Sentences with phrase «effectively run school»

She is interested in school leadership and using business skills to more effectively run a school.
In many cases, city leaders, recognizing that an effectively run school system is critical to the overall success of the city, are the leading voices for school reform.
All this would, in turn, lead to more effectively run school systems, a more sane hiring process for teachers, and better outcomes for kids.

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We have our freedom to run our schools — we need to use it more effectively.
We train schools, early years settings, libraries and others in how to engage effectively with dads, and how to run the FRED programme.
Along with Senate Agriculture Committee chairman Pat Roberts (R - KS), Stabenow recently helped broker a bipartisan agreement in the Senate which could effectively resolve the long - running battle over weakening school nutrition standards.
Tom Allon: He performed well, displaying substantive knowledge and effectively utilizing his resume («I run a small business»... «I was a public school teacher...»).
Without a high level of trust and a belief in the value of collaboration we feel this sort of project would be very difficult to run effectively and would likely have a reduced impact across the school.
Jeff Sellers, who runs Florida's data system, found that individual school districts collect far more information than the state needs or can effectively use.
She wanted to run a school that would teach kids what Covey calls leadership: taking responsibility for their actions, working with others more effectively, managing their time more efficiently, and doing the right thing.
Missouri's pension boundaries would make it practically impossible for high - performing school districts to operate a program, run a school, or loan teachers within the Saint Louis or Kansas City boundaries, just as state pension boundaries would make it impossible for schools to effectively work across state lines.
The Philadelphia story, then, is not so much a tale of for - profits winning against nonprofits or district - run schools, but a valuable lesson in how to approach education reform effectively and produce real results.
Supplier partnerships The key to dealing with the above easily and effectively is to develop good supplier partnerships; it's a truism for most aspects of business and running school trips is no different.
School business leaders provide essential specialist support to head teachers to effectively manage the business aspects of running a school, maintain its facilities and allocate and be accountable for financial resources.&School business leaders provide essential specialist support to head teachers to effectively manage the business aspects of running a school, maintain its facilities and allocate and be accountable for financial resources.&school, maintain its facilities and allocate and be accountable for financial resources.»
It's also the reason districts can't compete effectively with charter schools and complain that charter growth hurts students in district - run schools.
«We are probably near the limit of our ability to raise the dollars necessary to expand effectively,» wrote Fehrenbach in a one - page memo to the group, referring to the cost of running the two private San Miguel schools.
Reformers are school district leaders who aim to make centralized, government - run educational systems work more effectively by imposing new rules and regulations concerning what school administrators and teachers can and can not do.
We charge tuition and offer a service in return, and a school run effectively is able to educate more people.»
«So many areas of our school could not run as efficiently and effectively without our volunteers,» said Sue Astley, the elementary principal at St. Martin's Episcopal School in Atschool could not run as efficiently and effectively without our volunteers,» said Sue Astley, the elementary principal at St. Martin's Episcopal School in AtSchool in Atlanta.
Klein's independence from the teachers union has allowed him to be more outspoken than any other chancellor in the city's history about the adverse impact of the teachers» contract on school management's ability to run schools effectively and efficiently.
Mike Piscal, ICEF's tough - talking founder, runs 13 schools in South L.A. and has set a goal of effectively taking over the district's role in that part of the city.
As it is, Quall said, the state's Running Start program, which allows high - school students to earn credit at community colleges, effectively transfers $ 20 million a year from public school districts to the colleges.
You will be familiar with how to run a highly successful school, and capable both of setting strategy and implementing effectively.
TODAY»S FEDERAL REGISTER: PRIORITIES FOR CHARTER SCHOOL GRANTS: The Education Department is pondering whether grants to nonprofit organizations that run charter school projects [] should be weighted based on whether they improve efficiency through economies of scale, improve accountability, recruit and serve students with disabilities and English - language learners more effectively and combine technology - based instruction with classroom teaSCHOOL GRANTS: The Education Department is pondering whether grants to nonprofit organizations that run charter school projects [] should be weighted based on whether they improve efficiency through economies of scale, improve accountability, recruit and serve students with disabilities and English - language learners more effectively and combine technology - based instruction with classroom teaschool projects [] should be weighted based on whether they improve efficiency through economies of scale, improve accountability, recruit and serve students with disabilities and English - language learners more effectively and combine technology - based instruction with classroom teaching.
Joy also uses her extensive knowledge of sports to share lessons on our blog from professional sports coaches and how leaders can apply those lessons to effectively and successfully running a school.
A grant of up to # 30,000 is available for schools to run their own research projects on how to «effectively» reduce either marking, planning or data management.
Also, she said, the private sector needs to team up with school districts to help popularize the notion that schools can run as effectively as businesses.
Are you sure that your School Council is running effectively enough to show an Inspector that you value your students» views?
The school is led by an active Board of Directors, who works with the executive director and the principal to run Mundo Verde effectively.
And this should be attained within a school system run cost - effectively.
Administrations in schools with turnaround school operators have effectively been replaced by these private companies, which will run «all or part of the school's operations,» according to an IDOE statement released Thursday afternoon.
Chicago International Charter School is addressing the problems of urban public education by making sure that every dollar is used both effectively and efficiently, and running CICS schools with the freedom and flexibly to develop curricula that works.
«You can't run a school effectively without a thorough knowledge that social and emotional learning goes hand - in - hand with academic success» — Dina Rocheleau, principal of Roosevelt Primary School (2011 school effectively without a thorough knowledge that social and emotional learning goes hand - in - hand with academic success» — Dina Rocheleau, principal of Roosevelt Primary School (2011 School (2011 NSOC).
But libraries cost money and they need school librarians if they are to be run effectively.
Our concern is that so - called «random wanding» alienates students, discourages them from attending school, creates a negative environment that undermines trust and respect, runs counter to restorative justice practices, and effectively treats children as young as 10 years old as criminal suspects.
Many charter schools are already effectively running fully integrated systems to support all students.
Unfortunately, one of the many aspects of running a law practice that most law schools fail to include in their curriculum is how to effectively manage employees.
To run effectively, schools can not ignore these societal changes.
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