Sentences with phrase «egalitarian cultures»

In more egalitarian cultures such as in Northern Europe where humans are able to pursue their short - term strategies more freely, short - term desires and behaviors are more prevalent among women (and men; Kennair et al., 2009).
«The same holds true in highly sexually egalitarian cultures such as Sweden and Norway as in less egalitarian cultures such as Iran.»
Whole Foods Market strives for an egalitarian culture and caps its executive salaries at no more than 19 times that of the average worker.
In a more egalitarian culture, where women are assumed to have the same value as men, restricting women's roles based on their gender is unnecessarily offensive.
But the fact that this pattern persisted, even in a sexually egalitarian culture like Norway, suggests that evolutionary biology still has an impact, the researchers wrote.
This egalitarian culture of the elementary school is such that veteran teachers do not feel that they can or should offer advice to new teachers.
Teaching has long been bedeviled by its egalitarian culture, in which no member is supposed to rise above the rest.
In America, a much more egalitarian culture with a lot more new construction, things happened very differently.

Not exact matches

It's rare that even top managers have office doors anymore; the egalitarian ethos of the early Internet boom — where companies were more likely to equip their offices with foosball tables than boardroom tables — irrevocably changed corporate culture.
But the engineering tradition that spawned Silicon Valley was much more egalitarian than traditional corporate culture
«Egalitarian business culture is an extraordinary practical way to sustain employee motivation.»
That's a posture one can carry in a patriarchal culture or an egalitarian one, so faithfulness to Scripture does not require an embrace of patriarchy.
«Thus an environmentally enlightened development process necessarily demands a new culture, which will be: egalitarian, with reduced disparities between rich and poor and power equally shared by men and women; resource - sharing; participatory; frugal, when compared to the current consumption patterns of the rich; humble, with a respect for the multiplicity of the world's cultures and lifestyles; and, it will aim at greater self - reliance at all levels of society.»
First, it assumes sexual assault, harassment, and abuse are recent phenomena, products of egalitarian views on gender that grant women equality in the home, church, and culture.
Regarding classical cultures as a dialectic of Christian theology and theoria, much work remains to be done in recovering the egalitarian and anti-imperialistic communities of reform - minded Christians, how their orthopraxis in communal experiences of repentance and inclusive wholeness envisaged an orthodoxy expressive of solidarity with the poor and outcast.
The oppressed struggle for participation at all levels of life, for a just and egalitarian sharing while respecting the differences between persons and groups; they seek communion with other cultures and other values, and with God as the ultimate meaning of history and of their own hearts.
Even though Dan and I were both raised in a complementarian culture, our marriage was «functionally egalitarian» long before we began reevaluating our interpretation of those passages of Scripture so often used to support hierarchal - based gender roles.
There are clearly egalitarian elements even in the overwhelmingly hierarchical context of Japanese culture and civil religion.
• International strategies to contribute to a more egalitarian and fair global order, such as the Alliance of Civilizations, established by Spain and Turkey with United Nations» sponsorship, aimed at achieving better dialogue and cooperation between different cultures and countries, particular the Northern and Southern sides of the Mediterranean Sea.
An increase in the number of women in Albany has helped reshape the culture from an old boys» club, in which women were largely relegated to secretarial positions, to a more egalitarian environment, where women are not only elected to office, but have risen to acquire key chair positions in both houses and led the passage of women - friendly legislation.
The said meeting also unanimously resolved to build: «A restructured, balanced equitable and truly functional Nigerian Federation,» a umane, free, seIf - reliant and democratic society; «a dynamic, productive, transformed and sustainable economy; «a just, fair, egalitarian and peaceful nation, «a land of bright and full of opportunities for all Nigerians; and, a national culture of raising good leaders through effective mentoring;
Children's play and culture learning in an egalitarian foraging society.
An analysis of 93 Austronesian cultures suggests ritual human sacrifice has played a role in keeping societies less egalitarian.
The idea for egalitarian systems came out of ecovillages and Occupy for me, then later was reinforced by info on intact and mostly intact aboriginal cultures, which also work this way.
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