Sentences with phrase «effective path»

You may find that individual therapy for your own grief and anxiety is the most effective path forward.
Look deeper, and you'll be able to find more effective paths forward.
The phone consultation and the following intake session are essential for determining what the most effective path for treatment is.
Policy alterations present a very effective path to more affordable premiums, but only if you can afford them.
Moreover, vigorous debate over policy options and technological trade - offs will be needed if we are going to identify effective paths forward and build broad support for action.
Whether through mediation or litigation, our firm can help your family to find the most effective path towards your goals.
Puppy training classes are fun, but when your time is short private training is the fastest and most effective path to puppy training results.
Policy alterations present a very effective path to more affordable premiums, but only if you can afford them.
Yet by taking a thoughtful and methodical approach, you can improve your opportunity to take the most efficient and cost effective path to growth.
Trained in a series of respected and time - honored traditions, Pettit works one - on - one with clients to identify and uncover emotional attachments to their possessions and embark on a gentle yet effective path toward releasing and removing them from the home.
All of this tends to circle back around to the ideas of folks like Michael Shellenberger and Ted Nordhaus, who insist that a more effective path forward on climate is direct investment in research, development, and demonstration of non-polluting energy technologies.
While filmmaker Peter Berg has perfected a successful formula of quick character intros, then frenetic action for his «unsung hero» films (Deepwater Horizon, Patriots Day), Kosinski (Oblivion) is committed to a separate but equally effective path.
Policy alterations like lowering your limits, excluding certain situations from your coverage, and increasing your deductible are often championed as effective paths to lower rates.
Start your coding journey on the most effective path into today's top bootcamps, featuring over 75 hours of JavaScript, Ruby, and Interview Prep.
The U.S. model provides a blueprint for future energy policy, demonstrating that market - based solutions are the most effective path for achieving success in both energy production and our environmental goals, all while generating economic growth and delivering significant savings that provide relief to household budgets and competitive advantages to businesses.
While not a premium credit card sporting big sign - up bonus or the ability to earn rewards, the Chase Slate Visa card offers the tangible benefit of providing a cost effective path to pay down your credit card debt.
Utilizing the resources of a prominent advisory board of interdisciplinary experts, the co-founders created a research - based organization that develops practical curriculum, conferences, and programs for parents, schools, and kids looking for a healthier and more effective path to success in the 21st century.
Both chapters also include a thoughtful discussion of the complications inherent in conducting and interpreting research into family and child outcomes, including multiple and equally effective paths to the same outcome, the interaction between parent and child based on their respective temperaments, and the role that temperament plays in choosing environments.
«The most effective path to reliable packaging insights is to ask the people who actually use packages what they prefer,» says Becky Donner, TricorBraun Vice President of Design and Market Insight.
There is more than one route to victory for the Dodgers in Game 6, but pushing Verlander out of the game as early as possible to get to the soft underbelly of the Astros» bullpen feels like the most effective path.
As former MoveOn organizer Adam Green said on a panel we shared at last year's Personal Democracy Forum, you need to give them a clear and effective path to change in the real world.
At that point, the quantum process collapsed, and the electrons» energy followed that single, most effective path.
We also show that biodiversity conservation can be an effective path toward recovery of coastal systems.
The fastest, most effective path to radiant skin is by incorporating both internal and topical...
As always though, be sure to consult a doctor about your weight loss journey to find out if taking a probiotic supplement is a safe and effective path for you, they'll be able to give you extra information that could make choosing your probiotics much easier.
We believe that the most effective path to building successful school environments is to focus on the growth and replication of highperforming schools of all types.
The more effective path?
FHA mortgage loans can be a cost - effective path to homeownership, with minimum down payments from 3.5 %, while VA loans sometimes require no down payment at all from families of qualified veterans.
If you are, bond funds may offer a more direct and cost - effective path to diversification.
Trying to push out legal immigrants who are contributing to this country's health and prosperity is not an effective path forward.
Rather this Guide highlights practical, simple, and common sense solutions anyone can carry out who wants to follow a lower risk, less stress, and effective path to a secure retirement.
The HSUS cautions against spending time and resources considering mandatory spay / neuter legislation when there is a necessary and effective path — one that will get us closer to building more humane communities and ending the euthanasia of healthy animals in shelters.
Once again, prevention is the cost - effective path.
Note that Premium Economy fares earn 1.50 EQP on British Airways, Japan Airlines, and Qantas, which may provide a cost - effective path to status.
We were given a game that allowed players to slay unimaginable enemies that towered them in size ration, but also capabilities, which is where working in groups has become the most effective path to take and allowed for friends as well as random players become tactical groups of slayers.
Scientists have mapped out a cost - effective path to 100 percent renewable energy for all US states by 2050.
Winrock believes that climate change will have a profound impact on the poorest populations and the most fragile ecosystems around the world and that markets are the most effective path to mobilize actions to reduce emissions.
«Methane capture from the anaerobic digestion of organic material that is generated from farms, food wastes (both municipal and commercial), landfills, and waste water treatment plants for conversion into biogas (a premium form of renewable natural gas) is a responsible and cost - effective path to help Canada achieve greenhouse gas emission reduction targets.
«Community solar gives them that opportunity — a simple, cost - effective path for residents and businesses to go solar without having to put panels on their roofs.
We expect that, after all the data and emissions trends are considered, EPA will develop a science - based, cost - effective path to target emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), in which methane emissions reductions also are achieved.
Winrock believes that climate change will have real and profound impacts on the poorest populations and the most fragile ecosystems around the world, and that markets are the most effective path to mobilize actions to reduce emissions.
UK greenhouse gas emissions since 1990 and the CCC's cost - effective path to the 2050 target (green bar).
However without considering and responding to the sceptics» questions the human race risks misdirecting its best efforts away from the most effective path to sustainability of the planet ie.
Chris has experience in all aspects of environmental cleanup compliance, including site assessment, regulatory requirements, working with regulators and helping clients develop a cost - effective path to cleanup.
CanLII + free online research tools do not and can not make for a competent complete, reasoned, and effective path to answer a legal research.
No matter what kind of insurance you're looking for or how long you've had your current policy, getting quotes is an effective path to lower rates that you shouldn't pass up.
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