Sentences with phrase «effects people who»

I'm seriously in love with Alan Rickman's Snape and props to Potter newcomer Jim Broadbent as Horace Slughorn (and props to the special effects people who turned him into that armchair — how cool was that?)
Have you ever thought about how you all may effect a person who is caught in the crossroads of his beliefs?
Still, it's a curious side effect people who think too much about everything seem to encounter, and it can be quite enraging at times, especially when you try to fall asleep and your brain thinks about showing you that awkward conversation / event / moment from five years ago (yes, those things can happen and I bet a few of you know that).
when you make a good resume than only you have to effect the person who is going to take your interview and is all about the first impression is the last impression.

Not exact matches

We're seeing the effects of a bunch of people who have wildly differing viewpoints crammed into a small room.
«I think the way in which he acts, especially his corrosive effect on norms — truth - telling being the most important of them — has that staining effect on institutions and people who are close to them.
Though there's not much scientific evidence to prove that this blue light is actually harmful, there are still plenty of people who swear by the positive effects of reflective glasses.
«Smartphones burden those who carry them for work because their very presence activates the Zeigarnik Effect — the difficulty people have to completely forget about something when it is left incomplete,» she explains.
The feedback loop of the city making itself attractive to start - ups and start - ups helping to make the city attractive to talented young people (who in turn create more businesses that attract more young people) is only getting started, but Robinson says he can already see the effects both in terms of the area's legitimacy — «people are saying, «hey, I would actually invest here or I would start my business here» as opposed to 10 years ago where people would avoid the city at all costs» — and quality of life for young people.
Under the individual mandate provision of the Affordable Care Act, people who don't buy insurance could have to pay a penalty, but that provision does not take effect until next year.
Over time, as people became more and more aware of the effects commonly used products can have on the environment, plastic - happy clients who once cared mostly for cost and convenience morphed into savvy customers with real concerns about the impact polyethylene and other petroleum - based products have on the ecosystem.
An in - depth report in 2010 from Worcester Polytechnic Institute that looked at the effects of three major oil spills found increased incidences of cancer and digestive problems in people who had ingested the oil directly (in drinking water) or indirectly (through eating the meat of livestock exposed to the oil).
While some have argued that vaping could be linked with a so - called «gateway effect» whereby young people who vape become addicted to nicotine and are thus more likely to transition to traditional cigarettes, others have said this doesn't make sense.
The Supreme Court allowed parts of Trump's ban to go into effect until it ultimately decides the case in October, but the justices said the ban does not apply to non-citizens who have formal relationships with people or entities in the U.S..
People who can relate to others and understand how they're feeling tend to be open to meeting new people and experiencing new things, all of which has positive effects on intelliPeople who can relate to others and understand how they're feeling tend to be open to meeting new people and experiencing new things, all of which has positive effects on intellipeople and experiencing new things, all of which has positive effects on intelligence.
These postures, in effect, «disconnect» or close you off from the person who is speaking.
Senators also spent a significant amount of time reading letters from constituents about the effects of the scandal on their own lives, which not only looks bad for Stumpf and Wells Fargo, but also allows the politicians an easy opportunity to prove that they are working for the people who elect them.
Gregory Simon, the chief executive of large - scale crowdfunding site Poliwogg, told the Washington Post: «There's another kind of fraud, and that's when Congress and the president pass and sign a law, and thousands of companies organize according to the principles in that law... but academics and people in consumer groups who disagree with the law make it their mission to prevent the law from going into effect
3) It's worth at least contemplating what effect this change will have on people at Gravity who were already at the $ 70k mark.
The department said the information was intended to help people who are concerned about health risks including brain tumors, lowered sperm counts, and effects on learning, memory, and sleep.
«Even if an internal person fills a mat leave, there's the domino effect within the organization,» says Margaret de Gruchy, a recruitment and retention specialist in B.C., «because while Sally is filling the temporary position, Sue has to fill Sally's job, but then who will fill Sue's job?»
The violence has largely taken place outside of areas frequented by tourists, who drive what is a $ 20 billion industry for Mexico, and statistics suggest it hasn't had great effect on how many people are visiting — occupancy rates exceed 90 %.
«How that company dealt with the issue had an effect: Among the people who thought the brand dealt with the conflict very ineffectively, only 13 percent shop at the same levels they used to.»
In a second study, published today (June 2) in the Annals of Neurology, Bak set out to determine if the positive effects of bilingualism on cognition could actually be the other way around: that people who have better cognitive functions are more likely to learn foreign languages.
Any form of consistent exercise tends to result in a snowball effect: Most people who stick with an exercise program typically start eating better, too.
That had an effect on people who for the most part had not been shy or unconfident in the first place.
«Reading can offer richer, broader and more complex models of experience, which enable people to view their own lives from a refreshed perspective and with renewed understanding,» says Josie Billington of the University of Liverpool, who's an expert on the effects of reading.
But Lowery is among numerous personal trainers who have concerns about the short - and long - term effects on people who are not used to such high - intensity training — particularly those who sit at a desk all day — overexerting themselves at the gym.
If your company was hiring one person who could add millions of dollars to your company, the right person who will work on deals that would effect many, many millions of dollars, would you call them?
Studies have found that longer sentences do not have appreciably greater deterrent effects; many serious crimes are committed by people under the influence of alcohol or drugs, who are not necessarily thinking of the consequences of their actions, and certainly are not affected by the difference between a 15 - year and a 30 - year sentence.
To determine the effect of small acts of rule breaking on perceptions of power, the research team conducted a series of experiments that asked volunteers to evaluate the personal power of people in imagined or videotaped situations (a visitor to an office who helps himself to coffee or a cafe patron who puts a foot up on a chair, for example) and in role plays.
The study authors suggest that the prime takeaway is that cutting yourself some slack about, well, slacking off is good for you (at least if you're tightly wound), or, as BPS puts it, «the people who could most benefit from the restorative effects of lounge - based downtime... are the least likely to do so.»
It is a condition that afflicts people who have too many passwords, frequently forget their login information, and succumb to a number of side effects, which include crying, screaming, and banging their heads on their desks.
Of course, it's possible that the cause - and - effect is actually the other way around — people who feel lonely may purposefully use more social media in an attempt to feel less isolated.
The basic idea is that while most economists believe corporate taxes are primarily paid by owners of capital (that is, people who own stock in corporations) in the form of lower profits, a sizable minority, including White House chief economist Kevin Hassett, think that a lower tax rate would spark so much additional investment in the United States that it would bid up wages and leave the middle class better off through its indirect effects.
The idea was to make it easy for people who lost their documents in the storm to get work — but in effect, the law also allowed companies to hire undocumented workers who didn't have papers at all.
-- Relative wealth effects from the housing bubble: Yes, there are a lot of people who own shares of stock but the vast majority of stock market wealth is concentrated at the top of the wealth scale: 80 % of stock market wealth accrues to the top 10 %; over a third to the top 1 %.
In which case, the experiment will show zero effect for everyone, except the small fraction of people who were planning to retire soon.
A single person without children files as a single; a single person with dependents who maintains her own home files as a head of household; a married couple, with or without children, files either as married filing joint or married filing separate; and a recent widow (er) may file as a qualifying widow (er), which is the same, in effect, as married filing joint.
(In effect, you are treated similarly to those who are self - employed, but self - employed people don't pay Social Security until they reach $ 400 of net earnings.)
In order for the new software to take effect in hard fork to actually occur a certain percentage of the people who mine Bitcoin or «Bitcoin Miners» must implement and run the new software, and effectively mind Bitcoin using the new protocols.
«This is just another example of the wide ripple effect that these cuts will have — not just on the long - term prosperity of our region and key industries like tourism, but also on the health of the people who live here,» said New Democrat North Coast MLA Jennifer Rice.
This research will benefit more than a million coffee farmers and workers around the world and will have a ripple effect on 25 million people around the globe who rely on coffee for their livelihoods.
«We are feeling so much this spillover effect,» said Mr. Awonegbe, who employs 50 people.
On the effect long - tail content creation has had on his inbound marketing strategy, he says, «Long - tail keywords sound scary to some people, but it just means you're targeting a niche audience who is a more qualified website visitor than someone who searches «refrigerator.»
Essentially, people who subscribe to the ambiguity effect are doing everything they can to avoid an unnecessary risk.
The more people who are able to own Bitcoin, the greater the network effects and the greater the long - term viability for Bitcoin.
(And the people I would really tut - tut are the people who talk about the * general * equilibrium effects of robots using * partial * equilibrium reasoning.)
The report's lead author, Chamath Palihapitiya, noted that there is a trickle - down effect when it comes to investing: typically people invest in people who remind them of themselves (hence the title of the report).
Of course this is only a couple of examples and sources, and i know the only way this can have a true effect on people is if God wants it too, but I know the truth, and I can't just stand by and watch people blaspheme the God who gives them the very energy they require to contest these facts
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