Sentences with phrase «effects of warming»

Is anyone keeping a list of current effects of warming on businesses?
An indirect effect of warming oceans is the location of the shark's prey.
In addition to the direct effects of warming temperatures, there are indirect effects of climate change.
Other effects of warming waters include shifts in plant and animal distributions in the basin's freshwater rivers and streams.
However, it made certain criticisms, in particular that there was an emphasis on worst - case scenarios and little mention of the positive effects of warming in some regions.
For instance, the greatest negative effects of warming are expected to occur in the tropics because tropical species tend to have a narrower range of thermal tolerance when compared with higher latitude species.
So the mechanism of global warming is an indirect effect of increasing CO2, not the direct effect of warming the atmosphere as is generally believed.
Warming is linked to increases in precipitation extremes partly because of the physical effect of warming on atmospheric conditions.
Are you really trying to say that the dominant effect of a warmer atmosphere is to increase evaporation so much it cools the ocean?
It examines only current climate - related effects rather than future effects of warming temperatures, and it does not offer cost estimates.
A few more examples of current practical effects of warming on businesses might convince some of these business - can - do - no - wrong types.
No one can see much advantage in the rising seas, which are one of the most certain effects of the warming projected during the coming decades.
Anchor Bret Baier introduced the report by saying that as ««climategate - fueled skeptics continued to impugn global warming science, researchers today issued new and even more dire warnings about the possible effects of a warmer planet
In 2005, I argued that ice sheets may be more vulnerable than the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimated, mainly because of effects of a warming ocean in speeding ice melt.
Oakwood, the tragedy is not what's happening in science — things there are just as they should be: the field continues to develop new data and refined analyses, general conclusions have been reached that a very large majority support, based on well - established principles (properties of CO2, thermodynamics, effects of warmer air on evaporation...) and data (measures of CO2 levels, shifts in isotopic composition of atmospheric CO2, temperature records — instrumental and proxy,...).
Corals and other species that depend upon them are also highly vulnerable due to the combined effects of warming ocean water, ocean acidification, and other human - caused stresses.
«MS study correlates negative effect of warmer weather on cognitive status.»
Panel sought to help businesses and state and local governments prepare for effects of warming
Under the treaty, the word «adaptation» is restricted to adaptation to adverse effects of warming from human - generated greenhouse gases (and to economic harm in, for example, places like Saudi Arabia that pump oil; they'll be standing in line for some of the cash).
Long term effects of a warmer climate may well indeed be beneficial but I think that there is ample evidence as well as logical reasoning supporting the expectation of negative consequences overwhelming positive ones in the short term.
As early as 1977, Exxon scientists repeatedly briefed the company's top executives of the probability of rising global temperatures driven largely by fossil fuel use and the potentially catastrophic effects of a warmer world.
c) That the Arctic has only warmed because of AGW and not as a side effect of warmer ocean water flowing into the Arctic Circle.
87 SecularAnimist says: «The actual observed effects of the warming that has already occurred, as a result of the greenhouse gases we have already emitted, are self - evidently already «dangerous» since they are already causing massive and costly harm.»
But I believe there is little doubt that the record - breaking scale and potential destructiveness of Sandy is due in large part to the amplifying effects of warmer ocean temperatures, higher atmospheric moisture content, and unusual Arctic weather patterns.
The House proposes slashing funding for earth science from NASA's budget, yet this science is critical to understanding — and coping with — the dramatic effects of a warming Arctic around the world.
To stave off the catastrophic effects of that warming, some experts are studying how to hack Earth's climate.
Further confounding the debate are unscientific and often hyperbolic claims about the potential effects of a warmer world.
It sounds like you're thinking of the theories that Dr. «Wally» Broecker put forth regarding possible effects of warming on the thermohaline circulation in the North Atlantic — they provided the seed for the movie «The Day After Tomorrow.»
In a new paper, the climate scientist Professor James Hansen and a team of international experts found the most dangerous effects of a warming climate — sea level rise, Arctic ice melt, extreme weather — would begin kicking in with a global temperature rise of 1C.
This article will show an example of a positive effect of warming
However, milk contains relatively little tryptophan, so the soothing and soporific effects of warm milk may be purely psychological.
«The things acting to reduce malaria spread, like improved healthcare and disease control, are much more powerful than the weak effect of warming,» Gething says.
The reality of climate change due to human activity has been widely accepted by climate scientists, and some experts worry that attempts to deny the science could prevent states from preparing for sea level rise, extreme weather and other effects of a warming planet.
According to Dr. Sumowski, «The significant effect of warmer weather on cognition should be considered when designing and conducting clinical trials.
Also at the AGU meeting, Yasunari's co-author and Goddard colleague William Lau presented the results of a separate study today suggesting that soot heating the atmosphere over India could accelerate the glacier - melting effects of the warm currents that rise up to the Himalayan chain, in a «heat pump» effect.
The intensifying effects of warming temperatures on water shortages have been detected in remote northern New Mexico, where melting snowfall feeds one of the Southwest's most important rivers.
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