Sentences with phrase «electrical conduction»

Electrical conduction refers to the movement of electric charges or electricity through a substance or material. It is how electricity flows or travels from one point to another within a conductor, allowing the transfer of energy and the functioning of electrical devices. Full definition
Role: Potassium is a vital electrolyte that plays a key role in electrical conduction in and among cells, particularly important for muscle and cardiac contractions.
The purpose of defibrillation of ventricular arrhythmias is to apply a controlled electrical shock to the heart, which leads to depolarization of the entire electrical conduction system of the heart.
Travelling to Leiden University and other research centres in Holland for five days, the 15 students heard about current research being done in low temperature physics, astrophysics and robotic engineering, through talks on electrical conduction through a wire made of a single line of atoms, quantum communications, cryogenics and the exciting discoveries of planets orbiting stars outside the solar system.
Additionally, the water of your nervous system requires salt for electrical conduction to send and receive
«This also provides an extraordinary advancement to the study of human heart diseases resulting from electrical conduction defects and the resulting heart muscle changes that occur.»
There, electrons exhibit quantized resistance - free electrical conduction that is immune to disorder such as material impurities or surface defects.
In the heart, calcification can disrupt electrical conduction and lead to heart blocks.
Certain aromatic residues (either circled in light red or dangling out like threads) pop out of the fiber and provide insights into electrical conduction.
Dehydration can cause electrolyte disturbances, which can interfere with electrical conduction of the heart and nervous system.
These abnormalities lead to electrical conduction anomalies, deficiencies in the strength and timeliness of heart contractions, and compromise the ability of the heart chambers to adequately fill with blood.
An electrocardiogram (or EKG) recording can be used to examine the electrical currents in the heart muscles, and may reveal any abnormalities in cardiac electrical conduction (which underlies the heart's ability to contract / beat), and can also help your veterinarian to determine the origin of the abnormal heart rhythms, if they are present.
A jelly or liquid is applied to improve electrical conduction between the dog and the electrodes.
Event or Holter monitors can also be used to record electrical conduction of the heart while the pet resumes normal activities.
Dog seizures are due to abnormal electrical conduction within the brain, that results in a loss of consciousness (in most cases), and various physical signs that can be associated with the seizure.
A team of scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research (MPI - P) discovered that electrical conduction in graphene on the picosecond timescale — a picosecond being one thousandth of one billionth of a second — is governed by the same basic laws that describe the thermal properties of gases.
When the heart repolarizes, the normal electrical conduction may assert itself, in which case the ventricular arrhythmia is terminated.
Additionally, the water of your nervous system requires salt for electrical conduction to send and receive nervous system signals.
Thus it belongs to the nature of acids to corrode and of copper to conduct electricity because the very structure, the form, the what - it - is - to - be acid and copper is to be capable of corrosion and electrical conduction, respectively.
Determining the true contact area is important for understanding not only the degree of friction between the pieces, but also other characteristics such as the electrical conduction or heat transfer.
And the rise in electronic temperature, caused by the passing currents, in turn has a strong effect on the electrical conduction of graphene» explains Professor Mischa Bonn, Director at the MPI - P.
This much simpler thermodynamic approach to the electrical conduction in graphene will allow scientists and engineers not only to better understand but also to improve the performance of graphene - based nanoelectronic devices.
A team of Columbia Engineering researchers, led by Mechanical Engineering Professor James Hone and Electrical Engineering Professor Kenneth Shepard, has taken advantage of graphene's special properties — its mechanical strength and electrical conduction — and created a nano - mechanical system that can create FM signals, in effect the world's smallest FM radio transmitter.
Electrical conduction is the movement of electrically charged particles through a transmission medium.
«Some medications affect how other medications are metabolized, while others cause changes in the electrical conduction system of the heart.»
Common arrhythmias seen include bundle branch block (a block in the electrical conduction that controls contraction, causing skipped beats) and atrial fibrillation (irregular chaotic heart beat).
An arrhythmia is an abnormal heart rate which could indicate a disease of the electrical conduction system of the heart.
The dog» heart sometimes beats erratically (arrhythmia) due to an electrical conduction disorder.
Your veterinarian may also ask to perform an ultrasound of the heart called an echocardiogram, or an electrocardiogram (ECG), which will show the electrical conduction in the heart to screen for any arrhythmiasA condition in which the heart beats with an irregular or abnormal rhythm..
The heart has an electrical conduction system that is responsible for controlling the hea... Read more
Let's start by looking at diseases of the heart muscle, and then move to diseases affecting the other main parts of the heart: valves, blood vessels and the electrical conduction system.
«The reason for his fast heart rate was due to a congenital problem called an accessory pathway, where the electrical conduction in his heart has the normal pathway plus an extra pathway.
This allows the electrical conduction in his heart to periodically go much faster than it normally would.
An arrhythmia is an abnormality of the electrical conduction system of the heart.
Cardiopulmonary Procedures This class will introduce the electrical conduction system of the heart and the cardiac cycle as they relate to ECGs (Electrocardiograms).
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