Sentences with phrase «electric utility meters»

Well whenever they converted it, they did not separate the gas and electric utility meters.

Not exact matches

On the tape, a confessed arsonist claimed that in the «50s and «60s, he and Charles Raffa had turned back utility meters, presumably to help people and businesses cheat on gas and electric bills.
The state's three investor - owned utilities, Pacific Gas & Electric, Southern California Edison and San Diego Gas & Electric, initially argued for fixed charges for solar customers, but in the last month authored a new proposal that would preserve net metering but reduce the rate at which solar customers are compensated for the power they export.
Currently, more than half of American households have smart meters and they are increasingly being deployed by utilities around the country as part of utility efforts to modernize the electric grid.
APS appears to be leading the first assault of a national campaign by the utility industry trade association, Edison Electric Institute (EEI), and fossil fuel interests like APS, to weaken net metering policies.
Utilities have installed more than 60 million smart electric meters in North America in the past decade, the Wall Street Journal recently noted, adding that the challenge now is figuring out what to do with all the information the devices are generating.
As the largest electric utility in the state, Eversource stands to benefit most from stepping away from net metering.
However, in 2010, electric utilities started reporting to EIA the capacity of their customers» behind - the - meter generation, which is larger than utility - scale capacity.
It should be noted that while all solar systems in the US can qualify for federal incentive programs like the Investment Tax Credit, you're more likely to get more incentive opportunities, like net - metering — allowing you to sell power back to the utility — with a grid - connected system than with an off - grid electric system, since most incentives are offered through utilities.
Gas and electric are metered at each spot, so these utilities not included in the rental price.
Instead of cutting residents a break for helping solve the climate crisis, in state after state utility corporations — led by the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and the Edison Electric Institute (whose political advocacy efforts ratepayers actually underwrite)-- are passing legislation that pre-empts «net - metering» laws, which let customers sell their excess power back to the grid.
Net metering also results in additional administrative costs for the electric utility, which show up in other users» bills.
Suppose electric utilities in Nevada were to reduce the compensation for net metering from retail to wholesale rates to put solar panel users on a level playing field with other generators.
A Critique of Brookings Institutution's Mark Muro and Devashree Saha: Rooftop Solar: Net Metering Is A Net Benefit [1] by Tom Tanton, E&E Legal's Director of Science and Technology Assessment Across the country, more and more electric utility customers are using rooftop solar panels and other small - scale, on - site power sources known as distributed generation (DG).
One of the biggest reasons that rooftop solar panels have become much more than green status symbols for wealthy customers is net metering, a policy which allows solar panel - owning homeowners to see their electric meters spin backwards — and their utility bills shrink — as they generate their own electricity.
Advocates of distributed solar energy in Virginia are watching nervously this summer as electric utilities and the solar industry negotiate the future of net metering, the policy that makes rooftop solar economically viable in a state with no other incentives.
Nevada's electric utility company, NV Energy, indicated that restoring net metering under an earlier version of the revised policy would be expensive — over $ 63 million each year, or about $ 1.3 billion over two decades.
We assume that the White House is on the Potomac Electric Company's Residential Time Metered (RTM) schedule, with 3.5 % utility escalation rate, and 5c / kWh for Net Surplus Compensation.
Since then, customers have purchased enough solar to put some utilities close to a cap that limits net metering to 2 percent of annual electric sales.
Virtual net metering (also called virtual net energy metering, or VNEM) uses the same compensation structure as net energy metering (NEM): utilities pay customers the retail rate for the energy that their solar system feeds back to the electric grid, so that they pay only for the net amount of energy they consume.
The rules are designed to permit public entity electric utility customers to install a solar generation system, sized not to exceed the aggregate of the metered annual use of the customer's qualified facilities that are all in the same rate class under the applicable tariff.
A «smart meter» is an electric or gas meter that electronically transmits meter readings to the utility.
In 2012, they looked only at the PG&E utility territory, which includes more than two thirds of the net costs of net metering for non-participants, as well as for all electric utility customers across the state of California.
They concluded that «Net metering — contra the Nevada decision — frequently benefits all electric utility customers when all costs and benefits are accounted for...» This brief assesses the Brookings paper and finds it lacking in approach and coverage of issues.
Most utilities offer full net metering, which means that you receive a credit on your electric bill for every kilowatt - hour of electricity your solar panels produce (even if you don't use them immediately).
Another oft - cited study, by LBNL in 2010, [8] did not examine the value of net metering of solar to non-participating electric utility customers; instead, the authors reviewed the impact of retail rate design on hypothetical net metering bill savings.
In May, the Brookings Institute published a paper, by Muro and Saha, purportedly aimed at addressing the policy question posed by the growing level of net metered electric utility customers and the growing debate about its economics.
The term «cost» as used herein means only those charges specifically authorized by the electric utility's tariff, including but not limited to the customer, energy, demand, fuel, conservation, capacity and environmental charges made by the electric utility plus applicable taxes and fees to the customer of record responsible for the master meter payments.
There are two electric meters so each tenant pays their own electric bill but all the other utilities are shared.
I do think our local utility company does offer a option for a second meter with lower rates for those rare electric heat homes.
In order to make sure you don't get charged more for utilities than you should, take a reading off the water, gas, and electric meters on the day the tenant leaves the premises.
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