Sentences with phrase «effects of ambiguity»

III: No other discipline concentrates as much on the effects of ambiguity of individual words and phrases.
This mise - en - scène does not aim to disrupt, but rather to produce a subtle effect of ambiguity.

Not exact matches

Plenty of thinkers have argued that time abroad increases important skills for business success like comfort with ambiguity, confidence when confronted with the unfamiliar, and accelerated learning, but the team of social scientists out of Rice University, Columbia, and the University of North Carolina behind this study wanted to test the effects of extended travel abroad on self knowledge specifically.
Tom Wynn, director of affluent research at Spectrem, provided several factors for the increased confidence: the steady improvement in job growth, the steady increase in the major stock market indices since the spring, and a decrease in political ambiguity with the election season over, which has an effect on at least some people's outlook.
None of the five members of the panel, led by Scott Egner, manager of managed account sales at Ameritrade Institutional, suggested that advisors should count on a delay or repeal of the rule, which is due to take effect April 10 although Larson noted that this is a «time of ambiguity
Girard, however, fails to see the richness, multivalency, and ambiguity inherent in the language of sacrifice in Jewish and Christian thought; he fails to grasp, in particular, the conversion theology effects of the story of wrath into the story of mercy, or how it replaces the myth of sacrifice as economy with the narrative of sacrifice as a ceaseless outpouring of gift and restoration in an infinite motion exceeding every economy»
In its place has come a new consciousness of the ambiguity and the inadequacy, even the distorting effect, of that method if it alone contributes to or fashions our fundamental view of reality.
One such reporter, Ronald Bailey of Reason magazine, deftly handled the ambiguity recently by quoting in one paragraph a prominent researcher, Leonard Hayflick, to the effect that «there is no intervention that has been proven to slow, stop, or reverse aging.
Bater pertinently comments, «If there was that much ambiguity about the resurrection of Jesus for the eyewitnesses, on whose testimony all the succeeding ages must depend, do not the efforts twenty centuries later to establish it as demonstrable and unambiguous take on a certain comical effect
The use of language can also be a craft, and part of the skill of being a linguistic craftsperson — a wordsmith, if you like — is the ability to be sensitive to the nuances and ambiguities of words and expressions and thus the effects that they will have on the reader or listener.
Or, at least, that seems to be what it's after, as Richard J. Lewis's lengthy but aimless saga generally goes about its funny - serious business without a guiding purpose, detailing the ups and downs of Barney's matrimonial days and nights with so little verve or intention — and with so little of the unreliable - narrator ambiguity implied by its title and flashback structure — that the effect is like reading a dead man's day calendar.
The ever - fine Maxine Peake has a tricky role as Lydia's agoraphobic mother, remaining aloof for the bulk of the film before delivering a series of last - minute revelations that have the unintended effect of sapping some of the film's alluring ambiguity.
Other concerns are similarly borne of ambiguity and disingenuousness: What critics rightly intuit is that the Common Core very well could have profound, pernicious effects on classrooms in several ways.
Relaying this information to the player is best done through deliberate and clear effects, which is also why many games in the genre work off of a grid structure to avoid ambiguity in physical space.
Concerned with optical ambiguity and the phenomenology of perception, each cube was intended to be shown at a different elevation and with different lighting effects so as to always be experienced in a new way.
Bright color juxtapositions on interlocking squares, rectangles and triangles create an effect of shifting light and shadow, in turn producing spatial ambiguity.
One effect of these new sculptures is to refer to ambiguous unknown structures, which look like fictional mechanical devices, or improvised tools, but retain an element of ambiguity as to their possible use value.
As a viewer, there is an ambiguity about whether to admire the skill of this horse - whisperer (the great grandson of a sheriff of the old Wild West); or rather to feel pity for the horse, who, clearly nervous, is being mastered against her will, despite the lay down's supposed restorative and relaxing effect.
Usually, he chooses to go for the nose and eyes at an early stage, and by the time he reaches the mouth, the subtle change in the expression may have already taken effect, so a portion of ambiguity can appear in the piece.
Studies of potential climate change effects (e.g., changes in temperature, circulation, or the abundance of other chemicals) allow for much less ambiguity in accurately attributing any observed changes in the ozone layer to their appropriate cause.
Our approach differs from those precedents in two important ways: First, we explicitly consider the major (if not most) sources of uncertainty and ambiguity, and we encompass their effects via gamma discounting.
These are the cases of true ambiguity, which our Supreme Court has rightly defined as cases where there are two equally plausible interpretations giving effect to the legislation.
In recent years, however, the CJEU has seemed quite willing to use the ambiguity inherent in these jurisdictional terms to permit the application of EU rules that have legislative effects in third states.
In effect, they allow courts to find unambiguous meaning in seemingly ambiguous statutes, by specifying a determinate rule of decision once ambiguity is acknowledged.
Stewart Title urged that the application judge erred, in turn, by: (i) failing to give effect to the clear meaning of the exception, and in finding ambiguity by looking at the word «paid» in isolation; (ii) «giving no weight to the factual matrix surrounding how the Policy language operates in practice and in its commercial context» when resolving the ambiguity; and (iii) resorting to contra proferentem reasoning before exhausting other methods of contract construction.
Any rule of construction to the effect that ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting party shall not apply in interpreting this Agreement.
Any rule of construction to the effect that ambiguities are to be
Even though the previous remarks still leave considerable ambiguity about the effect the new Act will have on the practices of patent trolls, one procedural modification seems to explicitly target such practices.
Among other things, the ICAC found profound ambiguities in the purposes, principles and mechanisms of the ALRA (NSW), which, together with uncertainty about the effect of the legislation are likely to cause the conditions in which corrupt conduct it more likely to occur.130
As Vandell (2000, p. 705) acknowledged, most studies of children's friendships suffer from cause - or - effect ambiguities.
Successful integration of the family reorganization process results in the family remaining a family and the negative effects on children being minimized by reducing ambiguity and avoiding enmeshment.
have introduced the Taxpayer Responsibility, Accountability, and Consistency Act, S. 2882 and H.R. 3408, which would help eliminate ambiguities in the definition of independent contractor, among other effects.
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