Sentences with phrase «effects of hormones»

An additional potential benefit of this approach is that the temporary break from the side effects of hormone therapy may improve a man's quality of life.
We are all aware of the negative effects of hormones in meats, especially when it comes to young children.
He said a forward - looking study, or an investigation of possible biological effects of the hormone treatment would have been more convincing.
Besides this, the overall effects of hormone imbalance may make a woman feel very uncomfortable; that may cause this disease.
In essence, this alternative spay is a way to curb population concerns while guarding the dog from the negative effects of hormone loss.
To properly plan the surgery for the best outcome, the breast needs to recover from the temporary effects of hormone stimulation.
These mood changes are believed to be a natural effect of the hormone shifts that happen with pregnancy and childbirth.
But when I went into private practice, I saw the devastating effect of hormones firsthand.
It slowly releases hormones over time to suppress the negative effects of the hormones released by the adrenal gland tumor or tumors.
The side effects of the hormones were bothering her, so she wanted it taken out.
But these investigations (which due to ethical reasons are mostly observational studies or one - off hormone administrations) have been limited in what they can show, as it has been impossible to follow the direct effect of the hormone on the brain structure.
Even worse, they might be far too quick to suggest the health destroying, long term effects of hormone replacement therapy or just tell them to buck up and get through it because «it won't last forever.»
Carlsen adds, «Pregnant women who have higher levels of androgens breastfeed less... probably, this is a direct effect of hormones that simply limit nursing ability, by reducing milk production in the breast.»
Researchers launched the WHI in part to study the long - term effects of hormone replacement.
Cattle ranchers took issue with the company for «misleading» consumers about the scope and effects of hormone use in traditional animal farming, while in a recent tweet Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall critiqued A&W for «promoting non-Canadian beef» and suggested supporting chains that source domestically, like McDonald's.
Nordeen and colleagues show that luteolin blocks some of the endocrine effects of the hormone progesterone.
Surprisingly little research has been done on the health effects of these hormones in humans, in part because it's difficult to separate the effects of added hormones from the mixture of natural hormones, proteins, and other components found in milk and meat.
Conclusion: Our findings suggest that higher vitamin D concentrations, which are easily modifiable through nutritional supplementation, are associated with longer LTL, which underscores the potentially beneficial effects of this hormone on aging and age - related diseases.
Even though, for example, weight loss probably isn't as simple as the often used calories consumed / calories burnt model (e.g. some researchers point to other factors such as the significant effect of hormones on fat loss), your caloric intake it can still be a useful guideline to follow.
So, you don't have people talking about breast tenderness, a kind of systemic effect of the hormone, because it's really just being used three times a week, about 1 ML, which is a small dosing.
• Parabens: they are well - known with its imitating effect of the hormone, estrogen.
We are trying to be responsible with reproduction, and yet spare them the potential negative effects of hormone loss
Are adolescents the victims of raging hormones: Evidence for activational effects of hormones on moods and behavior at adolescence
People experiencing the side effects of hormone imbalances in Rochester Hills, Michigan and elsewhere can find help from medical professionals who go to the root of the problem.
«How to fight side effects of hormone therapy for prostate cancer: Study shows group exercise and nutrition program prevents fat gain and strength loss.»
Effect of hormone replacement therapy on cardiovascular events in recently postmenopausal women: randomised trial.
Menopausal women particularly benefit from its consumption, as its phytoestrogenic elements can help replace dwindling estrogen levels, thus reducing the unpleasant side effects of hormone imbalance.
The effect of the hormones is to make the heart beat faster, the rate of breathing increase, blood vessels dilate and bring more blood to the muscles, hair become erect, the sugar content of the blood increase.
Berries can help control and counter the effects of this hormone's impact on your mood.
As one of the side effects of these hormones, the veins also relax and loose their firmness.
New mothers are often emotionally labile, due to the effect of hormones.
Great parents nurture compassion about a child's particular mental challenges and, in the moment, take into account the effect of hormones, hunger, and temperament on behavior.
Three months is a good time to allow the breast to recover from the effects of hormone stimulation of pregnancy and nursing.
Discover five things you didn't know about nursing, including the effects of hormones and the...
They are known to mimic the effect of hormones in the body and may be the underlying causes for a number of health problems, particularly in children, some experts believe.
His field — the effect of hormones on bone — was a backwater.
The study proved roots grew when, through molecular biology techniques with cell resolution, the brassinosteroid receptor was restored only in cells that divide, which points out that the effect of the hormone stays in the cell during its growth phase.
U.S. researchers have been studying the effect of hormone - like pollutants, but only in a few areas.
The researchers found they could examine the effects of hormones on sex segregation by studying girls with classical and non-classical congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH).
To further probe the links between the endocrine system and aging, he focused on the effects of hormones upon the brain.
Prenatal exposure to male hormones influences which activities girls are interested and engage in, but the effects of those hormones don't extend to gender identity or who they socialize with, according to Penn State researchers.
The findings are based on ongoing analysis of data from the federally funded Women's Health Initiative, the first randomized study — and the largest, involving 16,608 women — on the effects of hormone therapy.
The paper, written by authors at King's College London and Baylor College of Medicine, reviews contraceptive devices available including those already used by military and aviation personnel, and calls for more research into the effect of hormone treatments on bone mineral loss in space.
The effect of hormone treatments on bone mineral density (BMD) is another issue for spaceflight, where astronauts lose bone at a much higher rate than on Earth.
Very little research had scrutinized the effects of hormones on the brain, so she decided to focus on this area.
For years, people have attributed runner's highs to endorphins, but when researchers blocked the effects of these hormones in running mice, the animals still showed signs of runner's high — reduced anxiety and less sensitivity to pain.
They used these mouse cells to experiment with the effects of hormones on ILC2 cells.
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