Sentences with phrase «elaborate on topics»

In AMS, the CJEU was presented with an opportunity to elaborate on the topics of horizontal effect of fundamental rights implemented by a directive and of the Charter's distinction between principles and rights.
Tom gave you the time to elaborate on topics and you covered the stories comprehensively.
The Q&A gives Buffett a chance to elaborate on topics he touched upon in the annual letter and answer other questions as well: healthcare, airlines, Apple, etc..
The speakers also often elaborate on topics that arise in social studies classes.
Please elaborate on this topic as it's hard to know the best quality products and where to find them.
I would love to elaborate on the topic.
She elaborated on that topic with You, adding, «I intend to breastfeed for as long as Ever wants, whether that's two, three years, I don't care.
I won't elaborate on this topic, as you can read about it at any one of the links below.
In this post, I'd like to elaborate on a topic touched upon but deserving further attention: what to expect in Common Core's immediate political future.
Elaboration techniques allow corporate learners to elaborate on a topic so that they can create meaning.
Solarone, I wrote a brief lesson on supply and demand, but I can certainly elaborate on the topic in a future Q&A post.
Hi Please allow me to elaborate on the topic of trading / investing errors because I just may be the expert on this since I've made so many mistakes, over and over again.
Each presentation was accompanied by slides and handouts that illustrated various points and elaborated on the topic at hand.
We elaborate on this topic in our guide to affordable travelling, so check it out for additional valuable information.
But he elaborated on the topic for us.
Perhaps someone else can elaborate on this topic.

Not exact matches

Open - ended questions provide the best opportunity for people to elaborate on a given topic and will keep the conversation flowing smoothly.
And so I'll elaborate on some of the topics more than I did in my VentureHacks post to try and make it worthwhile for anybody who read it over there.
If I were to elaborate it would be to say read, read, read and don't forget to talk to people, really talk, listening with attention and having conversations, on whatever topic, that are an exchange of thoughts.
From Ebok: My question is this: In light of the new interest in the concepts of heaven, hell, and the hereafter, could you elaborate a little on what the doctrine of purgatory really contains, and what your personal views are on that topic?
When I pressed by pointing out that the issue has very much been in the news recently, and that Gillibrand would almost certainly invite a debate on the topic, Long elaborated a bit.
As we are on the (big) topic of protein again, perhaps you might elaborate on the fact that too much protein of any source is problematic, not just of animal origin.
I got a email question this week where a patient wanted to — want — wanted me to elaborate more on this topic.
«When we were doing paragraphing we would use TEEL as the basis - which is Topic, Example, Elaborate and Linking - and then make sure across the three subject areas in the team teaching situation we were focusing on that skill.
In order to increase comprehension and the key details of a reading, this graphic organizer has students identify these topics, locate the page and section it was identified from, and elaborate on the textual evidence they are using to support their claim.
Working with two 4th grade classes of ELLs, Zwiers and Crawford piloted a technique to teach students to use six conversational features that lead to meaty discussions: initiate a worthwhile topic, elaborate and clarify, support another's ideas, build on or challenge another's ideas, apply ideas to life, and paraphrase.
All information elaborated within ALDUS events and initiatives, including training material and in depth resources on the topics of the network (internationalisation, translations, literature promotion, digital innovation) will be made available to the publishing community through the Aldus knowledge hub, an online platform for content and knowledge sharing within the professional book community and for the development of professional and social relations.
Make a general statement on the topic of your history essay and establish the logic on which the ensuing points are elaborated.
Essay writing first requires you to organize your thoughts in point form on a particular topic and use those points to elaborate on your thesis statement.
We'd like to elaborate a little on the topic of OPEN Savings - one of the most valuable OPEN benefits.
Further, there are many dog related topics that aren't generally written about, so if you have a topic you wish me to address, let me know, and I might then elaborate on it here or at my blog, Pooch Master:
The same topic was elaborated in four contributions at WUWT, which generated some 1000 responses all together (that was a lot of work to react on, poor Judith with over 3,000 responses now, you have my compassion!)
Obviously this is a different issue — it doesn't belong strictly speaking to the field of climate science, and I don't how much we are allowed to elaborate on this here (the exact border of what is on and off topics on RC is still slightly unclear for me).
We will be writing a post about an advanced SEO method called topic clusters shortly, which will elaborate further on deeper content architecture.
In addition to running out of time, there is a worry that too many expert presenters may leave insufficient time for country delegations to intervene and make statements elaborating their policy and views or ask questions and generally deliberate on the topics at hand.
The Aotearoa New Zealand Campaign to Stop Killer Robots calls on the New Zealand government to publicly elaborate its position on fully autonomous weapons and contribute to the emerging diplomatic process on this topic.
And more than that, it gives you the opportunity to further demonstrate your fit for the position, as well as the chance to elaborate on some key topic discussed during the interview.
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