Sentences with phrase «egalitarian communities»

But just how we transform economic hierarchies into egalitarian communities remains unclear.
That's how the Amish or the Mennonites are building and growing their egalitarian communities for example
Liberation theologies in Third and Fourth World countries, as well as political theology in First and Second World countries, are addressing these systemic class injustices by intellectually and religiously supporting and fostering egalitarian communities committed to more just economic and political orders (CBCC, CLT, LT, FSUW).
Various nuclear - pacifist and pacifist liberation theologies are addressing the systemic injustices of militarism by intellectually and religiously supporting egalitarian communities committed to halting the arms race and developing nonviolent forms of legitimate defense.
But what's most dangerous about this posture is that Piper seems to assume that because evangelicals aren't confronting sexual assault and abuse the way that Hollywood is, then those things must not be happening in their churches, that abuse only occurs in egalitarian communities where women have more power and influence.
Yet a weakness of Berman's book is its overly simplistic account of what that egalitarian community looked like.
This liberalism is defined by its vision of society as a contract among naturally free and equal persons, and its antitypes are communitarian visions of the left (socialist, egalitarian community) and of the right (traditional, hierarchical, moralistic community).
But it is right to criticize the spirit of modernity for its exaggerated individualism which made the individual a law unto itself and deny any moral or spiritual responsibility to the social totality and destroying even the traditional egalitarian community - values to further the power and interests of the individual in isolation.
But I suppose it has to be dealt with in this consultation from the point of view of its relevance and relation to the problems raised by the threat of Religious Communalism to the Secular Democratic character of Indian polity and the democratic struggle of the people for an egalitarian community.
In the creation of a new egalitarian community, the church as a counter — public of justice names a space in which ways of justice are modeled and formed.
Crossan offers a Jesus who was setting up an egalitarian community in Galilee by free healing and meals open to all comers.
Civitas Solis IV is inspired by the 17th century novel City of the Sun, written by the socialist philosopher Tommaso Campanella, which visualizes a city formed of concentric walls housing an egalitarian community.

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It is the egalitarian life in the community that counts — where the rich do not lord it over the poor (or in Amos» words, where the «rich do not sell the poor for a pair of sandals»), nor men over women.
Society is more or less impersonal, hierarchical, and instrumental; community is personal, egalitarian (in affirming the mystery and consequent incomparability of persons), and an end in itself.
The community of Christ and his circumcision free gospel is inclusive and egalitarian; the community of circumcision is no community at all.37
With capitalistic globalization the Eucharist would be still more of a challenge to the Christians to follow the teaching of Jesus for an egalitarian, free and just human community of disciples and all persons of good will.
Regarding classical cultures as a dialectic of Christian theology and theoria, much work remains to be done in recovering the egalitarian and anti-imperialistic communities of reform - minded Christians, how their orthopraxis in communal experiences of repentance and inclusive wholeness envisaged an orthodoxy expressive of solidarity with the poor and outcast.
The temptation to totalitarian modes of thinking and acting, of course, will always be present even within communities organized along such egalitarian lines.
Biblically literate women looked to scripture to justify their changing situation, especially in the churches.25 Gabriele Dietrich emphasizes three points which are important in our context from the Jesus Movement26: firstly, the Jesus Movement was critical of the existing patriarchal family structure and created new forms of community; secondly, it was egalitarian in terms of class with a bias in favor of the poor; and, thirdly, it provided for a participation of women which was far reaching and unusual under the conditions of the time.27
Following the example of other distinguished political scientists such as Azar Gat and Francis Fukuyama [2], Brown even extends the analysis of leadership back to pre-historic times analysing its emergence in earlier forms of social organization such as egalitarian hunter - gatherer societies noting that with increased community size came the rise of authoritarian chiefdoms, arguably the first true political leaders (pp. 40 - 2).
For Temple Beth El is a Conservative, egalitarian, spiritual community that challenges itself to sanctify each day through prayer, action, study, and mitzvot.
Claiming to be vehicles of opportunity for children, these fraudsters run schools that are more segregated and less egalitarian than the true public schools in their communities.
While growing, all people are learning multiple skills and learn Egalitarian Governance and Commonsing and, and, and... People who join the village are aware they may one day be part of the core of a new group that is split off, amoeba - like, to be the nucleus of a new community.
On this radically egalitarian Internet, the Skywire community gets paid for providing the Internet service.
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