Sentences with phrase «effects of time»

Muscle glycogen storage following prolonged exercise: effect of timing of ingestion of high glycemic index food.
It is all the more interesting that we find a significant positive effect of time spent on lecture, despite the presumably noisy measure of in - class time use.
Unfortunately, dull - looking skin is just one more side effect of time.
As with those works, the marked surface speaks of the arbitrary, cumulative effects of time.
[2] The residual effects of a time when the legal profession was only governed by white males explains merely part of these concerning statistics.
You might have the greatest special effects of all time, or an incredibly committed cast, but if your story is no good, then nothing can save your film.
The calming effects of this time together may help to lower any anxiety and stress that are interfering with the clarity of your thinking.
These works with multiple complex elements speak about the beautiful effects of time upon objects.
He uses both traditional craft and cutting edge techniques to make art that exposes the layered and often dark relationships between technology's abstractions and the palpable effects of time.
Muscle glycogen synthesis after exercise: effect of time of carbohydrate ingestion.
The gradual transformation and disappearance of the artist's marking echoes the themes evident in the clay work — the natural effects of time on matter, and the beauty in loss and renewal of all forms.
There was a significant main effect of the time of negative affect (pretest - posttest), F (1, 40) = 17.69, p < 0.001, Eta2 = 31 (31 %).
So the measurable, much less socially significant, effect of the time change would be infinitesimal, while the added pleasures of long light summer evenings are substantial, if not quantifiable.
The greatest indicated likelihood of being in an intact marriage of the highest quality is among those who married at ages 22 - 25, net of the estimated effects of time since first marriage and several variables that might commonly affect age at marriage and marital outcomes.
Additionally, there was no main effect of group for waist circumference between CG (81.3 ± 2.5 cm) and AG (80.1 ± 2.2 cm) participants, F (1, 22) = 0.13, p = 0.72, nor was there a main effect of time from baseline testing (81.1 ± 1.7 cm) to posttesting (80.3 ± 1.7 cm), F (1, 22) = 1.51, p = 0.232.
In addition to her own research, here are sources Jo Boaler has sited supporting the damaging effects of timed tests in mathematics (from her 2014 article, «Research suggests timed tests cause math anxiety»): Ashcraft, Mark H. 2002.
Failure to eat breakfast did not emerge as a factor in the observed effect of time delay on total lunch calories, nor were there any observed differences in meal satisfaction between meals ordered in advance and those ordered for immediate consumption.
But since the Earth is around four billion years old, the cumulative effect of this time dilation adds up to a difference of around a year and a half.
Like her outdoor site - specific works, she embraced the natural effects of time on objects, such as the shifting color and texture of the leaves as they dried.
«New study examines effect of timing of folic acid supplementation during pregnancy.»
Lottery - based estimates show large score gains for students who spend time at a charter school but zero or even negative effects of time spent in a pilot school.
In addition, money taken out early loses the compounding effect of the time value of money.»
One day it might even be possible to use brain stimulation to decrease activity in the ventral pallidum, to speed up the healing effects of time, she says.
The key involves the relativistic effect of time, Krauss explains.
Ad lib feeding during the weekend did not interfere with the protective effects of time - restricted feeding (34)
Effect of treatment, P < 0.0001; effect of time × treatment interaction, P < 0.0001 (both: repeated - measures ANOVA); all of the points differed significantly (P < 0.001) between treatments starting from the 6th hour (Tukey's honestly significant differences post hoc test).
If an A TO Z study was done looking at feeding window then analysed we might know more about the relative effects of time restricted vs macro nutrients on health and longevity.
The symptoms of syphilis are well - known, as are the side effects of the time period's medications like arsenic and mercury.
Time crossed lovers though, are hardly an uncommon side effect of time travel, and Time After Time's fanciful blend of historical fact with fiction manages to excuse its almost too easy last act, complete with winking epilogue.
In fact, as Harrison Shepherd finds himself targeted by the FBI and HUAC, his ordeal represents the intimate, troubling effects of those times on a single individual and brings the political into the personal.
Now eroded down to 6, these skinny buttes are courtesy the whittling effect of time and tide, carved out of the headlands to stand lone and huddled against the waves.
More than any other hardware generation, the 16 - bit consoles of the early «90s defy the often cruel effects of time.
Who would have thought it possible to show the geological effects of time simply by adapting a pile of terracotta bricks?
Rocha Pitta shows that maps can not capture the catastrophic results of human activity on nature and the ongoing effects of time.
«Part earthworks, part movie set, part traveling circus, the final «product» is always just slightly out of reach, since the artist is not interested in permanence, but rather decay, entropy and the ravaging, inevitable effects of time
Ancient Light explores the imperceptible effects of time on our present moment.
Massad, clearly a master of the genre, does not plumb this tradition to suggest the comforts of domesticity, rather, he infuses both his subject matter and what surrounds it with a sense of the weight of history, of the corrosive effects of time.
In laboratory experiments artificially prepared coals are influenced by the duration of the experiment, but in nature the length of time is substantially longer and the overall effect of time remains undetermined.
Associations between family structure changes and children's behavior problems: The moderating effects of timing and marital birth.
Friedman and Boyle [35] have recently reviewed attachment - related findings from the longitudinal NICHD Study of Early Child Care (SECC) aiming to identify effects of timing, extent, quality, and type of child care experiences on children's development in a large sample, using well - controlled methodology.
Because initial RR analyses revealed both quadratic and linear effects of time on treatment outcomes, we computed the log of the number of days since randomization for each assessment point and used these log values in all RR analyses.
As Fig. 3 shows, the causal - correlational effect of time spent on games in wave 1 on physical aggression in wave 2 (β =.06, B =.01, SE =.003, p =.09) was not significant.
Model predictors included main effects and interactions of group with linear and quadratic effects of time (i.e., time and time squared, respectively), and the three - way interactions of 1 - year environmental factors × group × linear time and environmental factors × group × quadratic time.
The most robust studies are those that used longitudinal designs and controlled for time 1 levels of distress or well - being before examining the predictive effect of time 1 psychosocial variables on time 2 psychological adjustment.
Additionally, there was no significant main effect of time for total kcal, F (1, 22) = 0.73, p = 0.40; carbohydrates, F (1, 22) = 0.17, p = 0.68; fats, F (1, 22) = 0.14, p = 0.70; or proteins consumed, F (1, 22) = 0.81, p = 0.38.
The main effect of time when groups were combined in total body fat percent, however, was significant, F (1, 22) = 5.28, p = 0.03, ES = 0.21 with total body fat decreasing by 0.75 % from pre to posttesting.
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