Sentences with phrase «elasticity in»

Every increase in bitcoin's demand delivers a price increase since there is very little elasticity in bitcoin's supply, Weber said.
For example, various display devices, e.g., a display device having a flexible display panel that is bent or rolled, a display device having a stretchable display panel having elasticity in at least one direction, etc., have been developed.
There is much plasticity and elasticity in ice and pressure also changes it.
Anything with mass and elasticity in a gravitational field can vibrate or oscillate
You seem to have put some elasticity in there, with units spreading out a bit when they get bunched up.
Since this key vitamin does such a great job of protecting cells from damaging free radicals, it can also help maintain elasticity in muscles and connective tissues.
If your pet has a loss of elasticity in the skin or the gums are pale and sticky, those are sign of dehydration.
Dehydrated dogs may lose their appetites, get dry gums, lose the elasticity in their skin, have sunken eyes, or even suffer from depression.
Price elasticity In general, the higher the price of a product the lower the demand for it.
This gearing, combined with the broad torque band — the motor produces its maximum torque all the way from 2,500 to 4,000 rpm — gives the car exceptional elasticity in second gear.
This all comes down to a combination of specialized tread blocks, and a winter rubber compound that keeps its full elasticity in sub-freezing conditions.
This product uses a combination of black pine, black oat, soy, wild yam, and black tea to lift, firm, and improve elasticity in the skin.
My skin lost a lot of elasticity in Europe and now I just want to try anything to get it back.
I never even though of the beloved plastic elasticity in my jeans being the exact reason why it is so hard to recycle jeans.
While its true that many a 21 - year - old has dewiness and elasticity in her corner, when it comes to fashion, the large majority doesn't...
But while its true that many a 21 - year - old has dewiness and elasticity in her corner, when it comes to fashion, the large majority doesn't have a clue.
We've formulated our new retinol balm to be nourishing, potent for anti-aging, and a proponent for radiance and elasticity in your skin care regimen... all while being vegetarian!
And just as with plyometrics (jump drills), the «explosive» action of uphill sprints improves elasticity in your muscles and tendons, which allows you to spring quickly into action after landing.
Continuous cycling can lead to gradual loss of elasticity in the muscles and may even decrease overall joint flexibility.
The extract helps to recover both firmness and elasticity in the skin, but is also a rich source of phytochemicals, also known as a type of antioxidant compound found naturally in the plantain.
This abundant protein is what keeps the elasticity in your skin making it look youthful and plumped up, but as we age the amount of collagen we produce reduces and our skin gets saggy and wrinkled.
When this happens, the elasticity in our skin is reduced, which results in saggy skin and wrinkles.
This results in the loss of elasticity in your skin and connective tissue, therefore cellulite becomes more noticeable.
There is less elasticity in tired muscles, which results in decreased ROM.
It's what provides elasticity in bread dough — helping it to rise and hold its shape.
If you have that strong elasticity in your skin, this is for you.
Since we lose the elasticity in our skin as we age, the older you are, the poorer you are as a candidate.
Step 4: Build strength and elasticity in the deep and superficial musculature around the spine to provide sufficient support without creating stress and tension.
The main culprit of the turkey neck is a loss of elasticity in your skin as well as the development of the platysmal bands, which are thin bands of a muscle that are located in your neck.
-- the amount we produce begins to decline, leading to less moisture and elasticity in our skin, nails and hair that appear frail and brittle, and joints and bones with less strength and flexibility.
It takes about two years of exercising four to five days a week to accomplish, but the results are improved elasticity in blood vessels that lead to a reduced risk of heart disease.
Stretch your mind, and your body with the way you think and move, maintain that beautiful elasticity in your skin by integrating new steps in your skin care ritual.
This improves elasticity in tendons and ligaments that decline with age.
Gluten is a large, water - soluble protein that creates the elasticity in dough.
Extracorporeal pulse activation therapy (EPAT) was shown to increase skin elasticity in just a few weeks [2].
The elasticity in your skin is what gives it the ability to stretch and go back to normal.
Collagen is the most abundant form of protein in our bodies, responsible for the elasticity in our skin, hair, and nails, and ease of mobility in our joints and muscles, but most importantly, the health of our digestive system.
Uhm, I would say a little loss of elasticity in skin.
This is because as a person ages, the epidermic (outer layer of skin) thins and loses elasticity in a process known as elastosis.
As we age, our once - spry muscles lose elasticity in the joints and connective tissue and lead us to develop more aches, pains and injuries.
Fixing the problem could mean going on a different type of hormonal birth control or relying on a vaginal estrogen cream to rebuild elasticity in vaginal tissue.
It is a single target that influences a great many aspects of aging: if we look at just the cross-link-induced loss of elasticity in blood vessels alone, that has a major influence on mortality through hypertension and consequent impact on cardiovascular health.
These cross-links are a major cause of the reduced elasticity in skin and blood vessels that occurs with aging, among many other issues, but even blood vessel stiffening taken on its own is enough to kill people through hypertension, distortion of cardiovascular system tissues, and eventual catastrophic failure of the heart or blood vessel integrity.
The arrangement and constituents of the matrix are what gives each tissue its particular set of properties: elasticity in skin and blood vessels, the ability to bear load without brittleness in cartilage and bone, and so forth.
Bethesda, Md. (March 20, 2018)-- Minoxidil, a popular drug used on the scalp to treat hair loss, might improve blood flow to the brain, lower blood pressure and increase elasticity in the blood vessels if taken in an oral form, according to a new study in mice.
«This morphology gives the robot the mechanical properties from which cats benefit, that's to say a marked running ability and elasticity in the right spots, to ensure stability,» explains Alexander Sprowitz, a Biorob scientist.
This will make it impossible for you to feed the material over as there is hardly any elasticity in the material.
The weight gain of pregnancy and the fact that your breasts will go through daily changes as your breasts expand and decrease your milk production all cause a loss of elasticity in your breasts.
With a recent clinical trial showing a 110 % improvement in skin elasticity in just 8 weeks, Osmosis Pür Medical Skincare's Catalyst AC - 11 DNA Repair Serum is now one of the most powerful age reversing serums on the market right now.
He added that in order to maintain high quality standards as well as to ensure elasticity in the supply chain, a «price increase is inevitable to cover costs and remain profitable.»
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