Sentences with phrase «effects of racism on»

A symposium investigating the effects of racism on children and young people released a statement calling for long - term attitudinal and behavioural change campaigns to tackle the issue.
The organisation has recently been working to raise awareness of the mental health effects of racism on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with their Invisible Discriminator campaign, but has made no public comment about the allegations of abuse on the NT juvenile justice system or the need for a Royal Commission.
She reflected on the well - documented evidence of the effects of racism on health outcomes, and described the scaffolding that has been developed for University of Otago students to explore the effects of racism with patients and their whanau.
With the current controversy surrounding the care of Gurrumul Yunupingu, it is timely to acknowledge the harmful effects of racism on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and examine how it can be eliminated.
An honest conversation must occur about how parents raise their children, as well as about the effects of racism on students and the hindrances resulting from a lack of money.

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But by the time my semester came to an end, I learned some wholly unexpected lessons about the transformative power of prayer in a jail setting; about the effects on the body of such personal transformation; and about this country's systemic racism and how it is in some ways coterminous with the attempt to prevent or repress such transformation.
Casting the discussion in these terms allows liberals to deplore black crime with a clear conscience; the focus on black victims establishes a connection between their new stand against crime and the older excoriation of the effects of white racism.
The effect one white American Olympic participant had on another may not be as substantial a story to take up the 24 - hour news cycle as the issue of systemic racism highlighted by the Rodney King beating and the O.J. Simpson trial, which happened before and after the main events of this film, but it works to sell one of the film's notable points.
The Irish - Ethiopian actor gives an Oscar - worthy performance in Jeff Nichols» film about the effects of Jim Crow racism on a mixed - race couple in 1950s Virginia
There is of course no question that the savage inhumanity to which African Americans were subjected in our country for much of its history and the racism that has persisted far longer have had detrimental effects on the black community and on its families.
Again, who would read the report and believe that the drafters would accept a student who said, «Yes, racism is a part of our history, but it has declined in marvelous ways, and does not have a formative effect on students»?
Increasing racial, ethnic, linguistic, socio - economic, and gender diversity in the teacher workforce can have a positive effect for all students, but the impact is even more pronounced when students have a teacher who shares characteristics of their identity.20 For example, teachers of color are often better able to engage students of color, 21 and students of color score higher on standardized tests when taught by teachers of color.22 By holding students of color to a set of high expectations, 23 providing culturally relevant teaching, confronting racism through teaching, and developing trusting relationships with their students, teachers of color can increase other educational outcomes for students of color, such as high school completion and college attendance.24
Retaining an explicit emphasis in the new standards on including «opportunities for students to study relationships among science, technology, and society» (Hicks et al., 2014, Table 1) would open the door to consideration of a set of issues that every future teacher ought to be thinking about, for example, the power relationships enacted online as manifest through sexism, racism, anti-Semitism, and homophobia; the quality of the discourse and information that circulates there and the effects of rumor on reputation; notions of public and private in a digital age; cyber bullying and suicide; copyright and plagiarism; ethics and professional responsibilities related to social media; and a host of other topics and questions that a critical media literacy approach could raise regarding technology and citizenship education.
Milner offers a call to action and renewed sense of urgency by advocating for better teacher education to support educators» abilities to fight the effects of poverty and racism on student learning.
Wallace draws on his own youth in Philadelphia to examine the effects of racism, the question of excessive force used by police, and the value of Black lives in this country.
A third grouping will contain photographs that focus on the role of place in Weems's examination of the underlying causes and effects of racism, slavery, and imperialism.
While there may be no intentional racism now, Mossville residents say they are suffering from the real, if unintentional, effects of living next to a cluster of heavy industries, a burden not imposed on other residents of the Parish.
During the Inquiry and after the report was released, many people - Indigenous and non-Indigenous - said that what was required first and foremost was a recognition of the racism of past laws, policies and practices that forcibly removed Indigenous children from their families, an acknowledgement of their devastating effects on the Indigenous community, and an apology.
That research found that racism has a compounding effect on mental health, with 97 per cent of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people surveyed experiencing incidents of racism multiple times.
Phillips spoke of the lingering health effects of colonisation, and the impact of racism on health and wellbeing.
It allows the structural effects of racism to fester on, and the harmful effects of unconscious race discrimination to continue.
Over half of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who experience racial discrimination report feelings of psychological distress, meaning they can go on to develop anxiety and depression.1 There is also a «dose» effect: the risk of high or very high levels of psychological distress increases as the volume of racism increases.3
Presentations ranged from a call to rally globally against the «agile, ruthless, deep - pocketed enemies of public health», to the effects of racism and wifi on the eating choices of Aboriginal children and young people.
Moreover, a recent study documents the racism reported by indigenous Australians living in a major Australian city when accessing health services, and the effect of this on their reports of poor health and wellbeing [7].
Current projects investigate effects of threatening environments on underrepresented groups, self - regulation mechanisms in response to threat, perceptions of targets and allies who confront prejudice, and effects of social media and racism on stress.
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