Sentences with phrase «efficient nuclear fuels»

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The work, published in Science, not only opens the door to expand the use of one of the most efficient energy sources on the planet, but also adds a key step in completing the nuclear fuel cycle — an advance, along with wind and solar, that could help power the world's energy needs cleanly for the future.
Appropriators in the Senate, meanwhile, endorsed plans for a center dedicated to the modeling and simulation of nuclear reactors, and gave qualified support to two more: A hub to make fuels directly from sunlight and another on energy - efficient buildings.
Concerns about global warming and oil's imminent demise have caused scientists and policy - makers to look for solutions in both the future and the past: to new technologies such as nuclear fusion, multijunction photovoltaics, and fuel cells — and to traditional energy sources such as water power, wind power, and (sustainable) biomass cultivation (coupled with clean and energy - efficient combustion).
There are several reasons for this: the contraction of energy - intensive heavy industries, such as iron and steel; the long - term malaise in the national economy; the modest move away from burning fossil fuels that produce carbon dioxide towards nuclear energy; and the increasingly efficient use of energy evident in most of the economies of the rich world.
Among Freeman's specific recommendations are a «20 percent federal tax credit to electricity and natural gas utilities that gives highest priority to the efficient use of the energy they supply,» and ban on new coal or nuclear plants and retirement of the existing plants within the next 30 years, government - funded demonstration plants for Big Solar and hydrogen, increasing federal fuel economy standards one mile - per - gallon a year over the next 24 years, tax credits for plug - in hybrids or flex - fuel vehicles, and an excess - profits tax on oil to fund the tax credits.
Unlike the current generation of light - water nuclear reactors, PRISM uses metallic fuel, such as an alloy of zirconium, uranium, and plutonium, and PRISM's fuel rods sit in a bath of a liquid metal — sodium — at atmospheric pressure, which ensures that the transfer of heat from the metal fuel to the liquid sodium coolant is extremely efficient.
GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy (GEH) believes that PRISM offers the most efficient, clean, cost - effective option for turning nuclear waste into low carbon energy; while also managing used nuclear fuel and surplus plutonium by converting it into electNuclear Energy (GEH) believes that PRISM offers the most efficient, clean, cost - effective option for turning nuclear waste into low carbon energy; while also managing used nuclear fuel and surplus plutonium by converting it into electnuclear waste into low carbon energy; while also managing used nuclear fuel and surplus plutonium by converting it into electnuclear fuel and surplus plutonium by converting it into electricity.
The Council of the American Physical Society believes that the use of renewable energy sources, the adoption of new ways of producing and using fossil fuels, increased consideration of safe and cost effective uses of nuclear power, and the introduction of energy - efficient technologies can, over time, promote the United States» energy security and reduce stress on the world's environment.
The first three Hubs were for energy efficient buildings, nuclear reactors, and fuels from sunlight.
J&D also note that by transitioning to more efficient technologies (for example, battery electric vehicles over the internal combustion engine, electric heat pumps for homes, and solar thermal energy with storage to provide baseload power rather than fossil fuels and nuclear) we can actually reduce global power production by 30 % compared to business - as - usual.
Friends of the Earth Europe is calling for a just transition to a 100 % renewable, no nuclear, super energy - efficient, zero - fossil - fuel Europe.
It's a taster of the diverse groups and individuals behind the movement for a future free from fossil fuels, and an introduction to our Fossil Free Europe campaign, calling for a just transition to a 100 % renewable, no nuclear, super energy - efficient, zero - fossil - fuel Europe by 2030.
This means urgently and drastically increasing current EU targets to tackle climate change and ensuring a just transition to a 100 % renewable, no nuclear, super energy - efficient, zero - fossil - fuel Europe by 2030.
This mechanism is similar to a Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS), but allows for a broader set of qualified sources; not only renewables, but also nuclear power, fossil fuel power with carbon capture and storage (CCS), and — in principle — efficient natural gas.
The scenario combines the following elements: efficient electricity end - use; hydroelectric power; nuclear power; efficient gas turbine technologies fired with natural gas; use of coal - derived hydrogen in fuel cells; and biomass - integrated gasifier / gas turbine technologies.
In other side events of note, a roundtable titled «The Role of Cleaner and More Efficient Fossil Fuels and Nuclear Power in Climate Mitigation» organised by the US delegation drew hundreds of attendees.
A country using nuclear energy is therefore rated as a country using gas, the most efficient fossil fuel.
Replacement of the current thermal variety of nuclear fission reactors with nuclear fission fast reactors, which are 100 times more fuel efficient, can dramatically extend nuclear fuel reserves.
CCS offers the opportunity to meet climate change objectives while providing energy security, as part of a portfolio of options including energy efficiency, renewable energy, nuclear energy, more efficient coal technologies and fuel switching from coal to gas.
Important to note is the comprehensive breadth of sectors that fall under the «new energy» concept - its not just renewables such as wind, solar and biomass, but also energy efficiency, nuclear, smart (and strong) grid, transportation, unconventional natural gas, and more efficient use of fossil fuels.
Both new Innovation Hubs are in addition those for developing new ideas for converting fuels from sunlight, advanced nuclear energy modeling, and energy efficient building design technologies.
The most water - efficient energy sources are natural gas (though we may be just about out of it) and synthetic fuels produced by coal gasification; the least efficient are ethanol and biodiesel — the biofuels just can't catch a break these days, can they?Water use winners and losers The research pair analyzed 11 types of energy sources, including coal, fuel ethanol, natural gas, and oil; and five power generating methods, including hydroelectric, fossil fuel thermoelectric, and nuclear methods; in terms of power generation, Younos and Hill have found that geothermal and hydroelectric energy types use the least amount of water, while nuclear plants use the most.
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