Sentences with phrase «ego gratification»

Aristotle, the wisest of teachers, warned us that ego gratification through comparison — being better, stronger, faster than others — can lead to alienation.
The perpetually ignoring of the actual facts by elites promotes nothing more than ego gratification, superficial pontificating and incredibly poor policy - making.
There are others that may be less helpful and looking more for ego gratification or selling expensive products that are not worth the money.
Because they are no longer getting the ego gratification they were from trashing books / authors, because the ego is an insatiable monster, they are complaining to Amazon and saying the best reviews for people's books are paid reviews and Amazon is summarily pulling them with no consideration for the writers whatsoever.
Support for music suffers if the program is seen as ego gratification for the teachers.»
In the comedy - drama Ruby Sparks, however, directors Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris («Little Miss Sunshine») take the idea that we naturally create our own experience and turn it into a magic trick, a one - of - a-kind miracle that provides ego gratification and manipulation of others.

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The persuasiveness of religious programs toward change appear to be greatest when they are viewed by a person who is in a state of attitude imbalance or transition and seeking new forms of gratification for his or her needs; when they are viewed by a person for whom religious faith has always been a viable, if not vital, option; when the options being presented are seen as realistic and leading to a desirable end; when opportunity for demonstration exists in proximate distance to the viewing situation; and when the attitude or behavior is not central to the individual's self - concept and ego - functioning.
No New Age proponent of the culture of death and instant gratification would risk a potentially cheesy postscript in which the ideal of happiness is not the celebration of occult power or the human ego, but ordinary family life.
If you're trying to achieve your goal for validation, approval or ego - driven reasons, you'll fall into the trap of instant gratification.
It is, in fact, filled with regular people who are different from the rest of the world only in the degree (and the way) they seek ego - gratification and are status - seeking.
It is necessary for lawyers to conduct themselves with unquestionable integrity, devoid of ego or the need for personal gratification.
Sometimes a partner may enter an affair based on personal dissatisfaction or for the personal gratification of obtaining an ego boost, a new sexual experience, or shared emotional intimacy.
But it represents a failure of professional knowledge and understanding in favor of the personal ego - gratification of the mental health professional.
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