Sentences with phrase «effects of malnutrition»

It is also important that Prospective Adoptive Parents educate themselves regarding issues such as infant / child developments, effects of orphanage residence on children, grieving issues / symptoms of children separated from their mothers shortly after birth, effects of malnutrition on the development of infants, etc..
The adverse effects of malnutrition increase the body's exposure to infection while at the same time decreasing its ability to fight the infection.
When you observe the unique effects of malnutrition and poverty in the children of a particular community, you learn what sort of agricultural, economic, and educational advances need to happen in the future.
A cross section of stakeholders involving Non-Governmental Organizations, Government officials and media experts, have described as alarming, the devastating effects of malnutrition in the...
For these people, Celiac disease often isn't diagnosed until after effects of malnutrition have set in (lack of growth in children, diarrhea, stomach pain and / or bloating, vomiting, behavioral changes, etc.).
Problems related to adoption — attachment issues, behavioral problems, residual effects of malnutrition or heavy metal toxicity (e.g., lead)
With good planning and early intervention, critically ill dogs can be spared the detrimental effects of malnutrition during hospitalization and healing.
These dogs often experience side effects of malnutrition which include starvation, bone growth deformities, frequent infections, lowered immune system responses, failing growth and overall failure to thrive.
One of the most important adverse effects of malnutrition is that the body becomes unable to defend itself.
Jungle disease, illness and the effects of malnutrition were rife, yet sick men were often forced to continue with the brutal work day and night in searing temperatures.
For people in developing countries, the effects of malnutrition are drastically compounded by infection and by the decline of breast feeding.
The nature of the relationship between malnutrition and infection is found in the fact that their interaction within the body is synergistic; that is, the effect of the presence of both of them at once is greater than the sum of the effects of malnutrition plus the effects of infection.
In an attempt to tease out the effects of malnutrition on fetal growth rates, Bloomfield and his colleagues put one group of sheep on a diet designed to reduce their body weight by 15 percent.
Methyl markings are then passed on along with the rest of the DNA, so the effects of malnutrition could be passed along for generations.
These could include the impacts of environmental exposure to harmful substances such as lead and arsenic or the effects of malnutrition on brain health.
A paper published by a University of Guelph researcher, who focuses on the history of food in Canada, has found studies conducted after World War Two that researched the effects of malnutrition by...
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