Sentences with phrase «effort is worth it»

I would likely charge much less now, probably $ 25 / $ 35... but then when the amount is that small, I have to ask how much effort is it worth to collect it??
It takes some work to make changes, but the effort is worth it.
The effort is worth it.
It worthwhile identifying why a trade secret is being maintained (or should be protected), to determine what level of cost and effort is worth protecting it and what trade - offs are being made with regards to patent protection, or marketing opportunities.
In the end, that extra effort is worth it.
It'll likely take you the span of the entire game to acquire enough of these points to travel all the way up this hunter stratification, but the effort it is worth it as for each 10 of the first 90 ranks you climb, you receive a hefty reward, and another reward for each rank you climb from 9 to 1.
Obviously you need to be able to consistently get together to do this, but the effort is worth it.
Still, I feel any small effort is worth it: every single plastic bottle is better out of the ocean.
But the time and effort is worth it — Emerson deserves to know that life can be good.
The effort is worth it, especially later in this page when you see how bad dental disease can become.
While administering pills to cats is a challenge, these are so effective that the effort is worth it, and my cats have had no adverse reactions whatsoever, which I can't say about other flea products.
It takes time and lime dips, but the effort is worth it because these are lives worth saving.
Taking your dog on an airplane requires some advanced planning — but all that extra effort is worth it when you arrive with your buddy by your side.
While this little bit of effort is worth it to keep the companionship of your furry friend, it is still pretty gross.
I've often contemplated on switching to TD, but I don't know how complicated it would be to transfer my RRSPs, TFSAs and non-regs in kind from RBC to TD — and I don't know if the effort is worth the small difference in MERs.
I think the extra effort is worth it not just because there's money in it but also because it's enjoyable.
While the Hot Potato requires more attention, the effort is worth it because this portfolio would have gained an average of 12.0 % annually from 1981 through 2015.
I know what my time and effort is worth, and I'm in this for life.
OK u need a jailbreak and u may harm ur warranty, but the effort is worth it!
It takes a little longer than getting a free book from Amazon but the little bit of extra effort is worth maybe discovering a new favorite author.
Which of them is worth doing and how much effort each is worth depends on the audience and the book.
I hope I would somehow have realized on my own what my career has taught me: that the effort is worth it, no matter what.
The effort is worth the peace of mind.
Practitioners, though, think the effort is worth it.
Yes, it does require a bit more preparation in regards to varying materials for students, but if you believe like I do, that differentiation instruction for diverse leaners is most appropriate and equitable in education, then the extra effort is worth it.
Our collective effort is worth more than the sum of our individual effort.
In the end, the paybacks of an LMS are amazing and every effort is worth it!
Are Girls On Ukrainian Dating Sites Real Or A Scam... — Dear friends, Although most Ukrainian dating sites are fake, you can connect with Ukrainian ladies through legitimate agencies online.While finding the real websites can take some time, the effort is worth it.
Marine does suggest, however, that making the effort is worth it, saying» «an original nickname, which was created just for [your partner], will make them feel unique.»
The site is 700 feet above sea level and though the climb up is strenuous, making the effort is worth it to see Austin in all of its grandeur.
The blogging community is an amazing one, full of badass and inspirational women from whom I learn so much everyday (quick shoutout to Style Collective — if you are a blogger and not a member I can not recommend it highly enough), and every time a reader sends me an email or comments on a post, I feel that all of my effort is worth it all over again.
I often forget to pay attention to poses but when I do (usually taking the photos not being in them) the effort is worth the results.
You may wonder if the effort is worth it.
Although artichokes can be a bit time - consuming to prepare, the extra effort is worth it if you are trying to consume more fiber.
Sure, it's extremely difficult to get certified, but we feel the extra effort is worth it.
Still, he believes the effort is worth it.
The effort is worth the outcome, though.
Beverly says using cloth diapers requires a bit more work than using disposables, but the extra effort is worth it for the environmental benefits.
You may need to try several types of pacifiers before you find one that works for you and your baby, but the effort is worth it.
It takes time to teach these skills, but the effort is worth it when we see our kids handing disappointment.
If you've spent your life making poor health choices and your kids have watched, it may take some time and convincing to show them the way, but the extra effort is worth it — keep at it!
This soup does require a bit of prep work since you first have to dice up the parsnips and sweet potatoes and then roast them, but trust me every bit of effort is worth it for this ever so slightly sweet, fragrant and spicy soup.
It may seem a bit more complicated than some other banana coconut flour pancake recipes, but the little extra effort is worth it!
It does take a bit of time to assemble, but the extra effort is worth it.
When peeled, these definitely take on a closer «donut» texture so the extra effort is worth it in the end.
Not really sure if the effort is worth doing.
It won't be easy, but the effort is worth it.
You must be sure the effort is worth it.
Immediately correcting a customer service issue, seeing a guest respond to a chef's special dish, an enthusiastic fan rejoicing about his / her ticket purchase — that's when you know all those marketing efforts are worth it.
With the amount of time you spend building and maintaining your Facebook, you want to know your efforts are worth it.
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