Sentences with phrase «efforts keep the lights on»

When thanking employees, make it clear that you recognize their efforts keep the lights on and make the wheels turn.

Not exact matches

In this regard, in 2018, efforts will be geared towards keeping the lights on at affordable rates to consumers, particularly industries and small businesses through reform and policy interventions over a two - year period.
So how does keeping kosher contribute to — or undermine — her efforts to go a little lighter on the planet?
In an effort to keep it light (on my face and in my handbag), I set out to simplify my summer makeup routine and see how far I could stretch the basics.
Such a point also shines light on the fact that EdTrust and other centrist Democrat reformers backing the plan have been silent about the Obama administration's sloppy and shoddy process for granting waivers, especially as President Barack Obama struggles to keep office; it is hard for waiver gambit supporters to complain about Florida's implementation of one of the alternatives to AYP they support without pointing out how the Obama administration's own mishandling of the effort allowed for such antics in the first place (or giving movement conservatives more reasons to oppose a strong federal role in reforming American public education).
Barnes On this test the catalyst is lit due to your efforts to keep the exhaust volume higher.
The Florida Power & Light (FPL) Company says that pet owners may be spending more money on energy in their effort to keep their pets comfortable, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported recently.
They hire folks who reflect their own personalities in an effort to keep the lights on.
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