administration of native title and mineral tenements without undermining rights conferred under the NTA.
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