Sentences with phrase «elaborate meal»

While I love to take my time and cook elaborate meals for dinner, this is pretty much impossible during the week these days.
A second kitchen is primarily use by the chef and staff to prepare more elaborate meals for guests.
From quick, delicious weekday breakfasts and dinners, to more elaborate meals for weekend celebrations, this is food that will make you look and feel great.
Probably when I was nursing my sick pregnant self and then literally nursing a newborn and had so little time - or desire - to prepare elaborate meals.
I see too often people get overwhelmed with complicated recipes, elaborate meal planning, and fancy ingredients.
Remember, it's better to cook simply every night than make elaborate meals once in a while.
And It's MY personal secret for getting a quick dose of protein when I don't have time to cook big elaborate meals.
We'll be back with more elaborate meals soon, as well as a few stories.
-- we can all agree that time feels tight more often than not, and at the end of the day a big elaborate meal just isn't going to happen.
The kids probably wouldn't appreciate more elaborate meals anyway.
Traveling long distances, creating elaborate meals, or having one person always play host may not be feasible anymore.
Being a busy mum, I don't have the luxury of spending hours in the kitchen cooking elaborate meals, hence all of my recipes are easy to follow and quick to prepare.
I love making elaborate meals for dinner gatherings and special evenings but when I'm cooking for myself I like to aim for simple, healthy and balanced.
For more elaborate meals, there are multiple options on every street corner.
The holidays are my absolute favorite time to cook... the delicious elaborate meals with multiple courses and my home filled with savory smells and...
And if you're a dedicated lifter, you're probably already struggling to get all the protein you need every day, especially if your schedule doesn't leave you with much time to prepare elaborate meals in the morning.
I'm especially proud of Ayurvedic cuisine for its wholesome and innovative approach to preparing quite elaborate meals out of simplistic veg.
During my pregnancy, I was so exhausted that I found it difficult to find the energy to do any type of elaborate meal prep, especially since I was on my feet prepping food all day at work for cooking demonstrations.
If you love to entertain in your home and cook large elaborate meals for your friends and family, this stainless steel cookware set would be a great investment for you!
Both the Club and the Lounge will offer elaborate meals (unlike anything you'll see stateside), plenty of high end booze, wine and, of course speedy, free Wi - Fi.
Yeah, I finally gave up on trying to pull dinner together by winging it or trying to make different elaborate meals long ago.
Between cooking elaborate meals, busy schedules and getting everything checked off our to - do lists, having a simple go - to recipe is crucial.
From the time she was a teenager, Tracy Spalding had a natural understanding and love for cooking, and she was inspired to prepare elaborate meals for her family and their friends.
Dinner Lab, launched in 2012, has up - and - coming chefs prepare and serve multi-course, elaborate meals in underutilized spaces to its membership - only guests.
It's such a busy time of year - definitely hard to make elaborate meals.
we got so busy cooking more elaborate meals, cleaning and decorating the house that by now we just feel worn out.
I used to cook elaborate meals for my ex-boyfriend when we lived together a few years ago, but my skills are rusty now.
The app puts your diet on autopilot mode; and, based on your diet goals, budget, food preferences and schedule, it prepares an elaborate meal plan.
I come home to find the kids in dirty clothes, the house disordered, and my husband preparing some elaborate meal because, to keep boredom and depression at bay, he has seized on cooking with the enthusiasm he once had for paid work.
Martha meant to honor her friend by preparing an elaborate meal.
So instead of cooking an elaborate meal, she would make tostadas.
When my day begins at 5.30 early morning and ends around 11 in night, cooking an elaborate meal is a far cry.
As much as I enjoy cooking, sometimes I just don't have time to cook up an elaborate meal.
I still fully intend to prepare my more elaborate meals but there are just some days I want something quick and easy and this cauliflower couscous fits the bill.
Perfect for those days when you don't have time to cook elaborate meals but need all the nutrition you can get.
Pressure cookers allow you to be more «spur of the moment,» eliminating the hours that usually come with planning for an elaborate meal.
I keep planning elaborate meals, and then when Danny comes home at nearly 11, we pan-sear some pork chops with plum jam for a quick glaze, dish up some brown rice from the rice cooker, and make a salad with fresh arugula, yellow heirloom tomatoes, and some sunflower seeds.
Okay, maybe her life doesn't exactly parallel ours, but when it comes to food, she is all of us: No time to cook elaborate meals, snacking throughout the day, and dousing everything with sriracha.
The media is filled with images of the «perfect» Christmas: beautiful decorations, elaborate meals, carefully wrapped gifts.
We spend so much time planning and preparing large and elaborate meals, but then we sabotage those meals by offering LOTS of snacking on sweets!
For me, cooking and tidying up are probably the biggest bummers of a staycation because, on top of everything else at home that is calling for my attention (besides the kids), there's the (self - imposed) expectation that the time off from work should necessitate more elaborate meals.
I was determined not to make food a battle ground so we left off the trickery and the elaborate meals and eventually she started to eat well.
Yes, trust me to make elaborate meals but the popcorn thingy just never came out right.
From fun fashion aprons to quick snacks and elaborate meals, you can find interesting ways to encourage your children to enjoy preparing meals while sharing your love of cooking with your kids.
Give yourself a pass on cooking elaborate meals, and drop the guilt about not eating as healthfully as you had planned.
Pieces: If you like to cook elaborate meals, look for a cookware set that comes with several pieces.
Imagine that you cooked an elaborate meal for me.
No time to whip up an elaborate meal?
Eggs are full of healthy nutrients and don't take much prep work, a plus for COPD patients, who often don't have the energy to prepare elaborate meals.
I'd begun reading cookbooks, watching cooking shows, reading cooking magazines, preparing more and more elaborate meals, and learning not just how to eat, but to really appreciate what passed through my body.
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