Sentences with word «egad»

There is not anybody who doesn't feel some kind of egad, which is actually the result of the good work of environmentalists for the last 30 years, who have really had to render environmental issues global enough to be newsworthy.
Egads man, why don't you just hire «husky» girls who are more even - tempered?
Egads Carl, 4 groups out of 106 Tea Party groups in NY is not «many, many NY TEA activists.»
@Moe Egads, I thought 100 was bad here, but at least we get that more frequently than you.
If they're chuckin» a bunch of side characters with limited appearance, then I want to see Professor Egad and Geno in there.
Predicted Winner: Egads.
You can have him, along with SCARLETT Ohara's sins... egads... * brain cells died just from reading your comment *
Egad, the American Taliban are out in force.
Egads... I understand watching calories and trying to stay fit... but no bread?
That is to say, they cook their meals over coals, wood, briquettes, gas flame, open fires, or (egad, really?)
I always use miracle whip in mine... egads I know!
I found a recipe for TVP «oatmeal» and — egads, that was really awful (no offense to those who love it — just didn't work for me).
But egads, man.
I'd like to say that I'm able to perfectly balance it all and never make a mistake in judgment for where my time should be most well spent — egads, even my husband might sometimes proclaim he wished I'd just not do something or not... well, not care so much.
Not defending Trump here - egad, what will he say next?
Egad, I hope not!
I feel a bit hurt at the implication / judgment that all meat - eaters are eating their friends, and as such are bad people, or that meat - eaters couldn't possibly ever be friend with animals, etc... egads, it's hard to talk about this stuff without offending people.
Egads, I really wish I knew how to sew...
Egads, you look amazing!!
As usual, I'm in love with your shoes — egads your collection is about as perfect as Imelda Maros!!
Egads 2 weeks that is a long time that sucks.
Upurea's amazing 25 % off sitewide discount is scheduled to end on August 31st (egads!
It's very possible Oldman, Colin Firth, Tom Hardy, John Hurt, Toby Jones, Mark Strong, and Benedict Cumberbatch are reading pages of the British phone book, but egad, it's absorbing.
Imagine if people had sat down in Star Wars and thought, «Egad, that ship could never make it into space.
Egad: math placement tests!
You would think with instant downloads a few times a month the company might offer second rate or egads, classic books.
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