Sentences with phrase «effects against inflammation»

It was lutein's positive effects against inflammation and oxidative stresses in the eyes that caught researcher Dr. Elizabeth Leermakers» interest.
Antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral and chemopreventive, turmeric also has powerful effects against the inflammation that is at the root of many diseases.

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For most available T cell immunotherapies, T cells (which play a central role in defending the body against illness) are engineered to recognize and eliminate tumors, but their activity is not specifically controlled, leading to toxicity and unwanted side effects in patients as a result of inflammation or in some cases suboptimal response to treatment.
Research has shown a strong protective effect of antioxidants against inflammation and skin damage.
On the other hand, healthy aging and longevity may be related to reduced levels of inflammation and / or strong protective mechanisms that guard against its adverse effects.
The polyphenol consituents of honey are suggested, by animal research, to have neuroprotective effects against free radical oxidation of delicate brain fats, misfolding of proteins, excitotoxicity, and inflammation.
FlorAssist Throat lozenges provide healthy bacteria that naturally resides in the throat to protect against infections and relieve inflammation without the negative effects of antibiotics.
Researchers in labs around the world are studying resveratrol for its possible effects against cancer, obesity, diabetes, inflammation, and aging.
Peppermint's reported properties include supporting the body against inflammation, bacteria, viral, and fungal infections, gall bladder and digestive stimulation, and appetite suppression (although we also find that it's anti-nausea effects can help animals who are also not eating).
Omega - 3 fats: The Omega - 3 fatty acids (EPA & DHA) play an important role in supporting joint health and the effects of arthritis as it works against inflammation.
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