Sentences with phrase «effects found with»

To establish the frequency specificity of the effects found with EEG - informed fMRI for the gamma and theta bands, we explored EEG - BOLD coupling across the whole EEG spectrum in the left auditory region that was more activated in control than ASD subjects during the movie in the fMRI - only analysis.
Yes, a blended smoothie * might * cause a bigger blood sugar spike and insulin rebound, but this depends on the ingredients, and is significantly less than the same effect found with straight up juice.

Not exact matches

But as with the Otis elevator, it is in the downstream effects of these inventions where the most radical changes are likely to be found.
RALEIGH, N.C. — A public water utility studied what it was serving to its 200,000 North Carolina customers and found it contained multiple unregulated industrial chemicals with uncertain health effects, including some substances that university researchers didn't know existed, legislators learned Thursday.
One study found that the presence of flowers has an immediate impact on a person's happiness, and long - term effects too, with people reportedly feeling less anxious, depressed and agitated.
«We thought the effects might only hold up for people with quite a bit of disposable income, but to our surprise, we found the same effects across the income spectrum,» Dunn shared.
But researchers at the University of Aberdeen found that a treatment originally designed for fighting cancer and diabetes could melt away fatty arterial plaque with a single dosing and reverse the effects of atherosclerosis, which can lead to multiple heart problems.
The post is filled with technical details for those looking for a deeper dive into the science, but for the layperson this is probably the most interesting bit: Using a cool gadget that floods a room with a specific color of light, Westland's research group «found a small effect of colored light on heart rate and blood pressure: Red light does seem to raise heart rate, while blue light lowers it.»
One group looked at the effect of sleep loss on productivity at four American companies and found employees who weren't sleeping well or enough to be roughly twice as likely to report difficulties with time management, decision - making and motivation.
Matt Bruenig found the same basic problems with the Liu and Hanauer piece that I did; he recognizes that «when the economy is operating at capacity and there are no idle resources, reducing inequality should not have any demand - side stimulative effects».
Without such a deal, key industries from finance and airlines to automakers and food and drink producers could find themselves exposed to «cliff - edge» effects in April 2019, unable to do business with their biggest trading partner.
Thus, in contrast with what was originally found, GVT's data reveal a substantial, and statistically significant, hot hand effect.
The bottom line: «What Gibson and Shrader found was that sleep has a definite effect on productivity, which in turn might affect worker wages (the more productive you are at work, the more likely you either score a raise or get compensated with tips).»
Women have found more success with raising funds via crowdfunding, typically facilitated by the internet after the crowdfunding provisions came into effect in May 2016.
This idea depends on having someone nearby who you can wrap your arms around, so depending on the nature of your relationships with your colleagues, this one might have to wait until the evening, but if you can find someone you feel comfortable getting close to, a simple hug can have profound stress - busting effects, according to the post.
The paper finds that the share of total assets controlled by banks with less than $ 10 billion in assets has shrunk twice as fast since Dodd - Frank was put into effect.
He found that the 1 cent difference between prices ending in.99 and.00 had «a considerable effect on sales,» with items whose prices ended with.99 far outselling those ending with.00.
an independent agency of the federal government, created in 1933, charged with preserving and promoting public confidence in the U.S. financial system by insuring deposits in banks and thrift institutions up to applicable limits; by identifying, monitoring, and addressing risks to the deposit insurance funds; and by limiting the effect on the economy and the financial system when a bank or thrift institution fails; further information on the FDIC and FDIC coverage may be found at
Such complications can mask the effect of other forces that might otherwise find expression in risk premiums or interest rates: forces, for example, associated with the concern about fiscal sustainability in the United States or the sustainability of our external imbalances.
III is a newly organized blank check company founded by Daniel J. Hennessy and formed for the purpose of effecting a merger, capital stock exchange, asset acquisition, stock purchase, reorganization or similar business combination with one or more businesses.
III (HCAC III) is a newly organized blank check company founded by Daniel J. Hennessy and formed for the purpose of effecting a merger, capital stock exchange, asset acquisition, stock purchase, reorganization or similar business combination with one or more businesses.
Avid Life Media announced on Friday that CEO Noel Biderman, who founded the website in 2001, had left the company with immediate effect, the latest sign of the wrenching impact on the company of the attack that led to the disclosure of sensitive data about millions of clients.
We use a field experiment and find that entry by an NGO selling authentic drugs significantly reduced fake drugs among incumbents, with weaker effects in markets where consumer misconceptions were relatively pervasive.
If the coverage rates were similar for households with and without children under 5, then the effects found in the RCT seem implausibly large.
And whereas some psychologists find that high scores on certain cognitive tests correlate in older people with the ability to keep their spirits up, other researchers hypothesize that happiness in later life is an effect of cognitive losses — which force older people to concentrate on simpler, happier thoughts.
First reported as a partnership that would find the state - owned bank collaborating directly with the Ethereum Foundation, the non-profit for which Buterin serves as council, the VEB has confirmed it will be retracting public statements to that effect.
GFI aims for diversity in their hires primarily through hiring practices that are intended to help them minimize the effects of bias, such as encouraging staff to score applications anonymously, using generalized ability tests, and meeting applicants only late in the process.88 While they've hired many women, including in seven of nine director roles, they find that their team is lacking in diversity in other ways, and they've met with Encompass to discuss further steps they can take to develop their diversity strategy.89 One staff member we spoke to mentioned that they hoped GFI would be able to begin paying interns, which might help diversify their team by broadening the pool of potential interns who could afford to take a position with GFI.90, 91
The probability of a randomly selected mutation in a randomly selected gene having precisely that effect is quite low, so just as with the stones in the field, a positive finding is more likely than not to be spurious — unless the experiment is unbelievably successful at sorting the wheat from the chaff.
With Veckatimest, Grizzly Bear has seemingly found a way to reverse the effects of their fiddling — it's like they injected a huge influx of warmth and sunniness into their normal wall of sound.
Faced with a conflict between two legitimate goals, the revisionist's position is unpredictable since he or she faces the dilemma squarely, reserves judgment, allows the problem to stimulate fresh thinking and conversation and finds ways to minimize the negative effect of any tradeoff.
William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army, used the military metaphor with great effect; slum dwellers of nineteenth - century London found the discipline of a soldier to be strong armor against the pull of a former life.
Thus Hume reduced causation to the repeated temporal contiguity of sensations, for he found nothing more in consciousness to bind a cause with its effect.
Yet there ought to be a clear distinction in our thinking between a critique of the effects of this genre, with its deceptive promises of liberation, and a more empathic inquiry into the writers and especially the readers of this literature, those searching for some kind of encouragement and relief that they have failed to find elsewhere.
Gadamer, of how the inspired text, which we question in order to find its meaning and relevance, questions, criticizes, challenges and changes us in the process -» Some who today raise the proper question, whether there are not culturally relative elements in Paul's teaching about role relationships (an the material has to be thought through from this standpoint), seem to proceed improperly in doing so; for in effect they take current secular views about the sexes as fixed points, and work to bring Scripture into line with them - an agenda that at a stroke turns the study of sacred theology into a venture in secular ideology.
- Psychiatrist Richard P. Sloan compared the Byrd and Harris studies with the sharpshooter fallacy, «searching through the data until a significant effect is found, then drawing the bull's - eye.
It is, in particular, the second of evangelicalism's two tenets, i. e., Biblical authority, that sets evangelicals off from their fellow Christians.8 Over against those wanting to make tradition co-normative with Scripture; over against those wanting to update Christianity by conforming it to the current philosophical trends; over against those who view Biblical authority selectively and dissent from what they find unreasonable; over against those who would understand Biblical authority primarily in terms of its writers» religious sensitivity or their proximity to the primal originating events of the faith; over against those who would consider Biblical authority subjectively, stressing the effect on the reader, not the quality of the source — over against all these, evangelicals believe the Biblical text as written to be totally authoritative in all that it affirms.
The major thrust of these writings is found in microcosm in the anecdotes of healing and exorcism, in the parables, and in the passion and resurrection stories as the «concrete dramatization of the power of God effecting what is impossible with men.»
That reconciliation, Quint adds, is the model and perhaps partly the cause of another — «their reconciliation with God» — and once both are effected, the couple «escape the recursive pull of their own fallenness and... find their way out of a book that seems to have no exit.»
Reasonable cowardice that passes for obedience is seen in the practice of quoting the words of the text without translation or interpretation with that humble smile found only on the lips of servants who are delighted that messengers bear no responsibility for the contents or effects of the messages they deliver.
Towards the fulfillment of His purposes He has brought man into being and He offers to His human children the privilege of co-operating with Him so that they may have a share in the effecting of these ends and, at the same time, find a supreme joy for themselves as they are related to Him and participate in His communication of life.
Also there is evidence of molecular mechanisms in the cell membranes that can amplify small changes in the field to produce large changes in neural activity.13 On the other hand, earlier tests of Kohler's theory found that interference with electrical gradients over the cortex had no effect on behavioral measures (see note 11 for reference to these studies).
In other words, it means to find the rules of the transformation which is effected with necessity from within and according to possibilities from without.
I am inclined to think that Christians tended to be misled by the anthropomorphic ideas of God with which, quite rightly up to a point, they often operated; and that they found it unnecessarily difficult to think of salvation being effected by the personal Spirit of God reaching out to men in judgment, mercy, forgiveness and love through the medium of a human personality.
At about 10:45 a.m. on Friday, May 5, 1989, Richard and his colleagues found themselves standing in the rain on Madison Avenue, clutching plastic garbage bags with their personal effects, plus, sub rosa, the company Rolodex.
Two of them also examined the effect of multiple abortions, and both of these found the risk of breast cancer to increase with the number of induced abortions.
But, exactly as with the medieval papacy, he found himself agreeing with the state that their heterodox beliefs were in effect «seditious».
In Internet chat rooms I found many people coping with the tragedy by engaging in the all - American pursuits of bad science (concerning the tsunami's causes and effects) and bad theology (concerning the fate of the dead).
The founding trauma of positivist and analytic philosophy (which, of course, had its milder predecessors with similar tendencies and effects) had its impact here too, and a great many biblical scholars are averse to linking their guild activities in any way with theology.
But Muggeridge and his contemporary Evelyn Waugh found a way to combine faith with satire, to great effect.
In man, the spiritual soul recognises this order and, apart from sin and its effects, would indulge all the pleasures natural to us with the centred peace and joy of the presence of God; and in that peace and joy, all pleasures of the flesh would find their right subordination, and proportion.
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