Sentences with phrase «electric potential»

When the difference in electric potential between positive and negative charges becomes large enough, a sudden electrical discharge (lightning) will occur.
The presence of electric potential differences in muscles is the result of motor unit action potentials produced by the central nervous system (CNS).
Although many inferences drawn from electric potential difference within muscles recorded by EMG amplitude are not valid, there are reasons to believe that more confidence can be achieved when assessing tension within a muscle by proxy by recording EMG amplitude.
A neutral particle approaching a surface feels an attractive electric potential first, then a repulsive one caused by the surface's electric field.
The nanogenerator relies on the triboelectric effect to harness energy from the changing electric potential between the pavement and a vehicle's wheels.
Using a single molecule as a sensor, scientists in Jülich have successfully imaged electric potential fields with unrivalled precision.
Center: Simulated electric potential above a PTCDA molecule with molecular structure.
This so - called optical lattice is similar to an egg carton, where each peak represents a maximum electric potential, while each trough represents a minimum.
The team observed that when atoms are spaced so that each occupies a trough in the optical lattice, when the ion crystal as a whole is dragged across the optical lattice, the atoms first tend to stick in the lattice's troughs, bound there by their preference for the lower electric potential, as well as by the Coulomb forces that keep the atoms apart.
Some of what researchers believed to be chaotic electric potentials in neurons are turning out the be surprisingly orderly.
But in such experiments, the effects of the local electric potential and the electric field are convoluted, making it very hard to understand the results.
Electrochromic coatings, such as tungsten trioxide (WO3), have the ability to change their optical properties in the presence of a small electric potential difference, a property essential for the construction of energy efficient windows.
The team's findings — which take the study of atomic structure to a whole new level of detail — reveal the arrangement of solvating water molecules changes dramatically when environmental conditions change (such as in response to applied electric potential).
When the researchers applied a positive electric potential, the plate yanked down on the carboxylic acids, exposing their water - repelling hydrocarbon chains.
Voltage is a measure of the difference in electric potential between two points.
This electric field is determined by the ionosphere - Earth electric potential, which in the Polar Regions is controlled not only by tropical thunderstorms and by the galactic cosmic - ray intensity but also by solar cosmic - ray fluxes.
Normalization is a method by which multiple measurements of electric potential difference within muscles using EMG can be compared with one another.
Compromising core ideals for the sake of individual players was understandable last season, as the electric potential of Suarez and Sturridge (& latterly Sterling) was obvious for all to see.
The researchers harvested energy from the electric potential, or voltage, across the ion gradients.
The tiny structure rotates and flaps about the pivots (labeled), producing an electric potential across the electrodes (labeled).
Here he pinions his mosquitoes between tungsten electrodes to monitor the crackle of electric potential that fires in response to a love song.
During a thunderstorm, a buildup of electric potential difference — called voltage — between a cloud and the ground leads to a sudden, violent discharge of that electric energy in the form of lightning.
When Baughman's group connected twisted pairs of the fibers to a battery, they created an electric potential between the two strands, turning them into a supercapacitor, a device capable of storing electric charge.
The researchers» setup also allowed them to have control of the salt composition of the solution, and temperature, as well as the electric potential of the nickel surface.
When the electric potential difference reaches a certain critical value, the more likely corrosion will begin and the quicker it will spread.
«One of the most important aspects of our finding is the significance of the electric potential difference between the film of interest and the apposing surface in initiating corrosion,» Kristiansen added.
The researchers have now devised a new theoretical framework that allows them to isolate the electric field effect from the electric potential effect, and quantify both independently.
In many of these applications, she says, there can be an internal voltage gradient created within the thin - film material, and this «electric potential» gradient causes strong electric fields.
The sensor measures the electric potential difference in the reinforced concrete — large differences mean that the reinforcement has already started to corrode in those areas.
Using large - scale molecular dynamics simulations on NaCl solutions at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center, the team determined the fluctuations in the charges, electric potentials and fields.
Taking a walk in the forest, laughing with friends, doing Tai Chi or charging your chakras will do more for your chi circulation, bioelectricity (the electric potential across cell membranes) or photonic energy (light) than any biscuit ever will.
An electric field is detected when there is electric potential or voltage present.
Thus, the electric potential created by PEMF stimulates fracture healing.
The study of electricity in muscles probably began as early as the middle of the 1600s, with the discovery of the electric ray fish and experiments using frog legs (Clarys, 1994; Reaz et al. 2006), although it was not until 1792 that it was discovered that electricity could actually produce muscle contractions (Reaz et al. 2006), and 1849, when it was found that electric potential difference (also known as voltage) could be monitored in voluntary muscle actions (Reaz et al. 2006).
EMG can therefore be most simply defined as the study of electricity in muscles (usually by reference to the electric potential difference, recorded as a voltage)(Reaz et al. 2006; Burden, 2007).
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