Sentences with phrase «efficacy beliefs impact»

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There are a couple of books about the subject but Hattie suggests that only some of them get the notion right, e.g. Jenni Donohoo's «Collective Efficacy: How Educators» Beliefs Impact Student Learning ``.
Others have shown that internal barriers, attitudes, beliefs, and self - efficacy with technology still impact levels of technology integration (e.g. Kim, Kim, Lee, Spector, & DeMeester, 2013).
Internal barriers include attitudes, beliefs, and self - efficacy with technology, which all impact teacher technology integration (Kim et al., 2013).
In fact, how effective teachers feel is directly correlated with how much their students grow (Collective Efficacy: How Educator's Beliefs Impact Student Learning, Donohoo).
Dr. Jenni Donohoo, the author of Collective Efficacy: How Educators» Beliefs Impact Student Learning, writing in Corwin Connects, provides three conditions to enable collective teacher eEfficacy: How Educators» Beliefs Impact Student Learning, writing in Corwin Connects, provides three conditions to enable collective teacher efficacyefficacy:
However, we again found that familiarity impacted the efficacy of the correction: People were better at sustaining their belief over time if they were middle aged participants under the age of 65, in comparison to those over the age of 65.
The authors also argue that this boost in learning through reflection is caused by the impact of reflection on self - efficacy, «the belief in one's capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action required to manage prospective situations».
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