Sentences with phrase «efforts by believers»

The MP for Stockton North said efforts by believers to challenge negative perceptions among non-believers could help lead to fewer Christians feeling marginalised.
«If the screams and torment at the gates of hell can be reduced by one more voice it is worth every effort by the believer to try to help.»

Not exact matches

I'd probably reject any effort by the state to dictate what I can think more than the average believer use to being told what to think by authority.
Brown finishes with a remarkable discussion of the Christology of Nestorius and Cyril of Alexandria in their effort to sort out both the distance and solidarity between the Father and Son by comparing it to the distance between God and believer and between rich and poor.
A strongly emerging feature of the new evangelisation that has been consistently emphasised by Popes John Paul and Benedict has been the evangelising of culture through the patrimony of the Church, the talents of artists and the efforts of believers to show the relevance of the Gospel to the world at large.
If alcoholism is a sin, a believer can confess that sin, receive forgiveness, elect to turn from that sin, use the power of God in the effort, and end the sinful action by obeying God.
In contrast, homebirth mothers have been told repeatedly by relatives, friends and medical professionals that homebirth poses a real danger of death to their baby, and they have denied, or even embraced that danger in an effort to bolster their self image within a community of like minded believers.
Yet theologians themselves noted, long before Richard Dawkins, that the argument is hardly cogent, and probably better serves as a reflection (in a double sense) of faith by believers than as an effort to persuade unbelievers.
I'm a firm believer that you can accomplish anything by working hard so instead of taking the seemingly easy route, just put the effort in.
«I put my all into it because I love it, and I'm a firm believer that the effort and time you put into something is rewarded by what you get out of it.»
* According to the Berkeley group, the Earth's surface temperature will have risen (on average) slightly less than what indicated by NASA, NOAA and the Met Office * Differences will be on the edge of statistical significance, leaving a lot open to subjective interpretation * Several attempts will be made by climate change conformists and True Believers to smear the work of BEST, and to prevent them from publishing their data * After publication, organised groups of people will try to cloud the issue to the point of leaving the public unsure about what exactly was found by BEST * New questions will be raised regarding UHI, however the next IPCC assessment's first draft will be singularly forgetful of any peer - reviewed paper on the topic * We will all be left with a slightly - warming world, the only other certitude being that all mitigation efforts will be among the stupidest ideas that ever sprung to human mind.
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