Sentences with phrase «effective promotion of»

Communications Coordinator with background for effective promotion of a brand through marketing, media and public relations, communications and other channels.
KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Up - sold hand brewed latte by 50 % through effective promotion of the technique and specialty.
Expansion of the network of partners for effective promotion of the project results to the crypto community;
The name Roy Rogers is worth a lot more today than it was when the cowboy was cantering about on Trigger, thanks to Marriott's effective promotion of Roy Rogers restaurants.

Not exact matches

There's still a pretty big disconnect — content marketing isn't being leveraged nearly enough.57 % of B2B marketers are still using print and other offline promotions to market their products and services, despite the fact that only 31 % see it as effective.
They also plan to conduct A / B testing to see whether it's more effective to, say, put the advertisers» names at the top of ads or whether it's better to lead with a call to action or discount or promotion.
This translates into free word - of - mouth advertising, one of the most effective forms of promotion.
With improved chances to win and a prize experience that really resonates with the core audience that reinforces the brand, those types of promotions would have been much more effective.
SEO is another very effective way to promote a small business by putting it on the top search engine listings by effectively optimizing the website and promote the website through various off - page promotion techniques of which cross promotion is an integral part.
In this era of social media, search engine optimization, and a kaleidoscopic array of other digital advertising tools being deployed by digital marketers, you wouldn't be alone if you'd started to think that more traditional forms of promotion, such as email marketing, may no longer be as effective as they once were.
Early bird promotions and preorders are becoming an increasingly effective means for e-commerce players to drive more traffic to their sites and lock in purchases, with over 90 percent of Nielsen's respondents intending to place items in their online carts before November 11th as to avoid products selling out.
Managers responding to the survey ranked promotions and cash bonuses as the two most effective ways of recognizing employee accomplishments, but workers said they preferred an in - person thank - you or having a job well done reported to senior management.
I would invest my time in building a link that actually drives traffic that I can convert as a opposed to building a link for the sake of a link, and that mindset (I believe) ties into effective content marketing, branding, promotion, etc..
This makes it a quick and cost - effective way to test and measure the effectiveness of various promotions on different target groups.
In retrospect, this decision negatively impacted same - restaurant sales momentum given the significant level of competitive media across the industry at that time; second, the Taste of Tuscany promotion that started in May and has continued into June was not as effective as we anticipated.
One of the most important is the transition we're making from promotions built around a construct that features 1 or 2 specific dishes, which worked well for a long time, but has grown increasingly less effective over the past 2 years to a promotional construct that's built around a culinary or value theme and highlights several dishes or one or more menu categories.
Now this was an effective promotion for Red Lobster during May last year, helping drive same - restaurant sales growth of 5 %.
According to NetEase's research on independent musicians in late 2016, the majority of musicians demand more effective and varied promotion and distribution channels and Yundou Live can provide that, Chan said.
Their promotions are effective as of June 30, 2016, with Mr. Delafield and Mr. Sellecchia remaining as the primary co-lead PMs and final decision - makers on the Delafield Fund.
ACE takes the promotion of a healthy work environment to be vital to the success of effective charities.
But I'm an ecommerce site, I want to make some sales this quarter or this month, and so I want to run some type of effective sales promotion.
76 % of B2B marketers are active on Facebook and deem social as one of their most most effective methods of paid content promotion.
As we did in our annual, more global study, we spent a good deal of time in this research looking at the differences between the marketers who rate themselves highly in terms of overall content marketing effectiveness (the «most effective») versus those who rate themselves as least effective to understand the gaps and identify best practices for paid content promotion.
If most content marketers believe their efforts are not effective, it could be because their budgets for promotion and distribution of owned media are too small.
The words of Amir Ali are apt here: «The concept of multiculturalism can prove to be an effective counter to the hegemonising project of Hindutva and there exists, on account of this very reason, a strong case for its promotion and encouragement in this country.
It is our responsibility to walk these promotions through as simple or complex as they are and make sure they are effective,» «It is a very important aspect of what we do.
A lot of work is underway in Alabama to develop resources and partnerships that lead to the effective promotion, protection, and support of breastfeeding within the State.
Everyone knows that a woman is going to «cave» with that much promotion and advertising of effective pain relief!
Although we achieved some improvements during the Commission's consultations when it was drafting the new regulations, it would have been simpler and more effective if these had prohibited the promotion of all breastmilk substitutes, in line with the Code.
With increased emphasis on male involvement in reproductive health care and decisions in different settings, the question of for whom to focus promotion messages and supportive skills merits further research in order to determine the most appropriate and effective way to support EBF.
This contradiction is partly due to an extremely effective press blitz by formula companies, which have met official U.S. breastfeeding promotion with a barrage of ads and in - hospital promotions that health advocates have been unable, politically, to do much about.
Breastfeeding promotion is one the most cost - effective health interventions, not only in the short - term of a baby's early years, but in the long - term as well.
Global sales of milk formula (including infant formula and follow - on milks) have increased from a value of about US$ 2 billion in 1987 to about US$ 40 billion in 2014... Political commitment, investment, and effective international, national, and local leadership are needed to end promotion of products that compete with breastfeeding.»
It is essential that we develop our knowledge of where (and when) democracy promotion works best, and how it can be made more effective.
There are many strategic areas that my executive team and I will need to address including the protection and promotion of Rugby, its values, spirit and ethos, the increase of local participation in Greater Accra, ensuring player welfare best practice, maximising the value of all GARA properties, increasing sustainability and competitiveness of Greater Accra Rugby, optimising national participation and providing strong and effective leadership.
The two - year study assessed the benefits of an enhanced oral health promotion programme, which included closely supervised tooth brushing with an effective toothpaste containing 1,450 ppm fluoride, compared to customary oral hygiene procedures.
Of special note today: gut microbiota species expressing orthologs of human Ro60 might be involved in triggering and sustaining chronic autoimmunity in lupus; The portal vein blood microbiome in patients with liver cirrhosis; A randomized clinical study suggests dietary promotion of short chain fatty acid producing gut microbes as an effective treatment for type 2 diabetes; and the sexual dimorphism of root, flower and leaf microbiomes in the wild strawberry plaOf special note today: gut microbiota species expressing orthologs of human Ro60 might be involved in triggering and sustaining chronic autoimmunity in lupus; The portal vein blood microbiome in patients with liver cirrhosis; A randomized clinical study suggests dietary promotion of short chain fatty acid producing gut microbes as an effective treatment for type 2 diabetes; and the sexual dimorphism of root, flower and leaf microbiomes in the wild strawberry plaof human Ro60 might be involved in triggering and sustaining chronic autoimmunity in lupus; The portal vein blood microbiome in patients with liver cirrhosis; A randomized clinical study suggests dietary promotion of short chain fatty acid producing gut microbes as an effective treatment for type 2 diabetes; and the sexual dimorphism of root, flower and leaf microbiomes in the wild strawberry plaof short chain fatty acid producing gut microbes as an effective treatment for type 2 diabetes; and the sexual dimorphism of root, flower and leaf microbiomes in the wild strawberry plaof root, flower and leaf microbiomes in the wild strawberry plant
From these unique UM270 genes, a set of 192 CDSs was found to be involved in signaling, rhizosphere colonization and competence, highlighted as important traits to achieve an effective biocontrol and plant growth promotion.
The increasing number of drugs targeting specific proteins implicated in tumourigenesis and the commercial promotion of relatively affordable genome - wide analyses has led to an increasing expectation among patients with cancer that they can now receive effective personalised treatment based on the often complex genomic signature of their tumour.
A close cousin of the chin tilt, this exercise is so effective it might earn you a promotion if you play your cards right.
Studies have shown that health promotion messages are most effective when specifically targeted to the patient's level of readiness.
Today we take a look at the most effective ways to use Google AdWords for the promotion of your Mobile Dating Apps.
It's an effective piece of promotion for the film, which opens next Friday (October 18th).
It's an effective method of self - promotion, though one can't help but wonder when the stopping point will be as each DreamWorks release adds another clip to the roster.
As discussed above, tertiary education will empower refugees or asylum - seekers to achieve other dynamic development outcomes, including poverty, development of human dignity and personality, understanding tolerance and friendship, maintenance of peace, effective participation in a free society, promotion of gender equality and respect of environment.
In the area of promotion, activities of different types are carried out on diverse themes (forgotten conflicts, rights in the city, emerging rights, human rights in the street...) but with a common objective; to spread the culture of human rights in our society in order to make effective the respect, enjoyment and guarantee of fundamental rights.
And effective course promotion and sales journey form a core part of meeting the challenges presented in today's industry.
«Classroom participation is associated with the generation and promotion of higher order thinking skills, and this cognitive stimulation provides students with a different environment which promotes positive and effective learning experiences...».
WHEREAS, in a multilingual multicultural society, language is one of the most obvious cultural characteristics of its people, and WHEREAS, it is understood that foundational elements of education in U.S. society are the awareness and appreciation of bilingualism, biliteracy and multiculturalism as integral components of cultural pluralism in this society, THEREFORE, we who are advocates of bilingual education and are interested in the promotion, progress and the implementation of effective programs, unite to bring our efforts into one multilingual, multicultural professional organization.
Other steps needed to address achievement gaps include better promotions of promising teaching and relationship - building strategies in schools, a review of bias in disciplinary consequences and identification of gifted students, and effective steps to increase racial diversity in Kentucky's teaching force.
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