Sentences with phrase «elaborate conspiracy»

So there's a good chance that the more elaborate a conspiracy theory is, and the more people that would need to be involved, the less likely it is true.
At other times, they'll construct elaborate conspiracy theories about human - caused climate change being a front for a New World Order, with the United Nations as the Illuminati.
Because, «a high degree of mistrust in conventional agencies can make elaborate conspiracies seem plausible».
On my deathbed I'd make up some elaborate conspiracy confession.
Why do you think every financial journal or wealth assessment tool places us squarely within the top tier of richest teams in the footballing world or do you think that is just another example of the elaborate conspiracy on the part of all media institutions bent on bringing down the 6th place team in the EPL, as Wenger and his most ardent supporters would have you believe.
Though only time will tell whether they paid any heed to Nye Bevan's excellent warning to new MPs that parliament is «an elaborate conspiracy to prevent -LSB-...]
Questioning additional relevant parties and following other leads while continuing to check in with Bislane, Karas stumbles upon an elaborate conspiracy which involves genetics, immortality, something that occurred in 2006, and invisible baddies.
In that sense, the agency model seems less like some elaborate conspiracy to control the market and more like a desperate move by a fading industry.
Government attorneys in New York have filed a «civil fraud lawsuit against 14 defendants — including sellers, lenders, and appraisers — alleged to have engaged in an elaborate conspiracy to commit mortgage fraud in New York City that caused at least 17 home buyers to default on their mortgages and face foreclosure.»
The Team was disbanded and cause was unconfirmed by the United Nations but there seemed to be an elaborate conspiracy made by enemies of the task force.
But no, you guys want so much to believe that it's all an elaborate conspiracy to «destroy the economy» that you can't interpret a simple comparison.
Commenting on criticism of the Lavoisier Group by Clive Hamilton, the Cooler Heads Coalition notes that «Hamilton accuses the Lavoisier Group of painting the UN's global warming negotiations as «an elaborate conspiracy in which hundreds of climate scientists have twisted their results to support the climate change theory in order to protect their research funding» and adds, «Sounds plausible to us.»
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