Sentences with phrase «effects of violence»

At the same time, I've seen the incredibly devastating effects of violence, so it's not like I think violence solves anything.
On a somewhat positive side, the fast action and special effects of the violence are emphasized over the gore it could produce.
One of the most damaging but least publicly understood effects of violence is the way it impacts early child development.
He used choppy filmmaking to mimic the immediate discombobulating effects of violence, to show how real - life fights and car accidents are disorienting, jarring affairs.
Cultures under Siege: Collective Violence and Trauma, edited by Harvard Graduate School of Education Professor Marcelo Suárez - Orozco and Utrecht University Professor Antonius C.G.M. Robben, draws on the work of anthropologists, psychologists, and psychoanalysts to look at the complex, overlapping ways that societies and individuals come to grips with the traumatic effects of violence, humiliation, discrimination, and feelings of historical injustice.
A compelling look at Basque culture and the lingering effects of violence.
The most successful work, however, is less concerned with the visible physical effects of violence but is instead narrative and documentary — intimate portraits of emboldened survivors who share their harrowing stories in unequivocal detail.
It can not be said that the effects of violence end when violence ends.
Christians have an obligation to reduce violence wherever possible, an obligation that stems from the explicit teachings and example of Jesus, from their faith in God's purpose for human creatures to live in harmony, and from their everyday ministry with those who suffer the effects of violence.
We need conversations about movies and video games that desensitize our children to the effects of violence.
If Labour wants to show that it can select candidates who have experienced real hardship and have personal experience of the effects of violence against women, it could not have made a better choice.
While last night's meeting in Saint Joseph University Church occurred only days after the massacre in Las Vegas, the panel discussion focus was the effect of violence on kids in city schools.
Anderson has authored several studies on the effects of violence in television and video games and contributed to a 2009 policy statement on media violence from the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Her research expertise includes the effects of violence on and trauma recovery elephants, grizzly bears, chimpanzees, and parrots, and other species in captivity.
Rumplestilskin is worried about the effect of violence on his baby.
It is not clear whether he was hoping to make a coherent statement on vigilantism and justice, or on the effects of violence on the victims.
By situating the audience perspective at the borders of grotesque violence, both at a remove in the case of the CCTV cameras and in decontextualizing, arresting close - ups with the help of cinematographer Tom Townend, Ramsay conveys a more ruminative position on the effects of violence.
Working to promote the social and emotional wellbeing of all children and families and to mitigate the effects of violence and trauma.
Too many children in America suffer the effects of violence and the devastation of their communities.
OUSD's five - year plan includes mentoring, parent education, and teacher training programs to address the effects of violence on student behavior.
As protests continue across the country, there is a renewed focus in the mainstream art world on work that addresses the effects of violence on black people.
This exhibition explores a wide range of important topics including: personal histories, cultural traditions, environmental concerns, the effects of violence, changing ideas about gender and sexuality, and new approaches to the medium of photography.
Clandestine efforts to save or protect, often taken at great risk, attest to an indefatigable faith in the power of images to heal and comfort, and a desire to honor what survives in spite of the effects of violence or time.
The works come together to form a landscape scarred by the effects of violence and littered with its remnants.
National Center for Children Exposed to Violence Provides resources and a bibliographic database of information on the effects of violence exposure on children.
Furthermore, our results suggest that supportive caregiving may buffer the effects of violence.
Recent work by Shalev et al16 has revealed that repeated exposure to violence during childhood is associated with telomere erosion which, although not specifically relevant to this paper, is a further illustration of the effect of violence on the genome.
Silent Realities: Supporting Young Children and Their Families Who Experienced Violence (2003) Elena Cohen and Barbara Walthall This guide summarizes the effects of violence on children and families as well as tips, strategies, and resources for designing programs to help young children cope with traumatic events.
This workshop will give participants an of domestic violence, explore the effects of violence on early brain understandingdevelopment and attachment and discuss interventions to use with this population.
An essential element of Indigenous healing is recognising the interconnections between and effects of violence, social and economic disadvantage, racism and dispossession from land and culture on Indigenous people, families and communities.
In general recommendation 19 on Violence against Women, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women notes the effects of family violence on women and requires states parties to compile statistics and research on the extent, causes and effects of violence, and on the effectiveness of measures to prevent and deal with violence.
Women are held accountable for the effects of his violence, even when they are themselves victims of his violence.
This study was designed to identify patterns of psychological abuse (abuse) and determine whether different patterns mediate the effects of violence and sexual aggression.
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