Sentences with phrase «effects of policies»

The net effects of these policies on school autonomy and differentiation are unclear.
They are more concerned with the economic and other effects of policy based on the science.
The fact that most counties DO N'T have this deduction is likely because of the unintended side effects of this policy.
To an empirical observer the dispute over the primary effect of a policy should be easy to resolve.
I just wonder how much effect ANY of these policies really have on social mobility outcomes.
The main effect of these policies is improved confidence in the economy and better investment sentiments.
This is not to say that researchers should not investigate the early effects of policies, but rather that they should be appropriately cautious in describing what their work means.
As part of the DACA Seminar at Harvard, a multi-week series of events surrounding the topic of immigration with various guests including academics, artists, and activists, Joy Reid, political analyst and host of AM Joy at MSNBC will interview Jose Antonio Vargas, Pulitzer Prize - winning journalist and founder and CEO at Define American, as he speaks about the politics of immigration, the termination of DACA, and the overall effect of these policy decisions on the American people.
Meta - analysis is an ideal approach to identifying the common effect of a policy when many rigorous but small and particular empirical studies vary in their individual conclusions.
(The Liberal government, regrettably, then countered the positive effects of that policy with flawed power policies, driving up the latter and significant input cost for businesses.)
Another new Tory MP, ex-Army officer Johnny Mercer, pleaded: «I would urge the Chancellor for something, anything that might mitigate the harshest effects of this policy on our most vulnerable.»
We shall see if the Lib Dems stop Iain Duncan Smith disguising the dismal effects of his policies by changing the way poverty is measured.
The Fed lacks sufficient knowledge with respect to the lagged effects of a policy action.
The bigger effect of the policy change, they said, would be a reduction of «test anxiety» in city schools, something that Mayor Bill de Blasio pledged during his campaign to make happen.
Nevertheless, these problems are occurring in many places — unintended effects of policies that have aimed to provide more useful information to educators, families, students, and policymakers and to ensure attention to the learning progress of low - income and minority students, English learners, students with disabilities, and members of other groups that have been traditionally underserved,» the statement read.
In the absence of a detailed study, very simple models are incredibly useful in sketching out the possible effect of a policy, so I use them quite often.
It's no secret to them (and he has demonstrated that in person) that Trump doesn't listen to his advisers, ignores allies and doesn't give much consideration to the eventual effects of his policies.
If true, this is a good effect of the policy that outweighs all the stated concerns.
The distributional effects of the policy, which has had a history of cultural convulsions, appeared ignored in favour of economic ones.
«While some of the specifics in these proposals have merit, the overarching effect of these policies would be to set education reform back by more than two decades,» DFER Director of Federal Policy Charles Barone said.
Justification of the intentions behind the policies of separation seemed to outweigh any acceptance of responsibility on behalf of the Australian State for the actual effects of these policies and the devastation caused to the lives of so many Indigenous children and their families.
To create more international consistency and transparency in the way the GHG effects of policies and actions are estimated
The full effect of this policy will hit the Ontario adjudication community in 2016, although the effects are already starting to be seen.
Before you purchase a policy, you should understand the basic idea behind this kind of whole life product and what the long - term effects of this policy could be on you and your family.
While noting the efforts of by the State party to address the tragedies resulting from the previous policy of removing indigenous children from their families, the Committee remains concerned about the continuing effects of this policy.
She acknowledged the profound effects of these policies and practices on fathers, and recognised the hurt these actions caused to brothers and sisters, grandparents, partners and extended family members.
«The compounded effect of these policies has contributed to the failure to deliver on the targets in the areas of health, education and employment in the Closing the Gap strategy and has contributed to aggravating the escalating incarceration and child removal rates of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.»
My goal is to briefly summarize the evidence in three areas: (1) what we know about the effects of marriage, divorce, and single parenthood on children; (2) what we know about the effectiveness of policies and programs that seek to stem persistently high rates of divorce and out - of - wedlock childbearing; and (3) what we know about the likely effects of these policies on low - income families and children.
NAR argued that all of the facts concerning the anticompetitive effects of the policies related to the VOW policy, and the alleged anticompetitive effects of the ILD policy were pleaded in conclusory fashion.
As George Osborne faced a backlash last year over his planned tax credit cuts, Mercer urged the chancellor to find «something, anything that might mitigate the harshest effects of this policy on our most vulnerable».
«To put it bluntly,» Hedges wrote, «in the face of diverse and apparently conflicting information about the potential effects of a policy, it is difficult to know which studies to believe.»
However, a big side effect of this policy is that they are also incentivizing debt.
The net effect of these policies, coupled with economic considerations for cloud computing providers, could leave Canadian lawyers without access to tools and resources that are critical to maintaining technical relevance, and a level of practice efficiency on par with peers in more technically progressive jurisdictions.
Nevertheless, these problems are occurring in many places — unintended effects of policies that have aimed to provide more useful information to educators, families, students, and policymakers and to ensure attention to the learning progress of low - income and minority students, English learners, students with disabilities, and members of other groups that have been traditionally underserved.
From his position on the frontlines of startup decision making, Feld has already seen the effects of these policies.
If the original tax base is $ 263 billion and if nothing else changes — the assumption you have to make in assessing the effects of a policy — then this information is enough to put some numbers on the sort of revenues you can expect to generate by an increase in corporate tax revenues.
Given the modest sums involved and that this is not new money, the effect of these policies is likely to be extremely modest.
Also, the effects of a policy of raising rates may be more predictable compared to the effects from using unconventional tools.
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