Sentences with phrase «effective policies for»

«In an effort to provide assistance and address these concerns in a comprehensive manner, the Kentucky Department of Education is sending this information to school superintendents, directors of special education, principals, and parent resource centers to help promote effective policies for implementing appropriate uses of seclusionary time - out for all students.
The most effective policies for reducing juvenile crime, she argues, will be those that foster development in a safe and nurturing environment throughout childhood.
In conclusion, it should be noted that, despite myriad differences between male and female offending, many of the primary causes are nevertheless similar, and many, such as victimization and trauma, have roots that extend into childhood.114 The most effective policies for reducing juvenile crime will be those that foster development in a safe and nurturing environment throughout childhood.
Developed several effective policies for making sure that all clients met all insurance billing criteria each year.
With particular expertise in employment law and human rights disputes, Tamara regularly advises clients on risk management, litigation strategy and the most effective policies for wrongful dismissal, discrimination, severance packages, investigations, and HR management.
«Employee Handbooks: Keys to Drafting Effective Policies for Your Clients» National Constitution Center March 2011
«TEPCO used the term «beyond our expectations» [to describe the natural disaster], but they can't establish effective policies for nuclear energy safety unless they take into account things that are beyond their expectations, «Sato said.»
It would destroy President Bush's legacy now to adopt Al Gore's global warming policies after pursuing much more effective policies for seven years.
Fiscal instruments (carbon taxes or similar) are the most effective policies for reflecting environmental costs in energy prices and promoting development of cleaner technologies, while also providing a valuable source of revenue (including, not least, for lowering other tax burdens).
Thoughtful and effective policies for developing a professional workforce will have to include a mix of incentives for pre-K teachers that may be different from those designed for teachers in K — 12; provide training that is focused on classroom practices and the specific challenges of teaching young children; and improve the alignment of early childhood education with K — 12.
Lessons can be drawn from other English - speaking jurisdictions — where there are effective policies for establishing specialist EAL roles, programmes for staff development and graduate level specialist qualifications.
Effective policies for education, research, antitrust and a variety of other elements of the entrepreneurship environment ought to complement a skills - oriented immigration policy,» Hart and Acs write.
Douthat and Salam's youth» they're among the brightest lights in the next generation of conservative writers» gives them a new perspective on the contemporary political scene, allowing them to step out beyond traditional conservative fixations on tax cutting and limited government» where the supposed Reagan solution is always the correct solution» and to offer incisive criticisms of how the Grand Old Party's ideology frequently serves as a blinder to effective policies for the working class.
Although income inequality may be the root cause of educational inequality, Duncan and Murnane argued that reducing it may not be the most cost - effective policy for boosting school success.
Professor Dede's current research focuses on three areas: emerging technologies for learning and assessment, leadership in educational technology implementation, and effective policy for educational technology utilization.
«If uniform national test results exist, publishing these in a locally comparative format appears to be an extremely cost - effective policy for raising attainment and reducing inequalities in attainment.»
By meeting those needs head on and ensuring protection, you're able to get the most effective policy for the best price.
The most effective policy for reducing CO2 emissions and oil imports from transportation is to spur the development and sale of more efficient vehicles with strict efficiency standards while increasing the cost of driving with strong fuel taxes.
By meeting those needs head on and ensuring protection, you're able to get the most effective policy for the best price.

Not exact matches

«The more engaged employees are, the more productive and effective they are,» John Palguta, vice president of policy at the nonprofit Partnership for Public Service, told
Making sustainability a de facto policy for U.S. cities would be a cost - effective design solution that could save millions, and even billions, of dollars, according to a new study.
«Under - emphasis of these (structural) policies relative to macroeconomic, trade and financial stability policies is a key reason for many governments» failure in recent decades to mobilize a more effective response to widening inequality and stagnating median income as technological change and globalization have gathered force,» the report said.
The outspoken investor calls the belief that monetary policy is an effective tool for managing the economy the «greatest con ever perpetuated.»
As well, if we truly believed that minimum wage policy is an effective tool for moderating the business cycle, groups like CUPE and CCPA would advocate reducing the minimum wage during booms.
While this is a blow to the idea that nationwide calorie menu requirements will dramatically alter the way America eats, it doesn't necessarily mean the policy is useless: perhaps, as the authors speculate, it may be more effective in sit - down restaurants where dining expectations are different, or for specific groups of particularly health - concious diners.
If your condition for GHG policy is that you must impose the same price on all sectors of the economy because you want to be cost - effective, that rules out higher prices on some sectors where deep emissions reductions are possible, or lower prices in more politically sensitive areas to ensure you get a policy in place at all.
It is important for the FOMC to continue on this journey because when the public has a better understanding of how monetary policy decisions are made, not only will the public have the information it needs to hold us accountable for our decisions but monetary policy itself will be more effective
After Walmart debuted its free two - day shipping policy, which is effective on any purchase of at least $ 35 on, Amazon lowered its own threshold for non-Prime customers from $ 35 to $ 25.
«The demand for solar energy is now higher than ever and this report spells out how crucial it is for America to maintain smart, effective, forward - looking public policies, like the ITC, beyond 2016,» said Rhone Resch, SEIA President and CEO.
For monetary policy to be effective, it is important to have clarity about what the FOMC can be clear and consistent about — its manner of responses to mitigate the potential harmful effects of disturbances and the goals of policy.
For monetary policy to be most effective, market participants, households and businesses need to be able to anticipate how the Federal Reserve is likely to respond to evolving conditions.
A 236 - page compendium of insightful commentary and sound advice for the entrepreneur and small business owner With real world practicality, readers will learn how to significantly reduce their marketing costs and while increasing their profit margins by employing environmentally sound and ethically founded policies and practices; convert their vendors, customers, and competitors into a kind of auxiliary sales resource; successfully persuading business acquaintances to become joint - venture partners; utilizing social media, traditional media, and their own imagination to reduce advertising costs while employing alternative marketing practices The distilled and effective wisdom of two of the most successful yet frugal entrepreneurs who have combined their many years of experience and expertise in a single volume that should be considered mandatory reading strongly recommended.
Given the considerable number of background studies and the solid work of various groups such as the Jenkins Panel, the Mowat Centre for Policy Innovation, and the C.D. Howe Institute, CATA argues that it is time the Government considers and tables an action plan and commits to milestone deliverables in the 2012 Budget to foster an effective environment for successful commercialization of Canadian innovations.
The guiding considerations of an effective U.S. strategy for addressing China's inroads in Europe should be to 1) include Europe in its own thinking and considerations about China, 2) avoid adopting contradictory economic policies that target European allies rather than China, 3) work with Europe to shape and advance a proactive, joint transatlantic agenda to address shared concerns about China.
For the time being, the most effective way to address these concerns is to ensure that our policy actions align with our commitment to achieving the existing inflation target, which the Committee has recently clarified is symmetric around 2 percent — and not a ceiling - along with maximum employment.
«It is our job to ensure effective co-ordination of all pillars, and that a balance of non-overlapping responsibilities is maintained,» he said in prepared remarks for a group of international fiscal policy experts last night in Vancouver.
To make sure its ecosystem is safe and effective for advertisers, the company has removed more than 3.2 billion ads last year that violated its advertising policies.
Her policy recommendations for untethering the stranglehold that the Fed has on America is to «implement actual oversight of the conjurers and dedicate effective channels through which to question and curtail their authority and actions.»
After years at the effective lower bound for short - term interest rates, economic conditions have finally warranted the start of U.S. monetary policy normalization.
We now believe that the effective lower bound for Canada's policy rate is around minus 0.5 per cent, but it could be a little higher or lower.
Summers and other secular stagnation supporters argue that the level of interest rates needed to bring the economy back to full capacity is below the effective lower bound for monetary policy, so central banks are powerless to stimulate enough demand to use up excess supply.
Following presentations on the five Thematic Volumes, participants discussed policy implications and proposals for developing more effective approaches to integrating trade and human rights.
The North American professional association of active accredited investors provides unparalleled access to trending ideas and professional knowledge to help improve returns and promote effective public policies for angels and startups.
While Vancouver's empty home tax and restrictions on home - sharing services like Airbnb have helped slow detached home sales, demand for less - expensive condos has become frenzied, prompting some experts to question whether any new policy will be effective.
Being disconnected from reality, these «products» have been more easily subjected to price manipulation than the underlying assets, and therefore have served as effective policy levers for central bankers to distort reality to achieve their objectives.
Moreover, since the rise of the Wildrose Party, PC throne speeches tended to propose policies driven by talking points — not the other way around as you might imagine — drafted mainly to cancel positions and strategies that had proved effective for the Wildrose Opposition.
To be fair, it's not really the place of Fed officials to be too explicit with policy recommendations, as it undermines the impartiality many see as necessary for an effective central bank.
The US's own experience in introducing diversity targets illustrates the time lag that many times characterizes policy implentations from time of inception, underscoring the need for effective incentives from the start.
Cultivating relationships with other nonprofit organizations, including those focused on environmental, global hunger, public health, free speech, and food safety issues, to build alliances and support for the policies that will be most effective at increasing plant - based options and readying the path to market for clean meat.
Several participants emphasized that continuing reinvestments for some time after the initial policy firming could help manage potential risks, particularly by reducing the probability that the federal funds rate might return to the effective lower bound.
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