Sentences with phrase «effects of gravity»

A galaxy without dark matter — or without some bizarre effect of gravity that would mimic dark - matter behavior — would be a very weird thing indeed.
Monday's announcement suggests a much more definitive detection, based on the direct effect of gravity waves on the cosmic microwave background radiation.
It's a big deal to find the direct effects of gravity waves from 13 billion years ago, especially since efforts to find them from more recent sources — like black hole formation after supernova explosions — haven't succeeded.
Incorporating the chance effects of gravity adds to the overall vitality and boldness of his pieces.
Einstein's theories of relativity describe the time - warping effects of gravity — here's how they affect Earthlings
The data compiled from the survey show that something indeed is distorting the speed of the galaxies beyond the mere effects of gravity.
Studying the distorting effects of gravity on light from background galaxies, astronomers uncovered the presence of a filament of dark matter extending from the core of the cluster.
The ISS National Lab supports valuable plant investigations that allow researchers to study plant development without the masking effect of gravity.
One of the first effects of gravity is that the brows descend, and the eyes start to appear smaller.
This is because typically throughout the day, if your cream formula make up products are not set in place with powder, they may literally slide off your face due to the natural effects of gravity.
Over time, the visible effects of gravity appear reversed for even more refined and toned definition of the neck line, profile, and décolleté.»
Because of the chronic effects of gravity on the progressively enlarging thyroid mass, these tumors migrate into the thoracic cavity.
Thumper - bumpers, flippers, even the effect of gravity can be changed by design.
«I find the fact that trees can not grow to the sky, because of the effects of gravity on tall slender structures, a useful metaphor, suggesting a limit to growth of most things, including corporations» Ralph Wanger
i am referring to energy itself, which anyways no body knows what is it, we can only see its effects, just like we can only see the effects of gravity but not gravity itself!
Yes, but the effects of gravity can be tested very easy.
Second: The effects of gravity can be seen and measured.
While decreasing the effects of gravity during jumping drills, athletes are able to re-pattern inefficient body mechanics that are slowing them down and dampening their power.
The effect of gravity is partially counteracted as the ball rides on and into increased pressure.
I would suggest, if you can do it, latching the baby as you normally would and then reclining back so that you are almost laying down and so that the baby is coming at the breast from the top, taking away the effect of gravity.
You also get the benefits of movement, which can boost the effects of gravity.
Inside a stainless steel chamber, LIGO technicians examine the surface of one of the test mass mirrors that will reflect infrared laser light to measure the effect of gravity waves.
Observations by Williams and colleagues at Cardiff University and the University of Manchester, using the Jansky Very Large Array (JVLA) and the Green Bank Telescope (GBT), have now captured the effects of gravity on ammonia gas moving within the SDC13 system.
And by testing the effect of gravity on BECs of two different types of atoms, an atom interferometer could test the principle that all objects, no matter their weight or composition, accelerate at the exact same rate under gravity's pull — as Galileo Galilei supposedly demonstrated by dropping balls of different materials off the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy.
Einstein originally put a term called lambda into his equation for general relativity that was meant to counteract the effects of gravity and create a static universe.
General relativity has never been tested in places where the effects of gravity become truly extreme — for example, at the edge of a black hole.
Another text confuses «force» and «acceleration» in describing the effect of gravity.
Physicists have calculated that the centre of the Earth is two - and - a-half years younger than its surface, thanks to the effects of gravity as described by general relativity.
Although Einstein's theory of general relativity is hugely successful at explaining the effects of gravity, it seems incompatible with quantum mechanics — so physicists are interested in testing it with ever more precision.
Specifically, it ignores the effects of gravity.
A second reason was his concern with incorporating gravity, making use of what he called the equivalence principle, which postulates that observers can never distinguish the effects of gravity from those of acceleration as long as they observe phenomena only in their neighborhood.
Electromagnetic waves have both electric and magnetic components, and in this case astronomers were looking for the effect of gravity waves on the magnetic part.
The researchers propose that this brain region models the effect of gravity by comparing the head's motion in different directions and sending its calculations to the visual and motor systems.
The current study, led by John Regan, a postdoctoral researcher at Ireland's Dublin City University, modeled the process using software developed by Columbia's Greg Bryan, and includes the effects of gravity, fluid dynamics, chemistry and radiation.
Their program works out the most probable rest positions for a model, such as standing up or on its side and calculates the effects of gravity for each.
Back then, all stars needed to form was a primordial soup of mostly hydrogen and some helium atoms, perturbed by the effects of gravity on minuscule differences in the density of the gases, and the mysterious substance known as dark matter.
Vertical turbines also tend not to be as tall and have a steady gravity load, meaning the effects of gravity don't change as the turbine spins, unlike in horizontal axis turbines.
Though the effects of gravity are constant, forces from wind change on various parts of the structure as it spins, said Veers.
Today, the compendium of data on weather and climate, the shape of ocean floors, dimensions of the atmosphere, effects of gravity, rotation, or concentrations of dissolved minerals is impressive and growing.
Using a computer simulation to model the effect of gravity on the distribution of millions of particles of dark matter, the scientists reconstructed the evolution of the universe, including the early clumping of matter, and the formation of large scale structure.
We perceive which way is down via the effect of gravity on the inner ear's vestibular system combined with visual information and a sense of the body's position.
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