Sentences with phrase «effective radiation»

Low and dense cloud banks cut down the outgoing effective radiation of a blackened surface to about 0.015 calorie per cm.1 per minute; in the case of high and thin clouds the radiation is reduced by only 10 to 20 per cent.
The researchers confirmed some of these findings by analyzing how effective radiation therapy was in 29 colon cancer tumors that metastasized to either the liver or lung.
An unusual observation by Hopkins scientists about how testosterone affects prostate cancer cells may lead to more effective radiation therapy in men with high - risk disease.
Vertical south facing collectors get automatic protection during the summer because the summer sun is much higher in the sky, and provides less effective radiation on the collectors.
As I understand it, GHGs don't change the lapse rate (well, with the exception of water) but one way of explaining their effect is that GHGs change the optical thickness of the atmosphere and therefore to change the effective radiation height, right?
The relationship between the effective radiation temperature and the strength of incoming radiation determines whether Earth is warming or not (the albedo must also be taken into account and the influence of the temperature on the albedo is one of the problems in determining how strong the warming ultimately is).
Now Chilingar and his colleagues bring out the simple equation balancing the effective radiation temperature of the earth with the solar radiation absorbed.
An increase in altitude causes a decrease or an increase in the value of the effective radiation of a blackened body toward the sky, dependent upon the value of the temperature gradient and of the humidity gradient of the atmosphere.
At about 3,000 meters altitude of the radiating body the effective radiation generally has a maximum.
In general, the conclusions deal with the influence of temperature and humidity upon what Angstrom terms «effective radiation
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