Sentences with phrase «efficient the process became»

If you helped streamline a process, use a percentage to show how much more efficient the process became.

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As AI becomes more and more capable of processing and understanding complex language, lawyers» jobs are becoming more efficient.
This article was written by Lee Dover on behalf of NashTech Software, who are specialists in outsourcing software development and strive to reduce the outgoing costs of their clients while also ensuring they become more efficient, innovative and resourceful in their business processes.
Robotic process automation is becoming an integral part of how businesses operate, and these solutions are making employees both more efficient and effective.
Moreover, having automated systems can also help a grocery business grow because manual processes become more time - consuming and lead to more errors as a store gets more customers: «All of those things make the process more efficient,» Reid says.
As a company grows, the jobs that need to be done get more specialized and key processes such as selling, marketing, and product development must become more efficient.
There is potential for Bitcoin to become more efficient by stuffing more transactions into the mining process.
Whitehead wrote that «efficient causation expresses the transition from actual entity to actual entity; and final causation expresses the internal process whereby the actual entity becomes itself» (PR 150).
For the former principle establishes that each unit - product is the outcome of two different species of creative process: one of efficient, the other of final, causation (PB 228, 320); whereas the latter principle merely emphasizes that the teleological process is immanent to the entity, i.e., that it is the partly determinate entity as in the process of becoming completely determinate through the realization of its subjective aim (PR 135, 423, 130, 373, 390, 524).
God becomes the ultimate efficient cause, the primary cause of things, separate from the world with all of its secondary causal processes.
Panexperientialism resists the completely deterministic interpretation of this idea, according to which the temporally prior condition fully determines every present event: When the event in question is an individual occasion of experience, it has a mental pole, which is partly self - determining (In Whitehead's words, the ontological principle «could also be termed the «principle of efficient, and final, causation,»» because it says that «every condition to which the process of becoming conforms in any particular instance has its reason either in the character of some actual entity in the actual world of that concrescence or in the character of the subject which is in process of concrescence» [PR 24].)
Once industrial processes became more efficient and the trees became lighter in color, the white variety returned to dominance while the frequency of the black variety declined.
That every condition to which the process of becoming conforms in any particular instance has its reason either in the character of some actual entity in the actual world of that concrescence, or in the character of the subject which is in process of concrescence... It could also be termed the «principle of efficient, and final, causation.»
In one systematic passage in which the four stages of datum, process, satisfaction, and decision are described, this contrast is made in terms of two types of causation: «According to this account, efficient causation expresses the transition from actual entity to actual entity; and final causation expresses the internal process whereby the actual entity becomes itself» (PR 150/228).
How the Internet of Things helps today's compressors become more energy efficient for tomorrow's food and beverage processing lines.
With the worldwide growth of processed food and beverages markets, the demands of our customers regarding the quality and variety of products are becoming increasingly stringent: lean, flowing processes, higher yield of the input raw materials coupled with efficient use of energy, environment and resources.
The simulations also suggest that the removal of excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by natural processes on land and in the ocean will become less efficient as the planet warms.
As new oncogenic driver genes are identified, the testing process becomes less efficient because more genes need to be analyzed in limited amounts of tumor tissue.
«With warmer sea surface temperatures beneath the cloud, the coalescence process that produces precipitation becomes more efficient,» team member Richard S. Lindsen of M.I.T. explains.
Only in the past two years or so have battery electrodes become efficient enough to convert such low - temperature differentials into electricity, Yang says, and plenty of development remains before the process can be commercialized.
In 2005, Hinton discovered that if he sectioned his neural networks into layers and ran the algorithms on them one layer at a time, which approximates the brain's structure and development, the process became more efficient.
With time, the process becomes more efficient, but also the richer the detail becomes of your body's map held in your brain.
Instead, you can promote mitochondrial density and improve the oxygen flow to your brain by becoming more efficient with your respiratory process.
The body continuously detoxifies itself naturally, but when this mechanism is overloaded, the process becomes less efficient and symptoms like allergies, PMS, indigestion, headaches or skin problems may occur.
These stresses can cause cortisol levels to rise, which in turn causes our bodies to become less efficient at its fat burning processes.
yes i agree... i only use 130 as a generalization... and yes the conditioned individual can mobilize triglycerides out of the muscle at a heart rate over 130, which in the conditioned individual will be used in the mitochondria for fuel... however in the unconditioned individual the triglycerides mobilize but then re-form back in the muscle as fat and so are not used as fuel... science is yet to really explain why this happens... but in my experience the conditioned individual is just more efficient at burning fat... and the unconditioned individual is simply in the process of becoming more efficient... so i recommend the unconditioned individual start with cardio that is less intense below 130... then when they get more conditioned through the resistance training... i will recommend more intense cardio over 130 beats...
Basically, your old acne won't hang around; the bodily processes that gradually restore the skin to normal will become far more efficient.
One of our ideas revolves around the idea that technology can essentially become the eyes and ears of a search and rescue team, pinpointing the location of a person or boat in trouble and making the entire process more efficient.
Taking a high - level approach to building and developing an onboarding process will ensure an efficient journey that helps new employees meet their performance objectives on their way to becoming happy and productive members of the team.
Feedback becomes far more personal and emotive, therefore becoming more beneficial to students, while the facility to provide this feedback audibly makes it a more efficient process for teachers.
Anthony Bennett, head of sales at Eduspot, told BESA: «Having an online payment system can result in time and money being saved in school and processes becoming more efficient
«Making the decision to simplify processes through implementing good - quality applications is one of the best ways to increase profits, become more efficient and work from anywhere,» notes Dawn Brolin, one of the featured presenters at this year's SEMA Show Education Days.
Creating a system with power efficient processing and low power deep sleep modes enables a new tier of performance - on - demand, battery operated devices requiring smaller batteries and becoming lighter and cheaper.
You are to understand that the learning process will become more efficient and you will get more points on writing academic papers if you devote sufficient attention this task.
The EWI order fulfillment process becomes more efficient as orders go directly into the Élan Enterprise System without the need for the operator to import the orders.
The debt relief process becomes more efficient when you use a scientific approach.
And as they do, the lending process itself will become increasingly streamlined and more efficient.
Leveraging technology and streamlined operations, they created a lending process that became highly efficient.
Most of that power goes to heat because the charging process becomes less and less efficient.
Plus, manufacrurers are subject to the same competitive dynamics as auto manufacturers, so they are constantly improving processes to become more energy efficient which leads to less pollution emissions.
«But in the present universe,» he concludes, «the one in which Dominion, Duke and Piedmont propose to become the monopoly suppliers of the inputs for their own monopoly customers, they need not engage in any such economically efficient decision making process.
Bolsen predicted that cellulosic ethanol production processes will become increasingly efficient at reducing carbon emissions.
-- Adaption of processes to become more efficient and better suitable for solar process heat — Development of «solar process technologies» based on direct use of solar light and / or heat.
No doubt the same thing is happening along much of the west coast of Canada, which is why China's sanctioning of coal to liquid technology to produce transportation fuel is directly significant to North Americans, and why it is so important to help China become more reliant on efficient processes and products.
What is more, as we move toward lower grade fuels, the process of extracting the energy will become less efficient — resulting in higher CO2 emission per joule of energy than we have at present.
«With warmer sea surface temperatures beneath the cloud, the coalescence process that produces precipitation becomes more efficient,» explains Lindzen.
In fact, the overall construction process becomes safer and more efficient, reducing energy consumption and material waste.
The aeration process becomes a highly efficient heat exchange between the wastewater and the ambient air.
He told Climate News Network: «That really affects how easily we cool off, because we lose heat by sweating − and the more moisture in the atmosphere, the less efficient that process becomes
As PwC prepares to formally launch a US legal services business, a new study has warned that law firms need to become more efficient and develop alternative services in areas such as technology and process management in order to counter the growing threat posed by the Big Four accounting firms.
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