Sentences with phrase «efficient source»

All carbohydrates will be converted to glucose, which is the body's most efficient source of energy for organs and muscles.
Not because coffee is necessarily bad, but it's not the most efficient source of energy or fuel for our bodies.
Since ketones are able to readily cross into cells without insulin, and provide a more efficient source of energy, these rapid fluctuations do not occur.
Our business focuses on efficient sourcing and delivery of the most hard - to - obtain consultants on the market to the most progressive companies in the industry.
If you get lots of simple sugars together with a good amount of fat, basically what you have is a killer combination of two really efficient sources of energy.
Detailed profiles, personalized blogs, instant messaging centers, and 24/7 customer service makes it an incredibly efficient source of online dating for those looking for the entire package.
LEDs have enormous potential for providing long - lived high quality efficient sources of lighting for residential and commercial applications.
How efficient your sourcing / recruiting / hiring process is?
Soy is the most efficient source of protein for poultry so when it was removed our egg production decreased and has remained lower.
Since ketones are able to readily cross into cells without insulin, and provide a more efficient source of energy, these rapid fluctuations do not occur.
Climate change has made the search for efficient sources of renewable energy more urgent than ever before.
Legumes and beans provide a valuable and cost efficient source of protein, iron, some essential fatty acids, soluble and insoluble dietary fire and micronutrients.
This free diffusion without the aid of a carrier makes lauric acid a highly efficient source of energy for the human body.
John Sterman, a professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management, published a paper earlier this year that argued burning pellets would release more carbon dioxide than coal in the short term because it was a less efficient source of energy.
One cup of whole seeds contains over 2 mg, while a cup of the kernels alone packs in a whopping 10 mg, making them the best and most efficient source for iron intake.
That would be good for suppliers, but also for Levi's, which will get more reliable, cost - efficient sourcing partners — while generating positive vibes that resonate with young talent and with consumers who want their values reflected in everything they buy.
For one, sugarcane ethanol, produced in Brazil, stands out to both researchers as the most efficient source studied, in terms of emissions.
Myrussianmatch is probably the most efficient source so far.
Bailey notes, «When it comes to other crucial challenges our country faces — creating a more reliable health care system, finding efficient sources of clean energy, or improving space exploration — policymakers do not ask whether they should engage for - profit companies, but how they should.»
The protein and calcium found in milk may help your dog build a strong skeleton, recover from exercise or injury, and maintain healthy muscles, but there are much more calorically efficient sources of calcium.
unfortunately, malthus was all too right, and we are likely in a period of severe population overshoot, the result of our over-reliance on the planet's most concentrated efficient source of cheap energy, nurtured over 100 million years — and wasted in little more than a century.
-LSB-...] The yield for referrals is one hire for every 15 referrals, making this category the most efficient source by far.»
Eggs are also a cost efficient source of protein.
This free diffusion without the aid of a carrier makes lauric acid is a highly efficient source of energy for the human body.
Renewable energy standards are a favorite tool of speculators, who invested in the more expensive, less efficient sources and can not attract consumers in a competitive market.
And given this, baobab powder is a much more efficient source of nutrients than its fellow superfruit.
It is a tricky issue in some ways because inexpensive natural gas has driven reductions in much more heavily polluting coal - fired power and may be the most efficient source of backup power in a future grid dominated by renewables.
A highly directional single photon source could lead to a significant progress in producing compact, cheap, and efficient sources of quantum information bits for future quantum technological applications,» said Prof. Ronen Rapaport, of the Racah Institute of Physics, The Department of Applied Physics, and the Center of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Tetrick also claims Hampton Creek has found a plant variety that is «just a hyper - efficient source of protein.»
Often it contains beans and pasta, which when combined are an economical and efficient source of protein.
Rice husks are an alterative, renewable and efficient source of energy.
It is a source of omega - 3 fatty acids and it contains healthy, plant - based unsaturated oil components that provide an efficient source of energy.
Les Szonyi, FertAg managing director, is proud of Fertoz Agriculture Pty Ltd's newly acquired allowed input status and looks forward to giving organic farmers an efficient source of organic phosphorus (P) as well as improving soil health and crop quality.
The researchers explain that beta - carotene doesn't seem to be useful or efficient a source of vitamin A for mothers or their offspring.
From this vast collection of genes, Venter hopes to build microbes that can produce hydrogen gas or be an efficient source of solar energy.
Therefore, an efficient source of quantum light would enable perfectly secure communication.
We've just increased the scale, added a more efficient source of UV, and more power.»
If one were to suggest that wastewater could be used as an efficient source of fresh water, a likely rejoinder would be serious doubt and, at the very least, a pinched face and a declaration along the lines of «Ew, that's gross.»
IN THE search for cheap, efficient sources of white light, LEDs have long been touted as offering the most potential.
«New method points to compact, cheap and efficient sources of quantum information bits.»
They can also be an efficient source of energy for your muscle during training, which means they can increase the capacity to endure longer training sessions.
Ketones from MCT Oil are the most efficient source of energy for our brain (more so than carbs or really... anything else).
By moderating carbohydrate intake you can increase your fat burning as an optimal and efficient source of almost unlimited energy.
Fennel is an efficient source of vitamin C, potassium, and fiber.
Not an efficient source of whey proteins, especially considering how many people are either lactose intolerant or have difficulty digesting caseins.
As it turns out, fats are a better, more efficient source of energy than proteins.
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