Sentences with phrase «effects of therapy»

A job application for an occupational therapy aide position has to demonstrate abilities in assisting therapists, providing advice and treatment, handling administrative duties, and monitoring effect of therapies on patients.
Your veterinarian will then provide you with information such as the recommended treatment protocol, the expectations and cost of the treatment and any potential side effects of the therapy.
I use research proven methods that are very practical and easy to use both in my office and at home, so you will start to feel the positive effects of therapy right away.
When such fundamental human issues are ignored by therapists, the growth - enabling effects of their therapy are reduced.
A comparison between patients who were treated early and the above - mentioned 50 patients who had newly acquired infections permits researchers to draw conclusions about the possible effects of this therapy.
When properly monitored, side effects of therapy are quite rare.
Limitations exist with respect to replication of studies, generalisability, predictions of which children will benefit and which treatment components are effective, and long term effects of therapy.
Society Hill Veterinary Hospital's specially trained rehabilitation practitioner is very adept at developing a balanced therapeutic regimen for your dog designed to maximize the beneficial effects of the therapies offered.
Nutritional supplements can help in reversing or preventing the cachexia, or muscle wasting associated with cancer, they may reduce toxicity from chemotherapy and radiation therapy as well as decrease the side effects of these therapies if one chooses to use them.
The idyllic location of Renaissance spa amidst verdant green landscaped gardens overlooking Powai Lake is truly appropriate for the curative effects of these therapies and treatments.
Schwarz and her team noted that the mice did not show obvious negative side effects of this therapy, likely because healthy cells don't rely on one fuel production pathway.
The positive effects of this therapy have been well proven in major studies, and the substance has also demonstrated its effectiveness in the treatment of chronic migraines in clinical practice.
Enderstanding the long - term effects of therapy and evaluating quality of care at a population level
The effects of this therapy are laid bare by the author herself, she is a much more functional human being.
One of the side - effects of this therapy is autoimmune intestinal inflammation — analogous to the inflammation that occurs in patients with the CTLA - 4 gene mutation.
Sato accepted full responsibility, admitting fabrication of the fraudulent Neurology papers, which reported on the effects of therapies to reduce hip fractures both after stroke and in Parkinson's disease patients.
The authors note the effects of therapy may be underestimated because few patients received each of the sICH treatments.
The biomarkers offer new tools for monitoring disease progression and the effects of therapies, both of which will be valuable in the researchers» design of clinical trials for this disease.
We've identified a new mechanism of immunotherapy resistance that appears to be reversible, potentially enhancing the effect of the therapies we now have.»
And six years later, the follow - up with 121 of the original study participants showed that the effects of that therapy were still evident.
While both studies are bad news for many women, Horvath suggests that scientists in the future may use the epigenetic clock as a diagnostic tool to evaluate the effects of therapies, like hormone therapy for menopause.
Our surgical oncologists provide the highest - quality cancer care to diagnose and remove tumors, debulk tumors to help make chemotherapy or radiation therapy more effective, and relieve symptoms or side effects of therapies.
New methods are continually being discovered to improve treatment and decrease side effects of therapies.
Using AI and Computer Vision Techniques to Determine Age and Assess the Effect of Therapies Against Aging in Mice, Increasing the Pace of Research.
Adequate vitamin D is vital for recovery, avoidance of side effect of therapy and many studies show its importance in cancer prevention.
Some men, however, will start to feel better sooner, while others will take longer to feel the effects of the therapy.
Results are similar with drug treatment (medication causes some brain changes, too), but doctors say the effects of therapy are more long - lasting.
Finally it should not be forgotten that also cancer treatment can play a role in cancer cachexia, since common side effects of this therapy are anorexia and weight loss.
This study is unique because it will not only measure the effects of the therapy on the young patients and their families across multiple sites, but also on the therapy dogs themselves.
According to Linder, previous studies have evaluated the effect of therapy dogs on children's literacy, but only outside of the academic setting.
Further exploring the effects of therapy dogs on stress in elderly ICU patients, the study aims to provide research - based evidence proving the efficacy of brief, 10 - minute therapy dog visits in improving stress associated with being in an ICU.
Many factors are involved in the decision making process, from the effects of the therapy on your pet, financial considerations, stress on everyone and the long term prognosis.
During this first phase, your main goal should be attracting your ideal client — identifying them, understanding their pains, and understanding the effects of therapy they receive.
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