Sentences with phrase «effective sensitivity»

Each effect is given in terms of its impact on the mean airborne fraction over the simulation period (typically 1860 to 2100), with bars showing the uncertainty range based on the ranges of effective sensitivity parameters given in Tables 7.4 and 7.5.
Is effective sensitivity a better constraint for the TCR?
Is the effective sensitivity visible over the last 100 years the same as the equilibrium sensitivity?
The point I was making was that even if all forcing agents had an efficacy of one, as for CO2, estimating the ECS of GISS - E2 - R from simulated changes over the historical period would be expected to give too low a value, since its effective sensitivity over such a period is lower than its ECS.
My personal take is that the difference is probably quite small, and even if it is not, from a practical viewpoint, the effective sensitivity value is going to be a very good predictor of warming, at least for 100 to 150 years or so.
If you want it to be less than 50 %, you need an effective sensitivity less than 1 C per doubling, almost no feedback.
@ourchangingclimate: related to what TB brought up: How does the effective sensitivity (as derived from a straight summation over the instrumental period including OHU) differ from equilibrium sensitivity?
People talk about equilibrium sensitivity, Charney sensitivity, Earth system sensitivity, effective sensitivity, transient climate response (TCR), etc, making it a challenge to communicate with the public, and sometimes even with ourselves, on this important issue.
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