Sentences with phrase «effects of ocean»

Predictions concerning the consequences of the oceanic uptake of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) have been primarily occupied with the effects of ocean acidification on calcifying organisms, particularly those critical to the formation of habitats (e.g. coral reefs) or their maintenance (e.g. grazing echinoderms).
Testing the effects of ocean acidification on algal metabolism: considerations for experimental design
Nonetheless, the rapid and often asymmetric growth of this interdisciplinary field has left important knowledge gaps that require urgent attention: (i) what are the effects of ocean acidification and climate change on species interactions?
Testing the effects of ocean acidification on algal metabolism: considerations for experimental designs
The combined effects of ocean acidification, mixing, and respiration on pH and carbonate saturation in an urbanized estuary
Synergistic effects of ocean acidification and warming on overwintering pteropods in the Arctic
Direct and indirect effects of ocean acidification and warming on a marine plant — herbivore interaction
Despite variation in habitat, latitude and methods across studies, trends are emerging with respect to the effects of ocean acidification on echinopluteal growth and where sensitivities lie.
If you were hoping the oceans could balance our act, you may be in for a grim acid oceans reality check.Scientists have begun cataloging early effects of ocean acification, including evolution of marine species and effects on coral beds or algae populations.
The effects of ocean acidification and elevated temperature on shell plasticity and its energetic basis in an intertidal gastropod
Meta - analysis reveals negative yet variable effects of ocean acidification on marine organisms
The following SPP 1689 poster will be exhibited at the AGU: GC13C - 1154: The Climate Potentials and Side - Effects of Large - Scale terrestrial CO2 Removal — Insights from Quantitative Model Assessments — Monday, 15 December 2014, 13:40 - 18:00, Moscone West - Poster Hall, Lena Boysen, Vera Heck, Wolfgang Lucht, Dieter Gerten GC13C - 1155: On nutrients and trace metals: Effects from Enhanced Weathering — Monday, 14 December 2015, 13:40 - 18:00, Moscone South - Poster Hall, Thorben Amann, Jens Hartmann B23G - 0682: Revisiting ocean carbon sequestration by direct injection: A global carbon budget perspective — Tuesday, 15 December 2015, 13:40 - 18:00, Moscone South - Poster Hall, Fabian Reith, David Keller, Torge Martin, Andreas Oschlies C41B - 0702: Assessing the potential and side effects of ocean albedo modification in the Arctic — Thursday, 17 December 2015, 08:00 - 12:20, Moscone South - Poster Hall, Nadine Mengis, Andreas Oschlies, David Keller, Torge Martin
They find that this is the result of the competing effects of the ocean absorbing both heat and carbon.
The air circulation changes ensure that over time the energy radiated to space matches the energy received from the sun despite disruptions in the flow caused by the effects of the ocean cycles or changes in the composition of the air.
Luckily new research in Nature climate change shows that some corals are able to counter the effects of ocean acidification through an ingenious buffering system.
Climate scenarios of sea level rise for the northeast Atlantic Ocean: a study including the effects of ocean dynamics and gravity changes induced by ice melt.
These partially offsetting effects lead to the expectation that direct human shifts in water storage on land will not have large effects on sea level in comparison to the effects of ocean warming and mountain - glacier and ice - sheet melting (Wada et al., 2012), although notable uncertainties remain in regards to future groundwater use and reservoir construction, and these effects vary considerably depending on the specific location (NRC, 2012e).
Several researchers have shown that the warmth and drought predicted by CO2 driven models may have mistakenly modeled the climate effects of ocean cycles but blamed the results on CO2.
Organisms living in Polar Regions are uniquely vulnerable to the effects of ocean acidification because only very low concentrations of calcium carbonate is dissolved in the water column.
Unresolved issues that will be addressed in a series of forthcoming studies include the effects of ocean dynamics on the predictability of low - frequency atmosphere and land variability and the feedback of soil moisture variations on atmospheric temperatures and circulation (e.g., Rowntree and Bolton 1983; Atlas et al. 1993; Koster et al. 2000).
Rocky shores are one of the few ecosystems for which field evidence of the effects of ocean acidification is available.
This is the first time such dead zones have been found far from any shore and could be a sign of the effects of ocean warming on marine ecosystems, according to a new study published Thursday in the journal Biogeosciences.
What additional research do you think would need to be done to fully explore the effects of ocean acidification on the oceanic biological pump?
The advantage of recognising a reversed sign for the solar effect high up in the atmosphere is that it enables a scenario whereby the bottom up effects of ocean cycles and the top down effects of solar variability can be seen to be engaged in a complex ever changing dance with the primary climate response being changes in the tropospheric air circulation systems to give us the observed natural climate variability via cyclical latitudinal shifts in all the air circulation systems and notably the jet streams.
Changes in sea level vary around the world and over time, because of the effects of ocean cycles, volcanic eruptions and other phenomena.
A new study on ice loss in Antarctica by the British Antarctic Survey confirms what we already know about the effects of global warming but it differentiates between the effects of ocean currents, their cause and the air temperature effects at the ice surface.
Kleypas now works mainly to combat — and help prevent — the effects of ocean acidification on coral reefs.
«Climate simulations and empirical analysis suggest that neither the effects of ocean surface temperatures
The report, Explaining ocean warming: Causes, scale, effects and consequences, reviews the effects of ocean warming on species, ecosystems and on the benefits oceans provide to humans.
The impacts of ice shelf collapse and ensuing glacier acceleration are substantial, but in general, the effects of ocean melt are proving to be far more important in controlling ice sheet mass balance.
By physically sailing to the heart of the debate, Cape Farewell aims to draw people's attention to the effects of ocean currents on us and our climate - revealing the workings of this crucial part of the planet through scientific experiments, film, live web broadcasts, events, exhibitions and the insight of artists and educators.
There are a lot of unknowns about the ecological effects of ocean - based renewable energy.
This 460 - page publication offers a comprehensive and up - to - date look at the effects of ocean warming from the perspective of major ecosystems and species groups.
They criticized the short time period he studied and his failure to consider the effects of the ocean and other factors.
Their observations were that the region of lightly grounded ice at the glacier terminus is extending upstream, and the changes inland are consistent with the effects of a prolonged disturbance to the ice flow, such as the effects of ocean - driven melting.
How do you predict the economic effects of ocean acidification?
Martha Stewart, documentarians Barbra Ettinger and Sven Huseby talk about ocean conservation and demonstrate the detrimental effects of ocean acidification on coral reefs.
Surfing has it all: it's a killer upper body workout, provides the calming effects of the ocean and will get you natural blonde highlights.
These findings show for the first time that evolutionary adaptation may help to mitigate harmful effects of ocean acidification.
Then focusing on tropical and coral reef marine molluscs, including giant clams, I will discuss effects of ocean acidification on ecologically - relevant characteristics including very recent findings demonstrating impacts on behaviour.
As sea ice melts, new findings add to concerns about the effects of ocean noise and increased human activity on deep - diving Arctic whales
These ecosystems are highly vulnerable to the combined effects of ocean acidification and warming.
Young sea stars from the Baltic Sea suffer more from the effects of ocean acidification than adults.
«The geologic record tells us the chemical effects of ocean acidification would last tens of thousands of years,» Caldeira said.
Focuses on understanding the effects of ocean acidification on biological resources of the U.S. west coast.
[46] These organisms were susceptible to the effects of the ocean acidification that resulted from increased atmospheric CO2.»
More information on the effects of ocean acidification is a major environmental priority because of the threat it poses to certain processes, organisms and ecosystems.
Continue reading «The complex effects of ocean acidification on the prominent N2 - fixing cyanobacterium Trichodesmium»
But we wanted to observe the natural development of the plankton ecosystem from the first productivity in late winter until summer, closely monitor the succession of the plankton communities and follow how effects of ocean acidification are transmitted from one generation to the next,» Riebesell explains.
She studied the effects of ocean acidification on the growth and development of a species of tiny shrimp.
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