Sentences with phrase «effects on the demographic»

So far, she says, there have been no effects on the demographics of who is applying, such as the age of the principal investigator or the type of university they are applying from.
Indeed, because the tests have such strong systematics, the use of GRE and PGRE scores as a measure of potential success has well - documented and powerful effects on the demographics of the resulting graduate cohorts.
That's an admirable goal, but financial restrictions will have little effect on the demographic that drives SUVs.

Not exact matches

The kicker is this: Dalio says the divide will only get worse in the next 5 to 10 years, both because of a demographic squeeze that puts stress on pension, healthcare, and debt promises; and because of the effects of technological change on employment and wealth.
At the Strategic Investment Conference 2018, John Mauldin interviewed Neil Howe, Fourth Turning best - selling author and demographics expert, about generational changes and their effect on the markets.
In our statistical analysis, we include all of the confounding factors discussed above, and control for demographic and regional differences in order to tease out the effects of different factors on whether Canadians support, oppose, or have no opinion about an FTA with China.
The conclusion may be that there is some way to go before the dampening effects of demographics on wages and inflation are fully worked through.
To me this appears the most satisfactory interpretation of the present state of Life on the surface of the earth; despite a regrettable recrudescence of racialism and nationalism which, impressive though it may be, and disastrous in its effect upon our private post-war lives, seems to have no scientific importance in the overall process: for the reason that any human tendency to fragmentation, regardless of its extent and origin, is clearly of an order of magnitude inferior to the planetary forces (geographic, demographic, economic and psychic) whose constantly and naturally growing pressure must sooner or later compel us willy - nilly to unite in some form of human whole organized on the basis of human solidarity.
Being breastfed exclusively for at least four months has been shown to have a positive effect on the intellectual development of children even when controlled for the demographic variables, especially socioeconomic status (SES) and education of the mother.14 - 22 The nutrient advantages of human milk coupled with the mother - infant relationship provide the matrix for the child to reach his / her full intellectual potential.
It is predicted that the effects of demographic change on the health and welfare system as well as the labour market will be drastic.
Last night was no exception: we covered topics ranging from the politics of Obama's gay marriage support to the changing demographics of North Carolina to the effect of Romney's Mormonism on evangelical voters, with plenty more in between.
State Assemblyman Fred Thiele (I - Sag Harbor) could become Southold and Shelter Island's new representative in the State Assembly, if a redistricting proposal released today by the New York State Legislative Task Force on Demographic Research and Reapportionment takes effect.
Parker, whose district encompasses parts of both lines under scrutiny, said part of her concern falls on the cuts» effects on senior citizens and young professionals; two of the main demographics taking the train.
They'll answer your questions on a variety of topics, including whether the human lifespan will continue to increase, what impact antiaging research could have on global demographics, and what the latest research says about what you can do to combat the ill effects of growing older
The researchers say follow - up studies could explore questions such as what extent demographic changes — especially a larger population of older adults — will have on heat - related mortality, and the effect of specific interventions related to adaptation and greenhouse gas reductions.
Other far - reaching effects may include changes in bear demographics due to the change in their diet, evolving salmon populations and impacts on plant pollinators.
«TOPCAT is the first randomized, double - blind trial to assess the effect of a treatment - spironolactone - on clinical outcomes in this patient demographic
Conversely, demographic factors such as gender and age had comparatively small effects on the perception of the dress image.
The paper itself is very statistical in nature, with various «selection models» applied to determine the demographic and selective effects on amino acid variation in the human genome.
The effect of ancient DNA damage on inferences of demographic histories Axelsson, E., E. Willerslev, M. T. P. Gilbert, and R. Nielsen.
The effect of ancient DNA damage on inferences of demographic histories.
When the researchers adjusted for demographic variables, health behaviors and health conditions, a statistically significant effect on mortality remained.
To examine the effects of specific health behaviors on longevity, researchers from the University of Michigan and the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Germany analyzed data from more than 14,000 Americans, ages 50 to 89, who were surveyed about their health and lifestyle every two years.
Our lowest converting demographic is 18 to 25 - year - old men, although this traffic is much cheaper for us to acquire, and members of this demographic can often have a negative effect on the network, as they are often too young and too sexualised for the women of Toyboy Warehouse.
The report focuses on three factors affecting the structure of dating and relationships: demographic projections (including life expectancy, population, ethnography, health), social projections (including marriage rates, alternative relationships, religious / cultural shifts) and technological shifts (rate of technological change, effects on labour market, emerging technologies).
We find that socioeconomic and demographic factors have strong effects on the selective processes but weak effects on use of internet dating services once the sample is conditioned on these factors.
This does not mean that all cases of STDs are linked to social media, but social media has been shown in this study to have a statistically significant effect on the number of STDs after controlling for demographic and economic variables.
I'd say the effect was like zapping between TV channels, but that metaphor is probably meaningless to the target age demographic that film addresses: it's more like surfing between websites on a low concentration threshold, or rather like leafing through a few pages of a comic, before tossing it aside and skimming another from the same giant stack, then going back to your first title again, before eventually realizing that all along you've been reading parts of the same vast, wildly complicated story.
«Giving preference to students on the basis of other socioeconomic or demographic variables had only modest effects on the representation of black and Hispanic students; none that we examined brought minority students to proportional representation.»
Specifically, I separated out the effects on test - score gains of a student's race and ethnicity, as well as accounted for the influence of a student's peers, by evaluating the influence of demographic characteristics of the student body, including average income level and percentage of minority students.
That claim overlooks the powerful effect demographic change has had on the possibility of increasing black student exposure to white students.
The impact that the changing demographic composition of schools could have on the achievement of black students is not clear, especially given the difficulty of isolating the effects of desegregation.
, American Economic Review, 2005; Anna Egalite, Brian Kisida, and Marcus Winters, «Representation in the Classroom: The Effect of Own - Race Teachers on Student Achievement», Economics of Education Review, 2015; Stephen Holt and Seth Gershenson, «The Impact of Teacher Demographic Representation on Student Attendance and Suspensions», IZA discussion paper 9554, 2015; and Constance Lindsay and Cassandra Hart, «Exposure to Same - Race Teachers and Student Disciplinary Outcomes for Black Students in North Carolina», Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 2017.
The Effect of Student - Teacher Demographic Match on Teacher Expectations», Economics of Education Review, 2016.
Whether we look at rapidly shifting demographics, constantly emerging technologies, the way we learn or the way we lead, K - 12 schools are experiencing dramatic changes that will have lasting effects on young people, and ultimately, the nation as a whole.
The effect of student - teacher demographic match on teachers» beliefs.
On the other hand, the estimated pilot effects on ELA and math scores with no controls or demographics — both reduced form and 2SLS — are small and not significantly different from On the other hand, the estimated pilot effects on ELA and math scores with no controls or demographics — both reduced form and 2SLS — are small and not significantly different from on ELA and math scores with no controls or demographics — both reduced form and 2SLS — are small and not significantly different from 0.
Looking at demographic characteristics, credits completed, high school GPAs, and disciplinary incidents, the researchers found clear evidence that the Promise reduced behavior problems for all students, and had a dramatic positive effect on the GPAs of African Americans.
The LTT presents a perfect opportunity to fulfill that Strategic Vision by explaining trends in the achievement gap among various populations, and demonstrating the effects on test scores of changing demographics.
None of the measures of data use had a significant effect on student achievement when added to the equation on their own, nor did they have any unique explanatory value when combined with the four demographic measures in the final equation.
The results indicate that instructional practices have a significant effect on achievement (Model 1), but that this effect is diminished when we introduce teachers «professional community (Model 2), and it is further diminished when we look at school level and school demographic characteristics (Model 3).
The Effect of Student - Teacher Demographic Match on Teacher Expectations» or last November's powerful «See Our Truth» report by the Education Trust.
After accounting for ethnicity, gender, and other demographic traits; parental education and income; and high school characteristics, more - advanced mathematics courses still had an effect on annual earnings.
Moreover, math curriculum continued to have «striking» effects on earnings even after controlling for highest degree earned and college major as well as demographics, family, and school, suggesting that «there is a direct effect of math curriculum on labor market productivity, which works independently of the final degree attained.»
A new study commissioned by the Association for Equity in Funding (AEF) finds disparities in school funding among school districts with vastly different student demographics have negative effects on student outcome measures such as scores on school and district report cards.
Who Believes in Me: The Effect of Student - Teacher Demographic on Teacher Expectations
While traditional research methods are based on comparing the effects of public and private schools on a student's test scores, EdChoice was able to compile random - assignment research which ensures that the results were not misconstrued by factors such as demographics or parental motivation.
Moderator analyses were performed using a random effects model that focused on the three main areas of scaffold characteristics (including the mechanism, functions, delivery forms, mode, and number of scaffolds; how to promote self - regulated learning by scaffolds); demographics of the selected studies (including sample groups, sample size, learning domain, research settings, and types of computer - based learning environments); and research methodological features (including research methods, types of research design, types of organization for treatment, and duration of treatment).
I hypothesize that two qualities that could have a major effect on student demographics are school location and school theme.
The effect of student — teacher demographic match on teacher expectations,» feels like a punch in the gut.
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