Sentences with phrase «effects of air pollutants»

The artificial system is used to observe the effects of air pollutants on cells in the upper airway.
Existing research has often highlighted the adverse effects of air pollutants on lung function in school - age children and adolescents, but the effects of a mother's exposure to pollution on the lung function of her unborn child and shortly after birth are less well known.
«Initially, I looked at the effect of air pollutants on crops, but when I came to the U.K., work was being done on drought at Lancaster,» says Dodd, 39.
I am happy that we succeeded in providing a quantitative estimate of the effect of air pollutant on surface solar radiation in interaction with wind,» says Changgui Lin, the leading author of the article and researcher at the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Gothenburg.

Not exact matches

Infants are considered highly susceptible to the adverse health effects of exposure to indoor air pollutants.
There are a vast range of air pollutants, which cause a variety of effects on the environment and health.
The bill would require the EPA to review the national ambient air quality standards for each pollutant every ten years, instead of every five, and would require the agency to evaluate possible adverse effects of standard changes.
«Despite some reductions in air pollutant emissions in Europe and North America, human health impacts from ozone are still a cause for concern across the world and are rising in parts of East Asia, with the potential for serious health effects on their populations,» said Zo?
The researchers then linked the healthcare - related emissions to specific environmental and health outcomes, including global warming; ozone depletion; respiratory disease from air pollutants; cancer from chemical exposure; and the environmental effects of acid rain, among others.
After seeing the regional effects in this new study, she agrees that the toxic element likely comes from outside the U.S. «We see for other types of pollutants that [the Rocky Mountain region] tends to be more influenced by nonlocal sources because of its higher elevation — it has access to the free tropospheric air,» she says.
«Even without the catalytic mufflers, there are much lower emissions of air pollutants that can have adverse effects on human health and promote the formation of smog.»
Pollutants and other fine particles can hang in the air and travel great distances, said George Thurston, who studies the health effects of air pollution at New York School of Medicine.
The researchers hope an added bonus could be understanding how pollutants are transported and transformed as air is pushed along the tropics, which could have a direct effect on people living downwind of major air pollution sources.
Although gold nanoparticles are inert, the reactive compounds found in nano - pollutants in the air could have all sorts of harmful effects, Miller says.
Innovative urban design could create increased access to active transport.99 The compact geographical area found in cities presents opportunities to reduce energy use and emissions of heat - trapping gases and other air pollutants through active transit, improved building construction, provision of services, and infrastructure creation, such as bike paths and sidewalks.303, 318 Urban planning strategies designed to reduce the urban heat island effect, such as green / cool roofs, increased green space, parkland and urban canopy, could reduce indoor temperatures, improve indoor air quality, and could produce additional societal co-benefits by promoting social interaction and prioritizing vulnerable urban populations.311, 303
You'll note an acceleration of those temperatures in the late 1970s as greenhouse gas emissions from energy production increased worldwide and clean air laws reduced emissions of pollutants that had a cooling effect... Read More
The degree of air pollution in China exceeded that in most of the world, yet assessments of total health effects must also include other fossil fuel caused air and water pollutants, as discussed in the following section on ecology and the environment.
«At levels that the EPA considers to be generally safe, we found an important effect of ambient air particles, which is one of many pollutants in the air, but an important one,» says study coauthor Gregory A. Wellenius, Sc.D., an assistant professor of community health at Brown University Medical School, in Providence, R.I. Wellenius collaborated with researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and the Harvard School of Public Health, both in Boston.
Besides offering a soothing glow, they can attract pollutants in the air and even help neutralize the effects of electronics.
Exposure to poor indoor air quality can have immediate effects on health, with even a first - time exposure to some toxins and pollutants causing headaches, dizziness and irritation of the ears, nose and throat.
Similar negative effects occur with worsening air pollution — higher levels of ground - level ozone smog and other pollutants that increase with warmer temperatures have been directly linked with increased rates of respiratory and cardiovascular disease — food production and safety — warmer temperatures and varying rainfall patterns mess up staple crop yields and aid the migration and breeding of pests that can devastate crops — flooding — as rising sea levels make coastal areas and densely - populated river deltas more susceptible to storm surges and flooding that result from severe weather — and wildfires, which can be ancillary to increased heat waves and are also responsible for poor air quality (not to mention burning people's homes and crops).
Ageing populations in many industrialised societies become more vulnerable to the effects of air pollution and urbanisation can also increase exposure to pollutants from traffic.
I think it will probably take a few more years for this to play out, but, at this point, it appears as if this decision by the Supreme Court will end up having the effect of declaring CO2 to be an «air pollutant
You'll note an acceleration of those temperatures in the late 1970s as greenhouse gas emissions from energy production increased worldwide and clean air laws reduced emissions of pollutants that had a cooling effect on the climate, and thus were masking some of the global warming signal.
Innovative urban design could create increased access to active transport.99 The compact geographical area found in cities presents opportunities to reduce energy use and emissions of heat - trapping gases and other air pollutants through active transit, improved building construction, provision of services, and infrastructure creation, such as bike paths and sidewalks.303, 318 Urban planning strategies designed to reduce the urban heat island effect, such as green / cool roofs, increased green space, parkland and urban canopy, could reduce indoor temperatures, improve indoor air quality, and could produce additional societal co-benefits by promoting social interaction and prioritizing vulnerable urban populations.311, 303
I think what we're seeing today is the long - term effects of this continual blasting and these pollutants in the air.
A major concern among scientists has been the environmental effect of pumping pollutants directly into the Arctic region, where exhaust impurities released by the burning of ships» bunker fuel are known to elevate ambient air and ice temperatures.
Prohibits a GHG from being added to the list of hazardous air pollutants unless such gas meets the listing criteria independent of its effects on global climate change.
Green roofs reduce stormwater runoff, filter out water and air pollutants, moderate the urban heat - island effect, add green space to the built environment, shade and insulate rooftops to improve buildings» thermal performance (thereby reducing energy use and costs), and extend the service life of structural roof systems.
«No greenhouse gas may be added to the list of hazardous air pollutants under section 112 unless such greenhouse gas meets the listing criteria of section 112 (b) independent of its effects on global climate change.
His research is concerned with various aspects of air pollution at scales ranging from regional to global, particularly effects of acidifying deposition, eutrophying nitrogen deposition and gaseous pollutant impacts on crops, forests and human health.
It finds that linking separate systems can provide benefits, including more cost - effective reductions, but policymakers also must be aware of negative effects, including the prospect that some areas may see disproportionately little reduction in conventional air pollutants.
Particles are responsible for a range of health effects, especially lung problems, and are considered the most dangerous of air pollutants.
On January 2, 2011, EPA's motor vehicle GHG emission standards will go into effect, making GHGs air pollutants «subject to regulation» under the Clean Air Act's Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) pre-construction permitting prograir pollutants «subject to regulation» under the Clean Air Act's Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) pre-construction permitting progrAir Act's Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) pre-construction permitting program.
«Carbon dioxide in the air we breathe has no adverse health effects, in contrast to carbon monoxide and high concentrations of the genuine pollutants listed in the Clean Air Act, the source of the EPA's authority to regulate air pollutants.&raqair we breathe has no adverse health effects, in contrast to carbon monoxide and high concentrations of the genuine pollutants listed in the Clean Air Act, the source of the EPA's authority to regulate air pollutants.&raqAir Act, the source of the EPA's authority to regulate air pollutants.&raqair pollutants
The total CO2 equivalent (CO2 - eq) concentration of all long - lived GHGs is currently estimated to be about 455 ppm CO2 - eq, although the effect of aerosols, other air pollutants and land - use change reduces the net effect to levels ranging from 311 to 435 ppm CO2 - eq (high agreement, much evidence).
Tagged as: Andrew Dessler, Antarctica, Anthony Watts, carbon dioxide, clean air act, Climate Audit, climate change, climate disruption, climate models, climate - change denial, climategate, ClimaTweet, CO2, CRU, ENSO, global warming, greenhouse effect, greenhouse gas, Greenland, ice sheet, Independent Climate Chang Email Review, Institute of Medicine, James Hansen, Lord Oxburgh, Marc Morano, Massachusetts v. EPA, methane, Michael Mann, Monckton, National Academy of Engineering, National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, nitrogen, ocean acidification, Penn State, Phil Jones, Pollutant, Richard Lindzen, Ross McKitrick, Royal Society, S. Fred Singer, Science & Technology, sea level rise, Sir Muir Russell, Sonia Boehmer - Christiansen, Steve McIntre, Steve Milloy, Supreme Court, Venus, Washington Times
Transitioning to 100 % renewable energy can reduce or eliminate the production of air and water pollutants at the generating source, which can affect the personal health of local residents, and a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions can help in the long - term health of the planet and its climate, including its effects on extreme weather events.
The Carnegie team will use global atmospheric models, partly enabled by the Carnegie Institution's new high - performance computing cluster, to simulate how short - lived pollutants from different sectors and different countries get transported through the atmosphere and the distribution and strength of their climate and air quality effects.
It supports EPA efforts and activities to monitor air quality levels, estimate population exposure to air pollutants, examine the effects of air pollution on public health, track progress in improving air quality and reducing associated risks, and provide models, tools, and technical guidance to states.
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