Sentences with phrase «elbows bent at»

Have both elbows bent at 90 degrees while holding the band in both hands.
Start with arms in goal post position: elbows bent at 90 degrees at shoulder height.
Starting Position: Begin by lying face down on a bench with your arms at your sides and your elbows bent at 90 degrees.
When scrolling best practice is to keep the elbows bent at 90 ° and locked into the side.
Holding a weight in each hand, press the weights together and hold your forearms in front of you, elbows bent at 90 degrees.
Bring the dumbbells form resting on your knees to the side of your head, elbows bent at a 90 degree angle.
Think about lifting up and out of the shoulders to keep both elbows bent at 90 degrees.
Stand with feet shoulder - width apart, a 3 - pound dumbbell in each hand, elbows bent at shoulder height and palms facing forward.
Here's how to do it: Stand with feet hip - width apart, holding an 8 - to 10 - pound dumbbell in each hand, elbows bent at sides and weights just above shoulders.
The first half of the motion, from arms fully extended at 180 degrees angle, to elbows bent at 90 degrees angle, the bulk of the lift is handled by the brachialis and brachioradialis.
Lie on your side, hold the dumbbell in the hand that's on the top, with the elbow bent at 90 degrees.
Personal Trainer Tips: Make sure you keep your elbow bent at 90 degrees throughout the motion and focus on turning your shoulder out.

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Also, why is Mathis afraid of bending at the elbows?
The project will not only require an extension of the metro, but also a pedestrian bridge across the Tiber to a new train station, and more connective road infrastructure at the isolated site, which is nestled against a flood - prone elbow bend in the Tiber on the outskirts of Rome.
A tiny touch (not even a full drop) on the inside bend of the elbow and wait at least 12 hours to make sure you don't have a reaction.
Your baby also may look scrunched up since the legs and arms have been kept bent at the knees and elbows while in the womb.
Surely you've seen your little ones with their knees, ankles, hips, elbows, wrists and even fingers bent at all times.
Sit on an exercise bench with back support and hold two dumbbells in front of you at about upper chest level with your palms facing your body and your elbows bent.
ACTION: Raise arms lateral (away from the body) out to the side with a slight bend at the elbow to shoulder level.
Extend your arms above you with a slight bend at the elbows and rotate the wrists so that the palms are facing you.
Maintaining a slight bend at the elbows, slowly lower your arms out at the sides in a wide arc until your chest is fully stretched.
However, the problem arises when the elbow isn't locked throughout the movement — instead, most guys will maintain a 90 - degree bend at the bottom and then completely straighten their arm at the top.
Keep a slight bend at the elbows to keep the tension on your triceps.
Lift the dumbbells up and bring them at shoulder width, then slowly lower your arms out at both sides in a wide arc until you feel a good stretch in your chest, while maintaining a slight bend at the elbows at all times.
Keeping your chest up and your torso stationary, raise the weights to the sides with a slight bend at the elbow until your arms are parallel to the floor, then lower them back down.
From here, bend at the elbows to lower your upper body towards the floor.
Slightly bend your elbows, then slowly lower your arms out at the sides in a wide arc until you feel a good stretch in the chest muscles.
Hold the weights at shoulder height with your elbows bent as you do a squat.
At the top of the position pull your legs in to touch your elbows but DO N'T bend your knees.
Keeping the arms extended and maintaining a slight bend at the elbows, raise the weights out until your elbows are at shoulder height and your arms are parallel to the floor, then lower them back down.
Grab the dumbbell with both hands and hold it over your chest with a slight bend at the elbows.
Do 20 reps. Next, with weights in hands (palms face up) and elbows bent to 90 degrees, rotate shoulders forward until elbows are at shoulder height and palms are facedown.
Hold one of the heavy dumbbells at chest height with both hands, elbows bent and drawn in tight to your sides and chest up the entire time.
Then, lift your left leg up, bending at the knee, as you bring your left arm down, touching knee to elbow.
But rather than interlace your fingers behind you as you normally would, press your upper arms and elbows into the ground and bend the arms at 90 degrees with your fingertips pointing toward the sky.
Take a dumbbell in one hand and bring it up at shoulder level with your elbow bent and palm facing forward, while standing up tall with feet at shoulder width apart.
The arms should be slightly bent at the elbows and your hands facing your body.
How to: Start standing with feet hip - width apart, hands in fists and elbows bent so your hands are at your chest, elbows in by your sides (a).
Keeping a slight bend at the elbows, lower your arms out to both sides in a wide arc and feel the chest stretch.
Lie on your back with your legs in tabletop (knees bent at 90 degrees), then twist up so your left elbow touches your right knee, then repeat on the other side.
Start slowly lowering the weights down and out on either side in a wide arc while keeping your arms as straight as possible but with a slight bend at the elbow.
Stand with your back against the wall and bring your arms at shoulder height while bending the elbows about 90 degrees.
With your elbows slightly bent and facing the ceiling, raise the dumbbells to shoulder level squeezing your shoulder blades at top of the movement.
Your elbows should be bent at about 90 degrees.
Keeping your body perfectly still, bring the dumbbells up and out to your side, bending slightly at the elbow and tilting your hands forwards, as if you were pouring liquid from a jug.
To perform it, stand with a long stick in front of you and position your hands wide at either end, then raise the stick over your head without bending your elbows.
Your arms should be extended so that the body forms the letter T. Curl the handles toward your ears, by bending your arms only at the elbows.
Start lowering your arms at both sides making a wide arc by slightly bending your elbows in order to avoid stressing the biceps.
Your hands should be bent at your elbows forming a right angle in this position.
Starting with your arms straight at your side, bend the elbow and curl the arm up towards your chest, hold, then lower back down.
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