Sentences with phrase «egalitarian attitude»

Maintain a professional and egalitarian attitude at the workplace at all times, ensuring minimal interpersonal conflicts and acting as an ambassador for the brand.
Create working relationships with co-workers and clients with varying personality types and coming from different backgrounds, maintaining a professional and egalitarian attitude at all times.
Drawing on research conducted for the VicHealth See Beyond Race campaign, we are targeting non-Indigenous men and women aged 25 - 44 with particular mindsets — those who believe they have egalitarian attitudes and who do not consider themselves to be racist, but who may engage in subtle acts of discrimination, believe negative stereotypes or make offensive comments.
Among youth, egalitarian attitudes about male authority at home and separate gender spheres increased from the 1960s through the mid-90s, but have reversed since, becoming more conventional.
Gerson (1993) reported that husbands who endorse egalitarian attitudes spend more time doing housework and childcare.
Hypothesis 3 was regarding the association between egalitarian attitudes and relationship satisfaction, proposing a potential positive relationship between the two.
The most egalitarian were atheists (µ = 65.13), followed by agnostics (µ = 64.45), Christians (µ = 62.20), and lastly, Muslims (µ = 45.89) who reported the least egalitarian attitudes.
Hypothesis 1: On the measure of egalitarianism, highly religious individuals will score lower (indicating the endorsement of more traditional sex role attitudes), and those who identify as less religious will score higher (indicating the endorsement of more liberal and egalitarian attitudes).
Societies vary significantly in the scale of egalitarian attitudes and beliefs related to gender roles and opportunities in education, politics, the family, and the workforce.

Not exact matches

Despite the idea that there are more egalitarian gender roles in heterosexual relationships, this research indicates more traditional attitudes for the first date — there are higher expectations for men to initiate, plan and pay for the date.1 According to this work, the vast majority of which focuses on first date scripts held by heterosexual undergraduate students, both men and women think that men have greater sexual expectations and are more likely to make a sexual move on the first date.1, 2
Results indicated that similar ethnicity, low SDO, close social distance and egalitarian gender role attitudes accurately predicted positive attitudes toward the Indigenous group.
Our results did show that for men with egalitarian gender role attitudes, equity in hours positively affected relationship satisfaction.
Moreover, specialization was related to lower relationship satisfaction for men with egalitarian gender role attitudes.
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