Sentences with phrase «ejecting electrons»

The technique probed specific states of vinylidene by ejecting electrons with varying energies from a negative ion precursor.
First, the pulses would eject electrons from a helium gas target.
The researchers applied electrical pulses to eject electrons from the first layer of gallium arsenide and into the second layer.
Photons that happen to interact with an inner shell of a xenon atom eject electrons from that shell and ionize the atom.
The ejected electron was detected by the infrared laser pulse as soon as it left the atom in response to the excitation by XUV light.
Once a photon has ejected an electron from a helium atom, it is possible to calculate the probable position of the remaining electron.
Plotting the energies and momenta of the ejected electrons tells researchers how they were behaving when they were inside the material.
The specific bacterium used in Bren's project was Shewanella oneidensis MR - 1, which consumes toxic heavy metal ions in the wastewater and ejects electrons.

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«When the light hits molecules in Titan's ionosphere, it ejects negatively charged electrons out of the hydrocarbon and nitrile molecules, leaving a positively charged particle behind.
But when the sun ejects major blasts of particles in flares and solar storms, these belts overflow and send electrons streaming toward Earth along the looping lines of the magnetic field, which intersect the planet near the north and south poles.
Or, that Lise Meitner (1934) was the first to describe how outer - shell electrons were ejected after gamma ray bombardment of an atom.
We measured a delay between electrons ejected forward and backward, which depends on the ejection angle and reaches 24 attoseconds.
Using a technique called angle - resolved photoemission spectroscopy (left), the researchers measured the energy and momentum of electrons as they were ejected from the cadmium arsenide.
After the interaction of a xenon atom with two photons from an attosecond pulse (purple), the atom is ionized and multiple electrons (green balls) are ejected.
Light can also be scattered: The surface electrons can grab the photon's energy and then eject a photon of the same wavelength, which is how you see pretty much everything that doesn't emit light on its own.
Regardless of the mode of energy transfer, one electron is ejected from the helium atom.
This is because the one electron that is ejected from the photolyase first causes a break in the chemical bond on the near side of the dimer, but then travels around its outer edge to cause the second break.
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