Sentences with phrase «effective schools concept»

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The study, published in The Journal of Social Studies Research, shows iCivics is an effective tool for teaching civics concepts to primary and middle school students.
The research project — based on the WHO Health Promoting Schools concept — focused on increasing the awareness of the importance of oral health among children, families, and schoolteachers in order to develop a healthy school environment, a healthy diet, regular dental care habits in young children and the use of effective fluoridated toothpaste.
Rodriguez says the use of comics has already been shown to be effective in explaining scientific concepts and principles in high school chemistry classrooms.
Still, the proof - of - concept is encouraging: «If it works in the mouse, there's no biological reason to think it wouldn't be effective in humans,» says stem cell researcher George Daley of Harvard Medical School in Boston.
Not only this, the NFCC states that sprinklers are an effective part of an overall fire safety solution and can be used efficiently to improve fire safety in a range of new and existing school buildings and supports the concept of risk - assessed retro fitting of sprinklers.
Reacting to the concerns of local school districts, the Alaska State Board of Education has endorsed a concept that will recognize «local diversity» in the implementation of a plan for a statewide school - improvement proposed by the Governor's Task Force on Effective Schooling.
Another school, also interested in how to best support their learners for this senior school transition, is investigating the explicit teaching of evidence - based strategies shown to be effective for long - term retention: using quizzing to promote learning, using cue - only judgements of learning to identify concepts for further study, and building explanations by formulating and answering deep questions.
Is this concept of revisiting the K - 8 schools something that would diminish the need for the strategies your book calls for, or would those strategies be even more effective in this setting?
An independent evaluation of a three - year pilot of the effective - schools concept throughout the state found that the greatest improvements occurred among students in the primary, elementary, and middle schools, rather than in the high schools, participating in the project.
guidelines and programs for in - service education programs for all district staff members to ensure effective implementation of school policy on school conduct and discipline, including but not limited to, guidelines on promoting a safe and supportive school climate while discouraging, among other things, harassment, bullying and discrimination against students by students and / or school employees; and including safe and supportive school climate concepts in the curriculum and classroom management; and
The «Effective Schools» concept, propounded by Harvard School of Education guru Ron Edmonds, was one of the first quick fixes to hit Alexandria.
Teacher collaboration is hailed as one of the most effective ways to improve student learning, and one high school in Illinois is often credited with perfecting the concept.
In an irony unforeseen by effective - schools researchers, lawyers in a school - finance suit in New Jersey are using the concept to argue that poor districts can improve their schools at little or no extra cost to the state.
To prepare students for effective citizenship, he contends, school curricula must reflect «a broader outlook that honors the world's diversity of peoples but also seeks a new and larger cohesion based upon the concepts of common human rights.»
The concept of blended learning was fairly new to the majority of teachers, so a key element of Gwinnett County Public Schools» implementation strategy was support to build teachers» knowledge and confidence and to establish effective practices.
This 12 - week online course builds upon the concepts from SEL101 and begins to examine personal leadership qualities and styles that are most effective and important for coordinating social - emotional learning (SEL) programs and initiatives in your school.
Central to Barth's concept of a healthy, effective school is the idea of community where principals learn alongside teachers.
By moving away from the school district concept of education, it allows for states to serve a more - effective role as regulators — and thus, democratic control of public education as a system of funding the best school options for every child is maintained.
The Honoré Center is rooted in the concept that black male teachers may be more effective at teaching young black men, who are more likely to struggle in the classroom and are significantly less likely than their white counterparts to graduate from high school and college.
To be effective, the concept of expanded learning time requires the complete redesign of a school's educational program in a way that combines academics with enrichment for a well - rounded student experience and that supports teachers by giving them more time for planning, training, and professional development.
Effective schools and classrooms commonly have an explicit set of character goals, integrate character concepts into the curriculum, and use teachable moments (behavior incidents, current events, etc.) to support students in self - regulation and mindfulness practices.
No matter whether schools choose Google or Apple in support of their educational initiatives, it is clear that the concept behind putting a screen into student hands is effective (and becoming essential).
My 8 + years of experience in teaching math at the middle school level, revising and developing curricula based on contemporary concepts and delivering effective remedial coaching classes seems to be a good match to your job description for Math Teacher position.
Barrington Community School, Woodridge, VA 11/2014 — Present Second Grade Teacher • Teach reading, language arts, social studies, mathematics, science, art and physical education to second grade students • Create and impart effective lesson plans for each subject • Develop instructional materials related to each subject and concept to be used during class instruction • Establish and maintain standards of student behavior and indulge in behavioral management duties when needed • Create and administer tests and check and grade test papers
Math Tutor ABC SCHOOL, De Soto, MO (6/2008 to Present) • Comprehend each students» individual needs for understanding complex mathematical concepts • Thoroughly go through existing mathematics curriculum and create supportive lesson plans • Implement lesson plans to groups of students by concentrating on their individual abilities • Assist students in understanding how technology can be used to effectively utilize campus resources • Promote a classroom environment that is safe and conducive to learning and instruction • Develop instructional materials to help students understand the concepts of mathematics easily • Conduct ongoing assessments to determine students» adaptability to classroom environments • Encourage parental involvement in students» education and ensure that appropriate and effective communication is maintained with parents • Assess curriculum suitability and make changes to the mathematics curriculum to suit the individual needs of students • Assist students in understanding concepts and handling class assignments • Plan, create and administer tests and ensure that they are graded according to the grade sheets provided by the school • Create and maintain records of students in a confidential SCHOOL, De Soto, MO (6/2008 to Present) • Comprehend each students» individual needs for understanding complex mathematical concepts • Thoroughly go through existing mathematics curriculum and create supportive lesson plans • Implement lesson plans to groups of students by concentrating on their individual abilities • Assist students in understanding how technology can be used to effectively utilize campus resources • Promote a classroom environment that is safe and conducive to learning and instruction • Develop instructional materials to help students understand the concepts of mathematics easily • Conduct ongoing assessments to determine students» adaptability to classroom environments • Encourage parental involvement in students» education and ensure that appropriate and effective communication is maintained with parents • Assess curriculum suitability and make changes to the mathematics curriculum to suit the individual needs of students • Assist students in understanding concepts and handling class assignments • Plan, create and administer tests and ensure that they are graded according to the grade sheets provided by the school • Create and maintain records of students in a confidential school • Create and maintain records of students in a confidential manner
This report explains findings from research that investigated whether the concept of «school readiness,» a frame widely promoted by advocates and experts, can be effective at engaging public interest and action on a variety of children's issues.
IN - DEPTH COVERAGE Eight times a year (effective 2013), JEA clarifies and analyzes significant advances and issues from diverse developmental contexts (peers, school, family, neighborhood, and culture), such as education motivation and achievement, identity development (self - esteem and self - concept), problem behaviors (health risks, reactions to stress), sexuality, as well as in - depth discussions on research design and methodology.
Intervention characteristics associated with more effective outcomes: promoting positive mental health rather than the prevention of mental illness; continuous and long term; whole school approach, focusing on school climate and environment rather than on individual change; opportunities for practice in range of contexts, addressed self - concept, self - esteem and coping skills; combining universal and targeted programmes
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