Sentences with phrase «efficacy beliefs with»

Future research could compare their self - efficacy beliefs with classroom observations of actual implementation of the curriculum.

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Other surveys have documented high levels of interest and involvement in prayer, a high degree of belief in the efficacy of prayer, and a strong tendency to regard prayer as actual communication with God.
Based on «Gender differences in beliefs about leadership capabilities: Exploring the glass ceiling phenomenom with self - efficacy theory» byM.J.
When Dr Gibbs analysed the results he found that the two different labels were associated with differences in the teachers» beliefs about their efficacy in helping the children.
The first scale was developed to measure a scientist's self - efficacy for public engagement with science; defined as their belief in their ability to succeed in participating in reciprocal public engagement activities.
Indeed, the results of this research showed the importance of considering the relationship between the different self - efficacy beliefs and how they combine with each other.
The following hypotheses were developed: cell phone use would be positively associated with sedentary activity and inversely associated with physical activity; additionally, cell phone use would be inversely associated with cardiorespiratory fitness independent of known correlates (sex, body fat percentage, and self - efficacy for physical activity - an individual's belief in their ability to participate in physical activity).
This is important, because teachers» beliefs and understandings about their professional efficacy, combined with a belief that virtually every student can learn given the right support and pace of instruction, has been demonstrated to make a difference to how the teacher, and hence their students, actually performs.
The book is based on Bandura's theory that those with high self - efficacy expectancies — the belief that one can achieve what one sets out to do — are healthier, more effective, and generally more successful than those with low self - efficacy expectancies.
According to a recent implementation study with the John W. Gardner Center for Youth and Their Communities at Stanford University, Aim High is helping students reach positive outcomes, and the teaching and instructional practices result in «increased self - efficacy, or the belief in one's ability to succeed» for its students.
An investigation of the relationship between principals» self - efficacy beliefs and their managing conflicts with teachers.
According to Chen & Bliese (2002), most organizational research has focused on the outcomes of efficacy beliefs, with much less attention to their antecedents.
In contrast, the Common Core does not speak of enjoyment but rather «a habitual inclination to see mathematics as sensible, useful, and worthwhile, coupled with a belief in diligence and one's own efficacy
Others have shown that internal barriers, attitudes, beliefs, and self - efficacy with technology still impact levels of technology integration (e.g. Kim, Kim, Lee, Spector, & DeMeester, 2013).
Internal barriers include attitudes, beliefs, and self - efficacy with technology, which all impact teacher technology integration (Kim et al., 2013).
Teachers» efficacy beliefs are strongly correlated with teacher performance.
In fact, how effective teachers feel is directly correlated with how much their students grow (Collective Efficacy: How Educator's Beliefs Impact Student Learning, Donohoo).
«Over 50 years of research links the various roles that families play in a child's education — as supporters of learning, encouragers of grit and determination, models of lifelong learning, and advocates of proper programming and placements for their child — with indicators of student achievement including student grades, achievement test scores, lower drop - out rates, students» sense of personal competence and efficacy for learning, and students» beliefs about the importance of education.»
Her research focuses on motivation and self - efficacy beliefs of professionals who work with students with disabilities in a number of contexts.
For more than 25 years, the Efficacy Institute has supported success in high - poverty, high - minority schools with a bone - deep belief that all students can succeed.
That is precisely what happened with regard to teacher efficacy — the state achieved when educators in a school have the bone - deep belief that they can make a difference for students.
So «pro-environmental behavior» wasn't coupled with belief in individual and political efficacy to reduce climate change.
Functional status, anxiety, cardiac self - efficacy, and health beliefs of patients with coronary heart disease
The correlation found can be used to guide future interventions with these patients, but the relation should be studied deeper for directional search, if is proved that DM self - efficacy beliefs enhance active coping; self - efficacy based interventions should be promote.
We investigated the influence of attachment avoidance and anxiety on sexual beliefs (e.g., condom use beliefs, self - efficacy), behavior (e.g., condom use, multiple partners, unprotected sex with risky partners), and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among 755 high - risk, young pregnant women (ages 14â $ «25) recruited from urban prenatal clinics.
Although it is our belief that improving the provision of effective developmental services can improve child developmental outcomes, the studies reviewed herein focus on the efficacy and effectiveness of specific services to identify signs and symptoms, educate parents, change behaviors, and connect children with appropriate ongoing care.
That is, emotional self - efficacy means that one accepts one's emotional experience, whether unique and eccentric or culturally conventional, and this acceptance is in alignment with the individual's beliefs about what constitutes desirable emotional «balance.»
According to Benard, «we are all born with innate resiliency, with the capacity to develop the traits commonly found in resilient survivors: social competence (responsiveness, cultural flexibility, empathy, caring, communication skills, and a sense of humor); problem - solving (planning, help - seeking, critical and creative thinking); autonomy (sense of identity, self - efficacy, self - awareness, task - mastery, and adaptive distancing from negative messages and conditions); and a sense of purpose and belief in a bright future (goal direction, educational aspirations, optimism, faith, and spiritual connectedness)» (Benard, 1991).
In addition, the opportunity to view themselves in interaction with their baby and to observe positive responses from the infant, together with the guider using the video to prompt the parent to think about what the baby might be feeling, can bring about a range of meta - cognitive changes that result from the discrepancy between their own beliefs about their ability to parent and what they can see on the video, in addition to an increase in feelings of empowerment and self - efficacy, and their ability for RF (Kennedy 2011).
Emotional availability, parental self - efficacy beliefs, and child development in caregiver - child relationships with buprenorphine - exposed 3 - year - olds.
Self - efficacy is the belief in one's ability to persevere with a course of action in pursuit of a valued goal (Bandura 1992).
Compared with other students, students with substantial hours of service learning, a lot of reflection, and a high degree of motivation attributed to service learning significantly increased their belief in the efficacy of their helping behaviors, maintained their pursuit of better grades and their perception that school provided personal development opportunities, and decreased less in their commitment to classwork.
Correlations indicated that fear of failure was significantly associated with academic achievement for the Asian American students, but that self - efficacy beliefs were not.
High reliability and validity of the PSEQ have been reported.21 Scores range from zero to 60, with higher scores indicating stronger self - efficacy beliefs.
The effect of health beliefs and feelings of self efficacy on self management behavior of children with a chronic disease
Results: After controlling for the effects of age, sex and duration of pain, depressive symptoms were most strongly correlated with a combination of catastrophising, sense of control over life, physical disability, pain self - efficacy beliefs, higher use of unhelpful self - management strategies and lower perceived social support.
Our finding that the severity of depressive symptoms in our sample of patients with chronic pain was best correlated with a combination of heightened catastrophising, reduced sense of control over life, increased physical disability, lower pain self - efficacy beliefs, higher use of unhelpful self - management strategies, and lower perceived social support (after controlling for the possible effects of age, sex and duration of pain) is consistent with previous studies of patients with chronic pain.26 Interestingly, and somewhat contrary to clinical expectations, pain severity, pain - related distress, and fear of movement / (re) injury were not significantly associated with depressive symptom severity.
First, the present study affirmed that positive youth development is comprised of fifteen inter-related constructs, namely, bonding, social competence, emotional competence, cognitive competence, behavioural competence, moral competence, self - efficacy, prosocial norms, resilience, self - determination, spirituality, clear and positive identity, beliefs in the future, prosocial involvement, and recognition for positive behaviour (Catalano et al. 2004), with beliefs in the future having the strongest influence on positive youth development, followed by spirituality (Fig. 6).
Self - Criticism as a Mechanism Linking Childhood Maltreatment and Maternal Efficacy Beliefs in Low - Income Mothers With and Without Depression.
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